The band has issued this song on the eve of the Inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump to serve as commentary on a politically-charged, historical moment. #wearestillhumanz
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The band has issued this song on the eve of the Inauguration of President-Elect Donald Trump to serve as commentary on a politically-charged, historical moment. #wearestillhumanz
pic related
garbage music
>pretentious wankery trying to invoke gospel and traditional African music because "drumpf is rayciss xD"
I miss Demon Days
>Popular music group has leftist opinions and does X over trump
You're not going to find a redpilled group.
>nigger sings
wow racist
Their only good album.
the self-titled was pretty damn good I thought but, yeah Demon Days and the s/t were their only good alums.
Demon days had the same shit. Damon Albarn has always thought old washed out rappers played over his britpop was the coolest shit, even though fans of the band have done shit like edit the rap-segment out of dirty harry because they actually hold their music potential back.
>tfw you really like the gorillaz, even after you grew out of them
>hear this
I'm not even mad about the overbearing political tone, that was just a really poor song
Kill yourself. Gorrillaz haven't made decent music in 6 years.
I call for bullshit
You're a nigger
White nigger
shit, I've been found out.
I don't understand why everything has to make some sort of political statement these days. Why can't artists just create art and let it stand or fall on it's own merits?
At the very least I hope this is just one song, because their new album was one of the only things I was looking foward to this year.
Is there any reason why 99% of the musicians are fucking leftists?
It's another
You snowflake cucks are as bad as liberals sometimes.
Song was still kind of shit though. Was more an interpretive performance art piece than an actual track, but it wasn't a very good one.
Their eponymous album is still their best album
>8 years on suicide watch for these left wing retards
>listen to us we are cartoon apes
Because there's big money in signalling breh.
Take a dump and flush it... or leave it unflushed and call it a political statement and some college age retard desperate to feel special and smart and show the world how enlightened they are will pay you top dollar to stand there sniffing it.
>Oy vey do what I want and I make you famous
>Oy vey if you say this we blackmail you
Don't you understand that that in and of itself is a political/cultural statement?
That art should be the production of an object valuable in itself rather than as some part serving some higher agenda is foundational because it also follows that human beings should be valuable in themselves rather than as part of some larger community group agenda.
>I call for bullshit
Demon days had
>Feel Good Inc featuring De La Soul, a retro rap group known for clean rap
>Dirty Harry featuring Bootie Brown from a late eighties rap group no one cared about
>Dare Featuring shitty drug addicted white britbong rapper Shaun Ryder
>November has Come featuring underground rapper MF Doom.
Gorillaz started out with Del the super funky homo sapien rapping over the melancholy vocals of Damon Albarn. Rap/Rock has historically failed because it doesn't work, but Client Eastwood and a few other songs seemed to work if only for Del's rapping style.
Damon Albern was then convinced that it could work with everything else and just started digging up all these old rappers and later blues and soul musicians.
Is he a cuck who's obsessed with blacks now in the same vein as Quinton Terintino? Possibly.
So...Money? Wall mentioned? I need to read the lyrics.
It was alright, still excited about Their new coming album. It's been fucking ages.
>leaving out MosDef
Nigga you aint no gorrillaz fan senpai
leaf gets it
>the intro to left hand suzuki method starts playing
his name is yassin bey, mashallah
I can't even fucking understand what this fucker is saying.
The world is spinning too fast. I buy lead Nike shoes. To keep myself tethered to the days I try to lose.
>Don't you understand that that in and of itself is a political/cultural statement?
So true user, tell me about the political value of "Fat Bottomed Girls." Is it commentary on regressive societal attitudes about feminine body norms or a diatribe on the sexualization of young women's butts?
Virtue signalling cuckholds to the zog culture police. Many such cases! Sad!
>MF Doom
Doom certainly isn't underground. You'd have to be pretty oblivious to listen to Hip Hop and not have heard of doom.
>Not mentioning Mos Def
Seriously, what the fucking fuck was that shit?
I literally can't understand half of what he's saying because of the music and how he drags every single word out.
I misread the title as Hallelujah Monkey.
Why do so many people like to LARP as Trump by ending their posts in the same style he tweets?
It's not just on Sup Forums, you see it on comment sections everywhere.
I mean even if you were being ironic, which I'm assuming you were, it's something I've seen a lot lately. It's fucking odd.
I should add, this song seems to have a contradictory message. It makes references to "an old tree" that they build a wall around to protect the fruit.
This comes off as a statement about wealth and immigration.
But Damon had made a song while back with Blur about overpopulation called "There are too many of us"
He clearly hasn't linked immigration with global over population.
>why do people act like herp derps on the interbutts?
Gee, idk
>finally a new Gorillaz song
>the music is trash and it's politically motivated trash
Who used the monkey's paw this time?
is funny
This is the best Gorillaz song
When all the completely retarded, white hating progressive shitheads in entertainment hate you more than than anything, you're doing something very right.
It's a textbook example of "cringe" and it's something that Sup Forums would absolutely slate people for if Hillary or Obama had such a distinctive tweeting "voice" and liberals aped them.
Gorillaz had one (1) actual popular song and that was 20 years ago. Most people forget they were still around
Just heard it, aside from the chorus its a wreck.
Early Gorillaz was best Gorillaz.
At least Blink hasn't done this bullshit. Mark Hoppus is too based af.
>its a "has-been celebrity bashes trump to be relevant again for 5 minutes" episode
Even Sup Forums hates it and that says a lot
What did they mean by this?
>Clint Eastwood
>19/2000 (Soulchild remix)
> Rock the House
>Dirty Harry
>Feel Good Inc
>On Melancholy Hill
Which one did you mean?
>The absolute state of Green Day
poopoopeepeebutt hehe XD
Stylistically it's a really weak song. The speaker/singer isn't consistent in rhythm nor accent, although there was a nice Muse-like effect in the beginning before he belted out some ill-fitting prose.
The backing is akin to a few songs and intros (like the intro to Plastic Beach and Stylo), but loses its effect as something integrated into the whole song when juxtaposed with the chorus and the speaker/singer.
I've been a rather recent Gorillaz listener, and I adored Plastic Beach, and I even thought the album after that was great considering it was done solely on an iPad (or so I've heard). This, however, is weak, and I hope Damon learns from his mistakes.
This aint even a fucking song. The fuck man.
John Deez Nutz
Will this timeline ever stop delivering?
Point is, these celebrities are not just cutting their losses and saying; ok Trump won, let's get over it. They keep doubling down on the bullshit, it is just absurd at this point.
>belted out some ill-fitting prose
Popular/mainstream culture elevates the play Hamilton. Most normies wont understand what you're talking about.
It's like they tried to mix everything that they did that was good into one track and it came out as a bland mess of nothing
I don't mind the experimental stuff because gorillaz has a very unique style that I really enjoy
Even The Fall had some great tracks like "little pink plastic bags" which shows that Damon can make something weird good
But this was not such a case
This was shit
>Damon is such a cuck he will never go back to doing Demon Days Slow Tempo style
This fucker is just going to chase the high of Demon Days until the end of time but because his mindset has shifted so dramatically over time he will never know what he did to achieve his legacy
It's sad to see someone who you enjoyed have cancer
ITT drumphkins get btfo of the room by a band they like and a song they like then try to rationalize it by saying they have changed when they really haven't. ITT drumphkins realize that it's not the music that has changed, they have. Just admit it, when you were a kid you were less racist but then you started getting shit piled on you by the people around you and that was that, you ate the shit and became racist. The only red pill is the one you make for your self, and racism is the blue pill
Oh fuck off mate.
Musicians and actors have always been political. Gorillaz have always been political.
What you really mean is "STOP SAYING THINGS I DON'T LIKE!"
Because no-one complains when celebrities support their views.
BTFO by literally who?
sounds just like the shit parts of plastic beach.
and another nail in the coffin of my childhood innocence
it's not experimental, its just shit
One thing I'll never understand about Sup Forums is why they hate artists and musicians just because of their political views
You will find so much more enjoyment in everything if you just stop thinking "MUH LIBRELS" in everything
Green Day is terrible now. Sad!
I've listened to all of their albums
When has Gorillaz been political?
I actually want to know
It's not our fault these people tell the whole world their political views in the 1st place.
It's like we have to know their political stance because they said so.
This is what I can make out of the lyrics
>There is our tree, that's primitively grown old
>When we go to bed
>Scarecrows from the far east come to eat
>It's ten fruits
>and I thought the best way to protect our tree
>Is by building walls
>walls like unicorns
>In full glory and galore
>And even strong than the walls of Jericho
>Again and the my friend [indecipherable]
>What we have always dreamt of having.
>Now from the stars in, it is love
>That is the root of all evil
>But lord our tree, and thank you, my friend for trusting me.
[hallelujah money chorus]
>(how will we know, when the morning comes?)
>{We are still human, how will we know?)
>(How will we dream, how will love?)
>(How will we [can't tell])
>Don't worry friend, if this is the end then so shall it be. Until we say so nothing will move. Ah, don't worry it's not against our Morales, it's legal tinder. Touched my friend, by the whole world, the whole beast of nations desire, POWER.
He's mistaken. Damon Albarn is highly political. However, Gorillaz has only tangentially been political, in some pseudo-environmental manner.
The argument is that it's more subtle in stuff like Plastic Beach (consumerism), but to be fair I don't mind subtlety because the message doesn't take away from the song itself. The artist is also free to make the song work, instead of making the message work.
Neo/pol/ SJWs getting triggered by music again
yeah, couldn't get through that. It was absolutely terrible. Shitty music and singing and terrible video production
Sad. Many such cases.
Because Sup Forums likes to think it's mature and sophisticated and doesn't throw its toys out of the pram like liberals do even though that really isn't the case.
Sup Forums can't handle people having views that are different to theirs and it fucking hates their views being challenged.
That's why Sup Forums complains about celebrities poking their nose into politics despite former actor Ronald Regan being fellated by the right for decades and despite the near constant wall to wall brown nosing of former reality tv star Donald J. Trump.
>make a song against Trump
>literally the worst song you ever made and even your fans are shitting on it
when will they learn? you touch Trump, KeK smites you
Not going to work friend.
If anything double edged sword.
Kek > Liberals
That I can agree with since Damon Albarn is a huge faggot but the Gorillaz name barely touches on political shit
The worst ""political"" thing they did was "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head" and it's so on the nose it dosen't seem like it even is political
I just listened to the song now
How the fuck is this really political?
Because something something he said the word walls, something something not everyone I dislike is a fucking nigger monkey?
Holy fuck, do you guys just dig to the absolute most vague shit you can and make it out as a large brainwashing political message? Nobody outside of Sup Forums is going to see this as a serious anti trump message.
I'm on team Tom. The last album with any good songs on it was the self-titled album, and overall I didn't like it. Best songs were "Easy Target" and "Go"
Tom, meanwhile, put out a masterpiece like this
Just like the Greenday video; they're trying to keep it incredibly ambiguous, just in case "Drumpf" doesn't end up being a huge fuck up.
But the imagery speaks the loudest volumes of what they're referencing, and the substance of their message merely echoes that. I mean, the first visuals we're faced with are clearly a reference to Trump tower...
It's a garbled mess but some parts I can't tell what he's saying no matter how many times I re-listened.
Essentially it seems Damon is shitting on America for forgoing human issues for financial ones. Basically saying that America chose money over helping Mexicans, which is a morale because a human life is worth more than money.
This is shown through comparing our nation to an old tree bearing may fruits and "scarecrows" sneaking in and feeding (Mexicans illegally crossing the boarder)
Also takes a jab at Trump by saying the wall won't be built (walls like unicorns because unicorns don't exist, stronger than a biblical city) and making and emphasis on "thank you for trusting me".
It's basically typical with britbong leftist world views. Boarders are dumb, open boarders for the poor is the most supreme for of humanity you can show. Lol economy isn't more important than letting these poor third worlders live happy lives.
>8 years of music being shit.
Oh well. Still won.
The fucked up thing that these idiots can't understand is that you need to have a healthy economy, to be able to fiscally support those who they claim to want to help.
He's in a fucking building that happens to have an elevator, boohoo, who the fuck cares? I think you're the brainwashed one here, Sup Forums has made you so misguided and radical that you have to grasp at the tiniest detail and act as if it's challenging your political views
How the fuck is a building that just so happens to have an elevator like trump tower does along with thousands of other buildings in the world sending an anti-alt right message?
I really need to stop coming to this retarded shithole.
I hate when I find out bands that I like have retarded political opinions. Green Day and Gorillaz are ruined for me. It's not the same after.
>inb4 teenage girl music.
American Idiot was a masterpiece and you know it. Dookie was pretty good too.
>I don't understand themes of music the post
Fuck off retard
>posts on a board made for people to share their political views
>wonders why others might share theirs
politics aside that was just a bad song.
I don't know, maybe it's the gilded walls and marbled facades? Maybe the fact that this was released just the day before the inauguration?
Ahh, who am I kidding, you're totally right! It's foolish to find any meaning or symbolism in any creative works!
This exactly. Aside from a terrible "song" (really a rambling cracked out dindu), is that build a wall line the only antI Trump thing in it? What a letdown musically.
>I am completely brainwashed the post
Fuck off retard
>Dark times - u need someone to look up to. Me. Here's a lightning bolt of truth in a black night. - Gorillaz
How many hoops do you have to jump through to try to deny this shit
Or you can stop bitching about MUH POLITIKZ in everything. It being released before his inauguration means absolutely nothing. You only see it as anti trump because you want it to be anti trump.
At least Gorillaz isn't even the same band. Mostly all of the original members jumped ship.
On the other hand, Green Day is still the same Green Day, just more retarded. They were good before my government made them pay for that album.
It's the "don't know your heroes" effect.
They say don't read the lyrics to your favorite groups or you may find out how much of a faggot the musician is.
The greatest example I can think of that I've considered taking to Sup Forums but haven't is the song Adore Life by the group Savages.
This is a really good song that I thoroughly enjoyed, especially for it's finale. But then I looked into the lyrics. This song is basically about a woman (the singer) trying to argue with an angry and heart broken lover that it's ok to cheat.
She is basically arguing the desire to "want more" (cheat on him with men who are more attractive/bigger cocks) because she rationalizes that she "may die maybe tomorrow" and says she "adores life.
She's basically telling her ex that it's perfectly human to seek more in life and that she wants to live life to the fullest because she might die young, so stop making her feel guilty and ashamed for cheating on you because it's human. She may be going so far as to say it's a virtuous act because it shows how much she adores living.
I find it hard to listen to now, because it just fundamentally represents something I totally agree with even though the music itself is good.
I was a huge fan. This "song" if you can call it that, is trash with a baseless message thrown in there somewhere by pretentious millionaires who know nothing about the real world. It's a damn shame.
Has Del stopped smoking crack long enough to tour yet?
Again, my man, you're totally right. It's all imaginary conjecture that any celebrities have been pumping out anti-Trump rhetoric en masse.