>Senegalese troops have entered The Gambia to ensure Adama Barrow assumes power as the country's new president, a Senegalese army spokesman has said.
>Senegalese troops have entered The Gambia to ensure Adama Barrow assumes power as the country's new president, a Senegalese army spokesman has said.
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Are these real countries or meme countries?
>Africa beginning to fix their own problems and take a stand against corruption
>Fuhrer Merkel still in power
A billion possible timelines and I live in this one.
Jammeh is a faggot like Trump
>Africa beginning to fix their own problems
Pscht, that just means more 'refugees' for us.
Praise kek
if liberalism spreads in africa it weakens the black man which is good for us
It's like saying Connecticut invaded Rhode Island. Midget wrestling.
More dindus = more chaos = more votes for based AFD
I am beginning to love this timeline
oh Christ what are we gonna do nao
we have an emergency
Gambian army has said they won't intervene. So nothing is gonna happen other than perhaps a shootout at the presidential residence.
why is senegal doing this
there is an explanation in first posts link
keked loud
Someone give me a reason I should care. As far as I can tell this is a small scale tribal conflict.
Don't care, just show dead niggers.
Every country in Africa is a fake non-country except for Ethiopia, Somalia and Egypt.
We don't need to weaken the black man.
yes we do their birthrates are too high
Niggers killing each other, possibly on a massive scale.
Developed succesful Africa = welfare and literacy there so no refugees and low african birthrates = stalemate.
Better than now.
Jesus fuck not more refugees god damnit
Lets hope senegal genocides all of them, as the only way to come to europe is going through senegal territory.