It is absolutely, positively, 100% HAPPENING

It is absolutely, positively, 100% HAPPENING...

>Is now leading
What? She's been leading for over a year now.

when is the frog election again

she's leading in a potential run off

>/pol when polls said Hillary was gonna win
Polls are rigged. Fuck polls.
>Sup Forums now that polls say something that makes them happy
Yes! It's happening. Based polls.

The Jews allowed the migration crisis to occur so that right wing politicans would get elected, ensuring that Israel can get an revenge seeking Europe to help them build Greater Israel.

>the polls weren't rigged

France isn't as politically corrupt as your country is.

>implying they need right-wing politicians to do that

You'd have a stronger point if Sup Forums got it wrong. But Sup Forumss instincts were right.

>this argument again

The polls, conducted by establishment shills, are always a means of influencing the public instead of informing. In most cases this doesn't matter because there is controlled opposition, but with Trump, Brexit, etc the establishment senses that they are in trouble.

So close...

23 April

I think the point is that pollsters don't really WANT this result, so if the polls are showing that outcome then things must be much worse for them than advertised

like how Trump was only +1 or so in Ohio but then wins by 10%

The polls are wrong in France aswell. Le Pen is winning by a larger margin than what is currently being presented.
The polls in France got fixed last year after the Trump win in fears of "sending out the wrong signals".

The Frog Election? Are you referring to when Trump was meme magicked into office by Pepe or the French election?

Doesn't the far right always poll ahead in French polls? Then when they actually count it they do miserably?

It's like the opposite of the Trump polls.

One hell of a birthday gift for me!

Polls were rigged in favor of one candidate, not just randomly. No one would rig the polls for Le Pen, unless they're trying to rally her opponents

we've been coaxed into a snafu by the Jews yet again

Not really they generally outperform their polls by a bit but the french electoral system make that the cuckservatives and the liberals ally against them so they never actually rule since both of them are still higher than the FN

Tbh they have the 2nd round of voting specifically to stop situations like Le Pen, in which the people would win and not (((they))), by the way of "all parties throw all their votes in a common pool against Le Pen". How the fuck is this legal is beyond me, even more since there is a similar system in my country also.

Aw, I love nice Superman.

That's the one. That's what I believe is happening, they are trying to scare the support to come out to stop her. One French news outlet already said it wouldn't be doing any predicted poles

>trusting polling post-Trump, post-Brex

Polls are flawed, as anyone with a brain knows by now. Voter enthusiasm is the most important factor.

She needs at least 51% of the votes. It's impossible, she can't win. Same with all European countries. Every single party that is not evil Nazis will form a coalition to stop Nazis from having power.


This is an underrated comment

I don't have much longer to live and I was planning to sacrifice my sysadmin job to force millions of people in France to watch a 5 minute pro-FN propaganda video when they visit my employer's site. I thought it might move the needle in the election, but now I don't know if I should bother.
I just wanted to make a difference before I die


The why are they working so hard against it

"Do it for her"

Strategy to control the narrative against Trump with polls failed. They are now garnering contempt by showing she's the favorite in polls; hoping folks won't show up to vote.

Tricks everyone. Ignore polls, and vote Le Pen.

yeah this is how i always saw it, if the polls are biased and skewed, a +1 for trump could really be +10 or +5, while a +5 for clinton could be +1 for trump

They are trying to rally support for the opposition. I would meme but I don't know french.

The globalist faction is a breakaway civilization. They want to rule the world and answer to no one, not even other Jews or their pesky rabbinical rules.
The "lesser Jews" in Israel and the broader diaspora weren't ever actually invited to the globalism party, although many acted as useful idiots to the globalists because they incorrectly believed they were invited.
disclaimer: I made all of this up in my own head to fill in the blanks of my knowledge

>scientific polls don't take in to account Voter Enthusiasm because it's for the candidate they didn't want

Why are the french so based and the germans so cucked?

>French politics

literally who cares?

Thanks for the bump.

next couple of years is gonna be gud

>The Frog Election?
dude, lerk more. frog=french(cuz they eat them)


this x1000

>Macron married Brigitte Trogneux, 24 years older than him and his former French teacher in high school, in 2007. The couple lives with Trogneux's children from a previous marriage in France.


fake news

>Sup Forums when polls are rigged
Polls are rigged. Fuck polls.
>Sup Forums when polls aren't rigged
Yes! It's happening. Based polls.


The poll should take that into account. Are you like statistics retarded?

Week ago Zhirinovskiy (russian (((insider)))) said that Russia will also put Le Pen in charge

~That is to say, you'd do it for her.~

Shes has shit positions.

I dont like the idea that we are taking her only because there is nothing better.

This is the only thing you should post on any Le Pen threads ever. France isn't like the USA and she is not Trump. There's absolutely no chance for her to win because you don't know France, you've been misleaded by the polls where she leads the other candidates, that's BEFORE the 'secound round' when TWO candidates face off, this is where she's at 30-35% against 60-65% for any other candidate.

Tl;dr you've been fooled, she never had a chance

>what are white lies and false promises to bring down the enemy's guard until you get into power

Will the EU truly be good as dead if shes elected?


They probably are wrong user but let the implication there sink in.

If the rigged polls have her polling ahead, how ahead would she be in an unrigged poll?

>The most recent poll results were Shillary +2%
>Final popular vote results were Shillary +2%

If the Jews built Greater Israel themselves instead of demanding we do it for them I'd have no problem with it. I'm always in favor of kebab removal. Wish they'd fuck off and do it by themselves for themselves.

If the theory is correct, they might be working against it to further push conservatism. The more outlandish and insane the left is the more people we'll abandon it. Lena Dunham is a good example of someone whose career may be entirely based on making liberals seem crazy.

Jews are trying to outdo other jews. They are not loyal even among themselves.

>Ohio polls
Jesus christ, how wrong they were on that

Did they just poll Cleveland?

It might have to actually be less shit, i dont think she wants to leave

>leftist scum continue making up lies to demonize the other side

Like pottery.

She fucking wants dude.
Apparently, she'll say to the UE, we want our own money and our border, renogociate treaty (and many others things) and if EU refuse, she will make a referundum like Brexit and compaign for the leave.

i hope

It's not happening. Europe is lost

The key is that Sup Forums is right. Not polls

do it mate

why are you dying f a m?

Merkel is the final boss and she will be 100% re-elected

>mfw people still believe in polls

dutch autist

If France backs out then it will just be Germany and your cuck satellite states. Germany will get tired of supporting them and you will back out.

How about just using individual polls instead of an aggregation. Many were way off for Clinton.

Most, if not all, gave Clinton the win.

Once Germany is in ashes the EU gives the German people the permission to leave.

(you are forgetting Italy. They will be the new Nr. 2 IF France pulls out)

Now we just need far right politicians.

I do hate the fact they're all pro-church, while churches are bringing and helping illegals and refugees.

never trust polls

but I do want this to fucking happen! MAKE FRANCE GREAT AGAIN

>there are 23 months in a year

Don't believe them, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!


Monmouth was actually asking HRC staff what their polls should say. MSM collusion was not the only thing the Dems were up to.

Election Hacking?



We need to start making memes for Mama pen.