Happening - Plane crash in Brazil

Supreme court justice Teori Zavascki, who was in charge of investigating the huge Petrobras/Odebrecht scandal was on board of the aircraft.


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what a cohencidence

Were there any big guys on board?

>plane """"""crash""""""


They were brazilians.

veja is already reporting as if he's dead

he was in charge covering up for everyone if anything


was he a good guy or a bad guy?

I'm not Brazilian please explain

whats the next step in their master plan?

I assume it crashed with no survivors?

Stop travelling on (((airplanes)))

to kill moro, presumably

It was very painful

He was indicated by Fernando Henrique, nominated by Lula, and hasn't put a single politician involved in the Petrobras scandal in jail

But since Sup Forums likes conspiracy theories they'll pretend he was a good honest guy


The press labeled him a strict constrictionist (positivista), which is a good thing.

that was for the superior justice court, dilma's the one who nominate him for the supreme court

>denying Dilma committed crimes that legally justified her impeachment whether you think the motivations were pure or not
>she dindu nuffin she dinknow nuffin

i wonder who could be behind this...


>1 pão com mortadela has been deposited into your account

I know you're baiting but since you brought it up:


Art. 85. São crimes de responsabilidade os atos do Presidente da República que atentem contra a Constituição Federal e, especialmente, contra:

VI - a lei orçamentária;



ja esta queimando no inferno

Kek, our country is commanded by a mafia. Great news.

He was going to approve the bargaining next week and publish it in february. Now probably STF will wait for the PResident to nominate another judge for the Court.
Sarney can already ask for a song in Fantástico.
Ulysses guimarães
Tancredo Neves
Teori Zavascki

(((Pura Coincidência)))

they'll have to kill the other 10 judges

agora é hora da coxinhada e petralhada começarem a se acusar dizendo que o cara era desse partido ou daquele


imagina que louco se acham marca de bala no aviao

Now they have time to make stupid laws like amnesties or to think of other stuff.

Chapecoense crash was explained after 1 week.
this one will have specialists speaking conclusevely in 3 days
'Let's move on guys!!!!!11"

would a bullet really take down a plane?

t. isentão

I feel really angry right now. I thought the country was past this phase.
We will never be sure of what happened.
The only possible move now is to publish everything right now.
fucking cleptocracy

acho que esses teco teco derruba sim



mas o judiciario eh o maior cancer desse pais
pena q todos os outros nao estavam juntos

>kill a guy
>kill a waiter that listened to you discuss killing him
>kill the random nobody that found the body
>kill the main witness to the murder of the waiter
>kill the main witness to the murder of the witness of the murder of the first waiter
>kill the coroner
>kill a bunch of other motherfucker
Holy shit, that casre is such a clusterfuck

>plane crash shortly after take off
Which theories do we have?

listen you dumbass brazilians who are happy she got ousted....

Your huge oil fields are now open for market because of the new gov't. Dilma/Petrobras were corrupt but they wanted to keep it for the country as a means to create your middle class. I wonder why they got targeted...




>they wanted to keep it for the country
no, they wanted to keep for themselves


>Dilma/Petrobras were corrupt but

>but they wanted to keep it for the country as a means to create your middle class
>one of the most expensive gas in the world
>''''''''''''''''''''middle class''''''''''''' consisted of FAMILIES earning ~$90/month

>Dilma/Petrobras were corrupt but they wanted to keep it for the country as a means to create your middle class. I wonder why they got targeted...
>supporting corruption
Go make some pasta luigi

What benefit is there for Petrobras be a state-company? there is a lot of benefits for politicians, but for the general population it's shit.
Gas is far more expensive here than in a place like the U.S. where there's ton of competition between 12 different oil producers.

you're clearly not brazilian because you'd actually understand that they used to artificially deflate the prices of gas in the country as a tax break

Reeeeeee shill nice VPN

Fuck off eurotrash. Don't talk about shit that you don't know

they tried to offset inflation by manipulating gas prices, which completely broke Petrobras and failed to stop inflation



I hope you are only trying to make me angry. Lava-jato has rescued billions for the country.

Legislative is the worst by far.

not my loss, emjoy temer

que louco ainda estamos em janeiro e ja aconteceu tanto
só falta agora um major happening no carnaval
isis atacando o desfile do RJ
kek wills it!

>create a middle class


Oil has been opened to the market since the 90s.
We already have a large middle class.

>enjoy temer

I am, thank you.

plus all the people who "moved" to middle class went back to the state they were before lula took power due to the recession

Petrobras would have retained all the extracted oil and enforced that 30% of all equipment would have came from brazil


They are all shit, the judiciary is the most powerful though, rereading the constitution however they want with strength of law, the highest corporatism in the public machinery making them have all life expenses paid besides the highest salary they could possibly get and that is raised every year even when the county/state/union can barely pay all their workers (and they freeze their accounts if they ever try to delay it even when that means not paying the public workers that can barely pay their bills).

But in terms of fucking the country right now, it's legislative > executive > judiciary though, even if there are one or two actually good guys in the middle of each.

you forgot to mention they get a paid recess from 20th December to 20th January + 30 month paid vacation


who can save us now?

STF and most of the high courts are shit, but most common judges are decent.

>being decent while getting paid more than 90k/month

We are fucked. He was going to make the delations public.


Hues gonna hue

Illegaly high salaries are hardly exclusive to the judiciary.



who said they're illegal? judges get paid more than that and it's all legal

Well, the salary is something like 26k.

The limit is something like 33k.

If the salary is above that, that's illegal.

wait are they going to sell out petrobras?

>be brazilian
>country is shit, ruled by communist jews
>try to make it less shit
>suddenly die


Who the fuck cares about his salary atm?

He was the main referendary fo "Lava-Jato". He had announced that he would make the premium delations public, delations that had more than 77 mentions of Temer.

RIP Lava-jato

le no survivors

le autism

What, is he the only one who can investigate the scandal?

He was the one that called who would be indicted.

The process will be given to another Supreme judge, appointed by Temer (who is being investigated)

He was the highest authority when it comes to the part that involves politician, while Sergio Moro is responsible for the non politicians. Without him, the law establish that it his successor will be appointed by the current president, possibly in the meanwhile it'll be another supreme court minister chosen randomly.

Literally everyone should know that if you're going at some big, powerful people, never step foot on a small plane. Ever.

there actually were no survivors on this one

>inb4 Lewandowski is chosen


this enforcements were a goldmine for corruption. I don't know, maybe Temer is prone to take bad decisions in this field, I just don't think that is the only thing we should care about.

This is a reasonable statement.

It is 5d chess. they gain more time to prevent a "disaster" and they can nominate the low court judge who started all of it, stopping investigations there. Supreme Court investigations were all pulled forth by lower courts investigations.

just another (((plane crash))), nothing to see here

don't even kid about that

I hope Mendes will be the one who gets it, at least the red half would be beaten

No. he is too keen in absolving PMDB and PSDB people. Everyone of them must be caught

him or toffoli

mendes already criticized the way the MPF is conducting this investigation, he's the last person i'd want

oh shit

>Plane crash
any survivors?

I share the same feeling but who would be better?


>who assumes the lava-jato duties is to be appointed by temer
>accepted by calheiros


sempre termina em pizza mesmo