Just when i thought i could finally begin to trust white people once Trump was elected, y'all went and pulled this shit...

Just when i thought i could finally begin to trust white people once Trump was elected, y'all went and pulled this shit. I'm tempted to use the R word right now but maybe Sup Forums can explain. Help a subhuman negroid like myself understand what's being said here. After all, Hillary has no problem having Beyonce and jay-z perform.

>Although rumors have been swirling that West is on deck to perform,Presidential Inauguration Committee Chair Tom Barrack Jr.said on Wednesday that simply wasn’t the case.

>“We haven’t asked him. I mean, he’s been great. He considers himself a friend of the president-elect, but it’s not the venue. The venue we have for entertainment is filled out; it’s perfect. It’s going to be typically and traditionally American. Kanye’s a great guy; we just haven’t asked him to perform. We move on with our agenda,” Barrack said.

>Of course, the immediate question on everyone’s mind was just what Barrack meant by “traditionally American.” After all, some of the performances include and Irish river dancer and a child opera singer. And since rap undeniably originated right here in the United States, it’s hard to think of something more American.


Other urls found in this thread:


>every liberal pretends to be offended on behalf of negros
>every negro goes "damn right cracker"

>y'all went and pulled this shi
>one person did somthing
Are you retarded?

>unnamed source respresents trump and assosciates opinion

if drumpf put some nigger to rap in the inauguration id probably go jump of a bridge since thatd mark the end of the west and thered be no point in doing litteraly anything

For one thing my melinated friend, your first mistake is believing what the idiot box says. Unless Trump or someone authorised to speak for him says something, never trust what people supposedly say. Personally I don't care if Kanye performs or not.

Rap is trash.

once there is actual evidence of this happening you can come back

Isn't Flo Rida performing? Fuck off coon, you're lucky you still have hands to type on a keyboard fucking African monkey

Most white people never gave a shit about you niggers or your primate feelings. We have always hated you useless burden on society monkeys.


KYS nigger.

This. Rap is trash.

Traditional american, not fucking garbage that was invented in Jew York in the 70's.

The same could be said about a punk or metal band wanting to perform.

I mean if he wanted to bring something soulful to the table he could perform. But it's mostly all edgy shit like all hip hop rap.

Bam. Exactly. White people punk and metal also wouldn't and shouldn't be allowed.

There is a difference between a nigger and a black man

Kanye is a black man, but his stage act is a nigger, and we don't promote that shit.

who gives a fuck

Kanye doesn't get much radio play for w/e reason.

>And since rap undeniably originated right here in the United States, it’s hard to think of something more American.

Rap is Welsh.

Rap stems from griot storytelling method

West african

Hip hop and rap are growing trends, but by no means traditional American music.

It's only racist to people who irrationally hate rap and are glad he won't be performing, and people who are too sensitive to see that most Americans want rock n roll.

how so? Its 100% american thing as far as I know

No no no no.

There is 1 Ben Carson for every million dindus. It is not worth having these niggers. Don't pull this meme nu-Sup Forums cuck.

Irish songs are traditionally American
Rap is traditionally shit.

Why is it every day some "black guy" starts a really whiny crybaby thread about how his fee fees have been hurt by Trump's America? Can't there be just one day without crybaby fake-nigs shitting up the board?

fuck why are there so many niggers on Sup Forums these days?


Kanye's music isn't even traditional hip hop, much less traditionally American. He completely advertises himself as an outside the box artist that no one understands.

Is this a better source?

Go back to the Bible Belt you wasp scum

Shame id rather have Kayne than 3Doors. Hes a great medium to bring us together while 3D is just cringe.

NIDF is becoming a thing now.

"Traditionally American" means white

He doesn't want a ton of celebs and wants classic american. Rap and people like Kanye are "modern american". Its not race, are you saying j-z* and beonce* aren't degenerate sound garbage? Kanye is only a bit better for his outlook.

>(((trump staffer)))
You mean a fictional character that only belongs in the author's mind? I too can make shit up and claim (((sources)))

It's not a cool event. It isn't cool to perform at these shill shows. Ladygaga and JayZ isn't cool performing with the dems and they are infinitely cooler then the GOP.

boomers love three doors down

it's like modern 70s soft rock

Kanye's music isn't "traditionally American" because its avant garde A R T. Trumo knows this

wtf this webm made me mad

>Jew York
>major musical center for multiple kinds of music, including American music such as jazz

fucking retard.

It's fucking horrible.

It was the Norwegians!

Get an ear for real music, kid. I stopped listening to metal when I was 19. Never liked punk.

lad, if lord of the rings was traditional american he'd be all in

but it's not

Because you keep saying NIGGER

Got a source? I want to hear it.

Who cares nigger

Kayne want to be president...
he cant be singing in trumps party because of that

pretty simple

Hillary Clinton was parading popular black Americans around her stage as nothing but tools. She was only buying young black votes because she knew if they actually listened to her they would know she wasn't going to do anything for them.

The negro collective can't conceptualize individuality.

>kangmaster removes kanye
>it was trumps fault

you don't even know my dindu

(on a dumb side note, do you or your kind find cracker ass whites calling you "dindus" offensive?)

The inauguration is already pandering to boomers too much. A little modern would go a long way. Kayne is like the dave chappelle of the music industry. I bet he could whip up some amazing music that every walk of life could get into.

His music isn't traditional.

Let's be honest here, he isn't exactly professional about performing 100% of the time.

In fact I think it would be likely that he says something stupid or tries to put down Donald Trump at his inauguration.

Please try to understand Kanye West is quite possibly legitimately mentally ill.

I am sorry to tell you, but it is no exaggeration to say, this really honestly is fake news.
It's understandable that you keep falling for it, we all do. We have all been tricked by Jews into hating the wrong people our whole lives, it's how they get their power, by making us all fight each other while they laugh on the sidelines and skim money off the top of our misery.
Every single day we have been psychologically abused by them, and I am sorry that you were tricked, you deserve to be told the truth and treated with respect.
I don't know if you follow what we discuss here, but a common pattern of lying we've uncovered is that any time you see an article in mainstream news (such as BBC) claiming "Sources say", but they never give the name of the actual source, it turns out to be lie 99% of the time

Yes jazz is music. Rap is not.

Dindu is pretty offensive since most black people in the west haven't committed and violent crimes at all and because i speak with a standard American accent. However, I'm sure most black people don't know what the word dindu even means since it's mostly used on edgelord image boards.

It means that rap is no longer going to be a part of american culture and that Trump is going to finish what Lincoln started. He's going to send them all back to africa.

>no one is willing to perform at the inauguration
>reject Kanye in a subtly racist manner, triggering liberals to push for Kanye to be able to perform

Neither is 3 Doors down but they'll be performing.

True but Kanye's song lyrics are a bit too much for a presidential inauguration. He's much less degenerate than the average rapper but still.

Furthermore, I'm not sure Kanye's music would be preferred by the audience.

Kanye has a foul mouth in his music. A great deal of rap follows the same formula:


This is not an appropriate art form for a live, daytime, publicly broadcast event.

if this is even true, which normies already think it is, they should've let a pr person answer.

Well that makes sense.

Maybe OP will see things that way.

We are negro. Your welfare and sympathy will be added to our gibs. Resistance is racist.

So we can only trust video footage of people saying things? What about when reporters go under cover without video? What happens when technology progresses to when people can doctor entire videos? Where do we place our trust then?

Because Kayne is drama queen and would never just perform some songs and leave. He would want to make the event about him and say som cringeworthy shit. A smart move by Trump.

Kanye West is subhuman, never mind "traditionally American".

I'm sure you've listened to enough Rap music to make that statement.

Nope, the damage has been done. Would have been much more impressive if he just let him perform initially.

Stop posting this cotton picking ape. Nobody cares.

He along with that disgusting wife of his represent the epitome of degeneracy in Western culture.

Every single person I've ever seen who likes this nigger is always one of the biggest fucking losers I've ever seen in my life.

Why go to an even as big as this and perform? He will be sitting in the vip section.


>it’s hard to think of something more American
Anything? A fucking hillbilly playing spoons. With backup jug blowers and a washboard. An Elvis impersonator. Electronic anything. The lighting itself.

Fucking idiots. YOU'RE WELCOME!

>“We haven’t asked him. I mean, he’s been great. He considers himself a friend of the president-elect, but it’s not the venue. The venue we have for entertainment is filled out; it’s perfect. It’s going to be typically and traditionally American. Kanye’s a great guy; we just haven’t asked him to perform. We move on with our agenda,” Barrack said.

I like Kanye, but "300 bitches, where the Trojans" is hardly appropriate for the inauguration. Even his more serious/spiritual-type songs have plenty of cursing and racial slurs in them.

This is just a case of some jackass "journalist" with an agenda trying to twist something perfectly reasonable to fit his narrative.

I never understood this meme. Why are we pretending like Democrats in the early 20th century wouldn't have voted for Trump today?

If he had performed, there'd be articles decrying the end of hip-hop as a rebellious, anti-establishment music, and articles calling Kanye an Uncle Tom. It's possible Trump team is just commenting on things like this because the media backlash has always been so good to them in the end.

Kayne is ok, but they're right. Rap is not traditionally American.

Liberia, specifically.

Liberia is a mess, maybe we can Annex Gambia and send them there.

I think the point is that Democrats are being massive hypocrites and still want to separate us from whites. The only difference is now they're disguising it as "safe spaces" to protect "People of Color" (but don't call us "Colored People", because that's racist).

I have.

Wouldn't mind hearing him do Ultralight Beam at the inauguration tbqh

Kanye didn't even ask to perform, so how did this even become a topic of conversation in an interview?
It could only have been a series of loaded questions carefully constructed to intentionally get this sort of attackable response

He means no jigs. Deal with it.

What are you bitching about? Kanye is a fucking joke. Who cares

Except that's hardly true. Most Democrats are white and safe spaces are an effort to help people of color feel comfortable about mostly white spaces. In fact, allies including white people are accepted in those spaces. Even through its sjw nonsense, it's hardly on par with blatantly supremacist policies like separate schools and water fountains because "blacks are inferior".

There's only enough room for one Jack Ass on stage and Trump called dibs.

"Y'all" is not exclusive to blacks only, you dumb baboon. Give up, cracka.

>Help a subhuman negroid like myself understand what's being said here.
No point. Tyrone, you wouldn't understand.

>the R word

This. ((((sources said)))) has been the billshit they've hid behind for months now. I'm pretty sure this site is owned by nbc.


Slightly different motivation, same shit imo. They're separating us from whites out of a sense of condescension ("help us feel comfortable"), only difference is that it's friendly condescension instead of "fuck off nigger". Funny how the same people who talk about the importance of multiculturalism, tolerance, and understanding are the ones trying to separate the races. They're only making things worse, at best they're naive idiots and at worst they know exactly what they're doing but just don't care.

>can't possibly be environmental factors and culture

Why would you want Kanye to perform at the presidential inauguration? His music is full of curse words, lyrics about sex, and he often pulls stunts in public so he would be likely to call Obama a nigger live onstage or something. It's like getting Iggy Pop to play the inauguration knowing that he'll song about eating pussy and then proceed to pull his pants down and show his asshole to the crowd.

Belgium comin' in with those bants!

>Trump staffer

What's being said here is that rap music is shit and we don't want it tied with the President. (Which is perfectly correct)

>Obama and leftists pretending to give a shit about women
>Get Jay-Z to perform for them

Reminder that rap music is black, and is the only form of music which regularly degrades their own women.