>be whyte
>go outside
>die from skin cancer
Be whyte
be black, die of aids
> be non-white
> can't survive a winter in europe
>be nigger
>go outside
>get shot by cops
>die even though the odds were against the ones who shot you
Whites are smart enough to create ways to do things they can't do.
niggers just smack their lips and say fug
Then whites wouldn't exist
Niggers can't even understand natural selection
>be black in Europe
>get rickets from lack of vitamin D
Blacks get vitamin D supplements on the NHS over here.
Why do non-white desert people wear those big robes again?
if you can't swim
you weren't designed to live on this planet
>European genes
>Have Reynauds syndrome so I can get frostbite easily
makes me think
>Asians can swim and don't get sun caused skin-cancer
Trul the master race.
> be pajeet
> die when a cobra bites your ass while you were pooping on it
I live in great fucking britain where there is no sun.
Also, if you need three jumpers and a coat just to go outside, then you wasn't meant for this planet. Yes, I'm looking at you shivering niggers.
Not everyone is born in a barren shithole under constant direct sunlight during the day.
The spearchuckers in the jungles don't stand out in the sun all day either.
>be white
>go outside
>notice it is sunny
>put clothes on
>go inside civilization every few hours so i dont burn
>build up a base tan
>conquer all the brown people
>be pajeet
>go to call center
>die from poo-covered spearchuckers raping you for the ∞th time today while on your way
>get reincarnated as cow shit
>be black
>go outside
>die from frostbite
How did you make the infinite sign?
>Be from India
>go outside
>poop on street
> get raped
>.........still be from India
>they were never designed to reproduce without acquiring a terminal illness
If you believe the out of Africa theory white people literally exist because they traveled north to get away from blacks
>Be pajeet
>Go to northern latitude bongistan for call center job
>Frostbite on benis and arsehole from shitting outside
>Get hypothermia from wearing sari at bus stop on way to work
>Die from vitamin d deficiency
Only liberals belive that shit, m8.
If you believe the out of Africa theory, White and Asian people were the only ones smart enough to leave the shithole known as Africa.
White women were designed for the black man. Think about this: the masculine black man goes out to work in the hot sun to provide for his perfectly mixed babies while his pale white goddess does the housework in safety from the harsh sunlight. The black man then comes home to please his goddess with the coveted BBC. White women + black men is the most redpilled combination there is
>be white
>create clothing
>go outside anywhere and anytime for as long as needed/want
>be black
>create stereotype that all blacks are tall, muscular, have 10in dicks, and descend from KANGZ
>60% white Americucks believe this.
>be nigger
>go outside
>die of starvations because killed all whiteys
I've been going outside on daily basis for almost thirty years and I'm not dead yet.
>tfw statistical anomaly
>Implying niggers actually work
>shithole known as Africa.
It was never a shithole.
It's literally so easy to live there that early homo sapiens evolved into homo slothus nigger there.
tleast' I can stain inside if I want to take a shit,,
>goes out to work in the hot sun to provide
Live in total darkness for a few months out of the year. Spend the summer raiding peasants in the south.
>Be brown
>Shit yourself
>No one can tell the difference.
But niggers only go out at night so no one can see them steal TVs.
>be white
>go outside
>live anyay
>be black
>be a nigger
It's bad enough already.
Black people get skin cancer from sun exposure as well.
Hear, hear, brother.
>be black
>go outside
>get shot by another black
holy shit
>be black
>go outside
>put on sunscreen
>put on long sleeves
>put on hat
>put more sunscreen over sleeves and hat
>go out
>don't get any blacker than I already am
>winning at life
pajeet you dont understand that niggers are terrified of going darker, I know black people that preferred to get heatstroke than to risk getting a tan.
asians cant swim
You're probably right
But we are still here sooo...
when you're too stupid to invent clothes
This supports the ancient aliums theory that whitey is descended from a long lost spacefaring empire and nigs are just local fauna.
What if you need vitamin D supplementation to grow bones?
Just saying.
ugh........ this shittread again....
clearly a sign black people always needy on bossting selfesteem and moral
what do you expect from people without any notbably history...
be black: yay muh alfa and shieet
go outside: eats animals that they aren't supposed to eat, like cannibalism and what could be classified as such.
die from horrible things as aids and ebola
be white: ohno! look, we must help those poor people
be the other white: wut? are you crazy? they brought this onto themselves.
>life is designed
Asians are horrible swimmers. Almost as bad as blacks.
It's because black people are designed to pick cotton, outside, under the sun.
Good thing white people can go outside without sunscreen.
>black people
>have skin thats the exact color as fecal matter
Black people were designed to be flushed down the toilet
If you need a sweater to go outside, you were never designed to live on this planet.
Life is as designated as the shitting streets in Mumbai
This is why you people's brains never developed. Congrats you 65 IQ fucks.
I agree. Let's go back and fix Mars and let these niggers starve to death.
Not here.
Most of them get autism. It's very funny.
Cool shit
> mfw I will never search for our long-lost home among the stars because you are supposedly not white
So the bible is true, Elohim came and created us.
>two black people fucking
>black man raw doggin' black bitchs ass
>pulls out dick
How can they tell if their dicks arent covered with shit if the shit and skin are the exact same color?
>Be a Nigger
>Have higher estrogen levels than any other race
>Get ass-cancer because of it
>Die with some witch doctor trying to suck out the cancer with his massive nigger lips.
Pic related
left to right:
If you need the white man's malaria vaccine you were never designed to live on this planet.
Let's get niggers to boycott malaria vaccines. Malaria has killed half of the people to have ever lived on this planet
This only proves that whites are mix of apes and extraterrestrials.
>live on earth just fine
>ozone layer depleting
>shit's all fucked up skin cancer is a risk
really makes me think.
Yeah, but nigger sand people couldn't figure out the robe, it's like science fiction to them.
Only proves that whites were meant for
luxury and the nigger it meant for manual
labor in the sun.
>goes out to work
>to provide
You tried.
>be the weakest of Africans
>they kick you out to worse lands, gotta move on
>be the weakest of mesopotamia
>they kick you out, gotta move to the east
>still cucks, bullied to the coldest most inhabitable lands
>develop intelligence and social skills through natural selection because land is harsh, not like Africa easymode. Evolve accordingly to cold habitat.
>come back and conquer all of niggers in easylands because they did not have reason or stimulation to develop, make many slaves, fuck nigger bitches
history of whites
really maeks you think
>implying blacks can't get sunburned
Fucking hell
Skin pigmentation has trade offs. Light skin is better at absorbing vitamin D, but worse at protecting against UV radiation. Conversely, dark skin is better at protecting against UV radiation, but worse at absorbing vitamin D.
That said, evolution tends to prefer lighter skin over darker skin because the ability to better absorb vitamin D is helpful when you're younger, while the effects of UV radiation (like cancer) only hurt you when you're older and have already procreated.
>implying evolution wasn't multi-regional
all people being from africa is a lie
>be Indian
>go swimming in Ganges river
>die from choking on the spine of a dead child
This, except another four or five cycles of getting kicked out of places. Also, our ridiculous population densities gave us better immune systems which made conquest easier: take em out with plague, then roll in once they're in fallout mode.
Africa and Australia looks like the shitstain of the Earth
>be black
>die of lead poisoning
>be black
>die of sickle cell anemia
>be black
They also have a tendency to sy DAS RITE! for some reason
>be white
>conquer the world
>be black
>live in huts and be enslaved by whites
i think the ones getting their asses kicked by anyone who came to their continent are the ones not fit to live
That map is complete bullshit
>be black
>die of lead poisoning
Kek, took me a few seconds.
There's little to no sun where I live. Negros better remain around equator, where they belong.
>it turns out an alien race has a project where they take a less developed species on each planet they find and genetically enhance them to make a new race of beings to further develop into civilization.
>on our planet there is an ongoing experiment between two enhanced races, asians and whites, in order to study the effects of higher intelligence or higher empathy respectively
>the basic unaltered version of the species was also left as a control subject as well as to see what the enhanced races would do with them
It would explain a lot actually.
You should find where they're made and lace them with Cesium-137.
That's because they are.
>be german
>go outside
>die from socialism
Blacks have a harder time getting vitamin d.
You're right. We're meant to live in cold, barren, and arctic conditions such as Scandinavia or Antarctica but unlike Africans, what came to be known as the "European Man" expanded his influence across the Globe and learned to adapt to any environment unlike the ever regressing Africans.
I don't see this why this is up for debate.
Anyone got a template for this?
Please respond
That's right though, whites were never designed to live on this planet.
They were designed to dominate it.