Is 25 okay time for a man to realize his life is fucked, restart it and go to college, or is he too old?

Is 25 okay time for a man to realize his life is fucked, restart it and go to college, or is he too old?

You don't need College and 25 years is fine.

You can do that at 55. The only thing is that you need to be realistic about what doors are close to you, but at 25 there's not many except for things like genius level mathematics or music. Get your life together man, the only other option is to kill yourself, and I wouldn't recommend it.

Only if you go back for STEM. Otherwise, just pick up a trade of some sort.

Better to do it at 25 than at say 30 or 40. Go for it.

Life is not always a straight road.

This also.

Thats the pizza from that Gordon Ramsey but right?

maybe learn a trade instead faggot.


im in grad school @ 31

27 and up is when they'll start making you out for the dad that you are.

I know a guy who went back to become an engineer in his 30s and is now making bank.

College is a fucking waste of time. You're much better off learning in a job or starting your own business and reading books on the subjects you need.

STEM is really difficult, isn't programming good enough?

Based Keanu is my role model

Go for trade or college. Your life will get better since the changes of you finding a job you enjoy and have good pay increses.

Until you are dead it is never to late to improve your life.

This is me currently.

depends on your personality if youre smart go to college
if youre a slacker and thats why you havent gone go to trade school

I did exactly this. I moved back from London and went to live with my mother at 25yrs, now:

>I'm 30 yrs
>have a degree
>have a son
>have a wife
>have a shitty car
>have a half decent paid stepping stone job
No house

Do certificates if you can.

I did uni part-time and hated it by the end and am £7,000 in debt (£1,000 in red with savings)

It's never too late.

My mother went back at 52 and now has more money than she knows what to do with

It's never too late man. GO FOR IT! AWO)OOOO

Nah it's all fucked m8.

Stay comfy, play vidya and enjoy the fall of society.


I'm 34 and debating the same thing, senpai.

>It's up to you.
>it is your choice.

good on you. the moment I realized a bullshit degree like Science or History means nothing unless you get some sort of professional designation was the moment my life actually started going for the better

You speak English right? Just get some IT knowledge and if you live in Budapest you will find jobs that pay more than 200k ft
If you want to go to Hungarian unis you're just digging your own grave, forget them

That's normal age for graduate level schooling.
Not everyone takes loans out after their undergrad and actually work a few year .

just become an artist

Isn't that the pizza Gordon Ramsay was going to eat shopped in there?

Too old, you missed way many opportunities
>This how you would look like

When did keanu get bogdanovized?