How does it feel Sup Forums knowing this kike from Goldman Sachs will be the new US Treasury Secretary under Trump?
Steven Mnuchin hearing
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whose that semen demon behind him
>jew for treasury
seems fine to me
He's doing a good job, who would have thought he knows so much about money?
>ask a question 7 times
>don't even get an answer
America is doomed
Old quote from Donald
>Putting someone who is good with money to manage your money
Jews run the banks and central banks and are the most tribalist, racist people ever to walk this planet.
Put it this way, if a group of whites run a company would you appoint a nigger to manage relations and work with that company?
yes goy, yes keep us in power forever!
I'll guess that it's his daughter in law. It seems to be the practice to bring family members with them. The man sitting right behind him seems fairly handsome and probably her husband and his son.
>jews who crashed the economy in 2008
>good with money!
total trout pout, looks like she has the same doctor as Bruce Jenner
>will be the new US Treasury Secretary
Undoubtably he's fucked the US over a few times as an employee of Goldman Sachs...
If he betrays the US while an employee of the government he gets slapped with treason and executed.
Or the guy works for him. Either way she is probably with the guy right behind him.
When did Sup Forums get JEWED?!?
been watching it for a while now, pretty boring.
His father is 83... he looks 60
These people obviously have access to secret anti aging gene therapy or something.
Sup Forums and holocaust porn have much in common amongst jews.
well niggers are thieves and stupid. The juice love money and good with it. choosing good over bad isn't really a bad thing
She's talking and laughing with the guy sitting right behind him so they're definitely together.
>loses 1B on the election
your response?
What's with his odd facial twitches? Anyone else notice this?
He must have some neurological disorder.
It's super distracting.
looking forward to it, huge fan of wilbur ross as well.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I hope you actually dont believe that people in power get punished.
Isn't letting a Jew handle your money the opposite of what Sup Forums would have wanted a couple years ago
Sup Forums has fallen far. You've abandoned reason, logic, values, and your own interests, in exchange for the shallow pleasure of "liberal tears" and scaring minorities.
I've given white people more credit than they deserve. There's some bright people in your ranks but most of you are kind of retarded.
It's called baby blood infusions. They've been testing this on rats, where they inject the younger blood of rats into older rats. The results are amazing, including cells literally reversing the aging process. It's huge in Silicon Valley.
I picture a future of elites harvesting organs, blood, and stem cells from a vast sea of humans grown in labs, mostly for Jewish overlords, but probably a fair mix of white and Asians elites as well. It's going to be dystopian as fuck :(
This bitch is super hostile.
that isn't his father, his father is much more jewie
Mnuchin looks 100 percent like a jewish banker, not even anti-semitic or anything.
The amount of cognitive dissonance that Sup Forums puts themselves through is astounding
do you think for a moment if Trump was full blown "gas the kikes" he would have even got this far??
it's called being a realist and understanding that you're going to need a few of them. ideological purity isn't possible right now, not if you want to get anywhere. Trump isn't the end goal just a step in the right direction
Have you ever seen a jewish woman over 30 look good? They all fall off the cliff at 30. The men, not as much.
Keep telling yourself that bud.
Steve Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs too, and if you think he has any love for the establishment, you might be a fucking retard. The swamp isn't anyone who makes more than $100,000/year or once worked on Wall Street.
Ive been wondering, why is almost any public event ive seen, terrorist attacks, fillabusters, ONLY on fox 10 Phoenix?
>Or the guy works for him.
it's his fiancé, she's from scotland and I'm related to her lol
>and if you think he has any love for the establishment, you might be a fucking retard.
You mean the Zionist kike lover? Yeah I know that guy.
stay ideologically anchored to the dick lodged inside your ass dummy.
>everybody who works at Goldman Sachs is jewluminati
Can anybody confirm?
i love that you are a mad little fag.
wish we could have a trump in canada. nothing worse than watching our country being sold and fucked over by our bitch PM and his nasty dykes (and pms in the past)
be happy the rest of the voters are smarter than you and you didnt get to choose the prosident, bro. cos u2dum
>he doesnt harvest the souls and bodies of infants to renew his vitality
Mnuchin is a guy who broke foreclosure law in California and kicked people off their homes early. He pioneered the use of risky mortgage debt and is one of the criminals behind the crash of '08. Do you actually believe that guy should be in charge of the treasury and do you really think there aren't better people suited for the position?
When you start thinking, and stop "feeling", your life will improve.
>i love that you are a mad little fag.
Why am I mad? We got some dumb kike puppet in the white house, just like every other president.
>need to put Jew somewhere to keep the puppet masters happy.
>opening in the position which controls all the shekels in the world.
sounds perfectly logical to me.
considering the alternative, yeah. I suppose you'd want the 2nd coming of Hitler running against Hillary?
guess what, we'd have Hillary and that's worse than Trump. Trump was the most acceptable candidate period. you just aren't thinking long term
Mrs. Stepford
when Sup Forumstards choose to side with Trump
Go ahead, keep abandoning any principles you may have had in favor of daddy trump's dick in your mouth
I noticed that too
Even Sup Forums thinks Jews are good with money. Fine choice. May as well have the best. Same with Carson for Urban Development. Go with people who know about the subject at hand (Jews know money, Carson knows inner cities).
You seem to have confused "drain the Swamp" with "Death to the capitalists!". We need someone capable, which means either a career politician (who is loyal to whoever slips him a bribe) or a businessman who is loyal to his company at most. We know his loyalties, and can make sure he doesn't try anything.
>when Sup Forumstards choose to side with Trump
Ever since Trump and reddit cam here, this board has changed.
>Go with people who know about the subject at hand (Jews know money, Carson knows inner cities).
hurrr durrrr they are both shit and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near government.
>Implying nu/pol/ isn't thicker with kikes than Tel Aviv
Since you just randomly responded to me, I'll randomly say
The senator who cited the new Zika case number in Puerto Rico is Bill Nelson from Florida which is probably not a coincidence and indicates that he may in fact have let that number literally slip out because it's so much on his mind. I cannot find this updated number anywhere and the closet is from 2 months ago at 1/4 with an expected increase.
>see drain the swamp meant not draining it.
>We need ppl with experience guys. Hillary has so much experience, she knows how to be President! She's a great choice!
Hitlery is a funny joke.
Carson is fucking PERFECT for the job. The issue facing inner cities that nobody wants to address is attitude. Building nice things and throwing money at people won't fix anything if the nice new houses are turned into crack dens and they blow all the money we gave them. We need to persuade them to actually take advantage of the opportunities they're given to better themselves. Carson is a perfect mouthpiece for that.
look at your responses bro lol.
mad at politics
crying on a message board full of 50% pure bullshit
this is why you dont get YOUR way. because YOU are lazy and dumb lol. do you at least understand that?
MAGA you fat fuck
>he thinks he knows what another user's principles are
this is why you people are embarassing and shameful. no one wants you in their movement because you are so trigger happy and retarded with your personal judgements.
>hurr durr drumpf put someone extremely qualified in charge of treasury
yeah i know what a terrible story. give the guy a chance before you act like a whiney cunt all day.
I feel like most not complete SJW's could see why this is funny
Shoulda been hillary
>Carson is fucking PERFECT for the job.
Yeah he'll be great at pumping HUD contracts and money into Trump's company. After all he's a useful idiot and has no experience at all in housing considering he's a BRAIN SURGEON
Notice how I never mentioned Hillary. Why are you bringing her up? She LOST dipshit, she's irrelevant. And no, in the general election there were no acceptable candidates. If you think Mnuchin is a good choice for Treasury, then you need to reevaluate your politics and get Trump's dick out of your ass.
>A guy who helped cause the crash of '08 is extremely qualified.
It must feel good to be that delusional.
Reminder that Stephen Miller inherited the spirit of Goebbels
>calls me a fat fuck
>supports (((((((((Drumpf)))))))
Good - I'm sure trump picked him for his intelligence and hard work ethic.
The real question is.
Can Sup Forums name one person who is into finance that isn't jewish or hasn't worked under some meme firm?
Like, is it even possible to be in financing/treasury without either being jewish or working for one of these mega firms?
I mean, just think about that for a second.
prove that he helped, in a meaningful way, create the crash of 2008. otherwise you're just blowing hot air and sound like an angry retard.
and even if he did do that, he's still completely qualified for the position. he might make questionable moral decisions but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know his shit retard. and if he's treasury, he is now being held accountable by the public and will get crucified for pulliing off something like that.
stay retarded and mad.
When Sup Forums refused to admit they've made a mistake
who gives a fuck about Sec of Treasury? That's not why we elected Trump. All that matters is AG and Department of Defense.
He wont get crucified for SHIT, why? Cause both Democrats, Republicans, and the shitty media are in the pockets of wall street asshole. And yes, he was part of the reason the crash of 2008. Dont take my word for it, read through these articles.
Because of shitheads like you, who accept everything that their leader says, he wont be held accountable. You'll just pretend that Trump and his cronies are playing "5d chess" and go about your day, until they fuck you over. Again, I implore you, get your head out of your ass.
>who gives a fuck about Sec of Treasury?
then we both agree that this is inevitable? watching you do this is so sad lol. if both sides that wield political power are unwilling to do anything, than whatever you are trying to do right now is fruitless and stupid. you are so happy to play the fool and feel the full weight of your anger over something that is so far beyond your control that it's silly.
like i said, embarassing and shameful.
>pick a kike to govern finances
Wise enough