After Buzzfeed broke the pissgate story their viewership has gone up 15%.
I think this is only fair since Breitbart and Infowars, other fake news sites, gained readership from pizzagate.
After Buzzfeed broke the pissgate story their viewership has gone up 15%.
I think this is only fair since Breitbart and Infowars, other fake news sites, gained readership from pizzagate.
Breitbart didn't cover pizzagate
it did but said it was fake news
I didn't really pay attention to the whole pissgate thing, I'm assuming it all blew over but did they ever admit they got trolled by come shitty photoshops?
>other fake news sites
Fuck you CIA nigger.
Oh come on, fake news has been around for ages. Remember muh death panels?
The only difference is that we decided to give it a name this time.
It just highlights that leftist scumbags always look to be circle jerked.
Like rightest scumbags do, right?
No not right.
Yes right. Right-wingers are some of the biggest circle-jerkers there are. Why do you think they sit in church every sunday? Why do you think they come home and post on TheDonald all day? Or Stormfront? Or Breitbart and Infowars comments all day?
They're not interested in discussion, they're interested in an echo chamber. No different than libcucks.
The difference is, holding right-wing views can make everyone hate you and cause you to lose your job.
Holding left-wing views and nothing bad will ever happen to you.
This guy gets it.
I think it's odd that people assumed BuzzFeed would be hurt in any way by pissgate. It's weird to me that people thought that BuzzFeed had any journalistic integrity to learn.
BuzzFeed is about clickbait, and pissgate was 100% pure uncut clickbait. People don't read BuzzFeed for the truth. They go there for entertainment. A good chunk of the articles on that site are just a bunch of animated gifs, after all.
BuzzFeed isn't going away.
It really depends. Generally, we don't like zurdos here.
Confirmed traitor and double nigger.
Kek, fake media becoming the norm is hilarious to me. Doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum it is, people love it.
I want to set up clickb8 sites for both right and left and just make shit up everyday and get money while idiots fight over which of my sites is more legit.
>White Envy proxy
If you hold any extremist opinion and are an asshole publicly about it then you're going to get fired and you probably deserved it.
And yes I'm talking about Facebook when I say publicly. If you don't want your boss to see that shit, make it friends-only.
Both sides use the term against each other you dumb nigger.
You can make a lot of money doing it.
Implying this has anything to do with race.
For the record, let me clear this up: I am not 100% white, and aware of it.
pizzagate isn't fake news you hillary shill.
pizzagate is fake as fuck and it's hilarious how many people took that meme seriously
I sat in the fucking chat room while they photoshoped the goddamn images together and it was hilarious as fuck. get a brain.
>Fake News
Pizzagate had and still has verifiable stuff that is just plain strange and creepy at best. Pissgate had absolutely no information that could be backed up at all.
It's only creepy when you take a bunch of out of context shit and put the implication that there's a pedophile ring under it. You start to see ridiculous connections where none exist, because the human brain is designed to do that.
It's the same way that we see pictures in the clouds or hear sounds or voices in static.
>up 15%
fake news
post proof then faggot
don't have any? too bad
>saged and hidden
Post proof that a meme is fake?
Should I prove to you that doge is also not a real thing? Perhaps I should get a written affidavit to prove that Chris-chan is actually an assburger.
Get real, faggot.
I can't believe hillary is still paying you fucking shills...
>up 15%
Prove it.
If I could get paid to make fake memes I'd do it all day long with no remorse, because you gullible faggots fall for everything.
get over it, she lost, fucking libtard...
Are you implying dogs are a conspiracy?
Neither did Infowars
Muh death panels
Are you sure it wasn't this
I dated a girl 5 years ago that went there. I find it really funny she got her news from a site that also had "lol" & "wut" tabs.