This man is great. His show is the next big thing, its already having great ratings. Here is a link to his latest interview, and he makes this Huffington Compost "Journalist" look retarded.
Tucker Carlson General Thread
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He's okay. I don't know why these shills keep taking his bait.
I'm beginning to feel as if he just spends too much time laughing at people over non-points. Where some seem deserving of this (that Huffpost guy last night), others do try to "debate" or discuss things with him and he winds up looking kind of foolish not allowing them to actually make their points.
>being old enough to remember his shit show on CNN
He called out Israel hacking the US and interfering with our elections in comparison to the anti-Russia narrative. This thread gets one bump from me, Rupert Murdoch.
Thats because they dont have any points, he wants them to explain their argument just to find that there is no reason for it, just their emotion.
Like with the teen vogue writer who said Ivanka should be yelled at because her father is trump doesn't mean she should get a pass, then got yelled at herself by some guy on the street and said it was intolerable behavior.
Nice try Kurt. What was in the binder?
Redpill me on The Daily Caller. Is it good news?
KEK I actually laughed
Here he is bringing a prankster on his show and treating him like he's serious until he catches on and pretends he wasn't fooled for a minute.
It's funny that Fox is savvy enough to shill here but you spergs should probably know better than to eat it up
>Hahahaha you don't really believe that right? >Yeah bu-
>Hahahaha ok ok, thats we all have time for but thanks for stopping by.
>Thanks tuc- *Boop*
I actually find his interviews highly entertaining. I always imaging how the person on the other side must be screaming after he cuts him/her off.
>Hello blah
>Hello Tucker cograts on y-
>So why are you so dumb?
>Yeah bu-
Going full retard tonight boys.
Tucker Carlson Tonight is debate porn for dumb hillie billies on the bible belt, he is an annoying prick that picks the lowest hanging fruit
He will never get the respect among the political class like people such as Joe Scarborough and /our guy/ Maddow receive, no self-respecting high-tier politician goes to his show
>HAHA come on, really?
>Tucker please-
>You are not answering my question
>Tucker the way I see it-
>Come on, simple yes or no answer HAHA
The show is just catharsis for him after being owned so hard by Jon Stewart that he lost his biggest show and had to stop wearing his beloved bow ties.
I'm pretty sure it's not Fox. My guess would be one of his producers. As long as he can find retarded libs to come on his show to embarrass I'm fine with the shilling.
That dumb sjw bitch he interviewed was the best thing ever.
Last night was great. He made lindsay "lifelong bachelor" look like the retarded neocon tool he is without him even knowing that tucker was mocking him.
the bow-ties were cute and /fa/ desu
Did you watch the video you retard? Tucker's first sentence "this is a hoax, your company is fake, you don't use your real name."
Yeah he sure fell for that guy!
Which one? Thigh high boots?
"The L's are silent."
Then why was he so angry? He clearly thought he was up to something nefarious.
He thought that he was doing it to discredit right wing news sources, that he had a political agenda
Turns out the guy was just pure trolling and he started laughing at the end.
I don't know but the body language analyzer lady has said several times that he is rather weak (especially with liberals) and here he was assertive and firm from the beginning.
A smarter man would have caught on when he said or when he proceeded to essentially call him and Fox News stupid and irresponsible for even putting him on the air. He had to lay it on pretty thick before Tucker got the joke.