Africa is apparently beautiful and resource-rich, why doesn't the west take coastal territories and expel local populations
Africa is apparently beautiful and resource-rich...
we are with time
start slowly having white people immigrate to the coastal areas, eventually they become majority in like 50 years, then can actually use the resources because black people are retarded and can't do shit when given a resource-rich land with decent enough weather (that they are adapted to)
because the west cucked itself into no more wars of agression. now everyone has to be more subtle about it and liberate countries instead
Because it would only end up in the thirteen colonies declaring a liberal state in Virginia and then indulge in massive cuckoldry by importing blacks from the colonies to make them citizens and let them fuck their wives and they really deserve it cause they're liberal cuckold Freemasons and God save the King.
we just need to drop some ebola meat in all of Africa and end the nigger race once and for all. Assimilated niggers can do alright, but God damn if general niggedry doesn't just fuck up everything it comes in contact with
Yeah, this absolutely sucks, letting Africa burn instead of using it just seems like a waste.
Well at least it would be a real country
Some of it is really pretty and they do have a lot of clay and a lot of resources, stuff you could grow or pull out of the earth.
The problem is the lack of stability making investment very risky, you only have so many years to make your money back before losing it all because of a revolution, a civil war, a petty dictator nationalizing your private assets, ...
Anything you could grow there could be grown in Asia or Latin America. Anything you could extract could probably be extracted for cheaper elsewhere too.
You can still make money by bribing a warlord to stripmine the place or overcharging for infrastructure financed with kike money, public debt nobody will pay back but there is no money in "colonizing" the place.
This is what the Chinese seem to be doing not the west.
That's why I said expel local populations, modern colonialism imo would be much more effective and with less risk.
The Chinese are all over the place but :
They're really dumping their excess population there, they even have cheap chinese hookers, local hookers aren't happy with the competition.
They're buying lands and shit, but those property rights aren't worth shit if you don't have a military presence to enforce them, eating up your profits. The nogs are famous for turning on you when it suits them.
Because, as history has taught us, they seep out of their holes to the slightest improvement of life to the advancement that westerners bring. At first it'll be a handful untill your borders are overun and your children are bullied out of their classes by the hordes they spawn.
Yeah but China has a large excess population and they breed as fast as blacks. The nogs will lose to China simply because they think with their dicks and will bred out.
interesting, how are things in your country?
> expel local populations
Think about kind of security you'd need to enforce that. Your security overheads would kill your profits.
Why bother growing Rubber / Cocoa / Coffee / Palm Oil in a place like Ivory Coast when you could do it in Malaysia with practically no risks.
Small operators like the Libanese expats are very good at squeezing/jewing a profit out of African countries. Others are wasting their time.
Africa without any Africans on the other hand would do tremendously well.
can pol take over a part of africa through terrorism and warfare
Trust me OP. It's a very very bad idea to have a foothold in africa.
True, even full-on Genocidal machete warfare hardly put a dent in the demographic curve of Rwanda. It's insane, they breed faster than rabbits.
We did.
>Africa without any Africans on the other hand would do tremendously well.
Literally my point, I'm talking about creating a nonAfrican country on the coast.
Ever picked up a history book? Rhodesia and South Africa pre-1994 were literally what you're describing, and they got betrayed by the international community.
You made the mistake of not annihilating the native population.
And the coasts are dotted with colonial era ruins to prove it.
That is kind of our bad but man modern colonialism could work so well.
le united nations face
it's important that we restrain ourselves and let the corporations do it instead company towns are much more ethical
they already did that
insofar as they did not, they should not because it is unjust
I also will not miss the oppourtunity to ask why should we exploit more of the resources of the world only to shove them into the undeserving ass of rich americans who are the biggest consumers here after us?
I say we have enough and so do you
It'll happen after they're long dead. Trump is putting a immediate stop to the countless amount of aid going to useless countries in Africa or the Middle East therefore they won't be able to receive any resources or gibs leading to their eventual death in waves.
yeah man who cares let's just shrivel up and die on a dying planet with out monopoly money and plastic houses it's more equal and stuff
Because I want the advancement of the human race and that needs a strong country on every continent.