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She should.

Never forget Wiener may have saved us all.

did they flip her? is she living like a rat trying to keep cover in the mafia?

whos the female ray liotta?

Stupid stupid.


And sage.


i watched at weiner documentary is good and funny but felt bad fo her fucking weiner dont deserve this

she's got a big mouth

>I just want to give her a cuddle

Wherw is she now?

all the better to fit our wieners in



Anyone else find her kind of attractive?


No fiction writer could have written a better plot twist. The American presidency is decided by a "dick pic".

Fuck that terrorist. She'd be stoned to death in her home country.

Jesus Christ she looks sad.

We know Bill.


Is she the official Sup Forums-fu?

Also, post humas.

>when your dick saves the country from a communist take over







You don't have herpes yet? Get with it man.



I bet she's very sweet and likes to cuddle after sex

Her life must suck right now. A year ago she thought she'd rule the world with her lesbian lover, now the first two things that come to anyone's mind when she's mentioned are dick pic merchant and the most spectacular political defeat in recent history.

yeah anybody with eyes

Watch these facial expressions, see if you can spot any power-hungry mega-cunt Hillary-esque type stuff.

Jesus Christ.

she looks like she's broken inside

like she's hiding something that pops up in her mind even in the moments when she's supposed to be happy

I like her better when she's crying but even more so if she's dying

where was the les porno parody?


If Weiner wasn't Weiner... We would have a female president.

Ayyyyyyy..... clever Netherlands.

wonder what (((accident))) she's going to have

I she out of a job currently?

No one knows. Apparently it's a secret.


>wonder what (((accident))) she's going to have

Yeah... she is so distraught there is no idea what she might do... Clinton "aids" who are no longer in favor, have a habit of "suiciding"

She may have just stepped in some doggie doo.

I can imagine Weiner being a middle school principal and giving those looks to the cheer leaders at a pep rally while everyone looks nervously at him.

Is Huma an irl Mona Lisa?

I loved the fact that right after the Wiener 2.0 mess, she went from Clinton's top aid, to b getting referred to as "A STAFFER". Yep, close Clinton aid and "body woman" for 18yrs, just a fucking staffer.


Fucking kek, the NY Post are fucking garbage, but they're great, hilarious garbage.

The chick on the left... Is that one of Trump's daughter-in-laws?

Any truth to the rumor that Clinton got angry drunk (screaming a hitting "staffers") on election night and that is why she did not give concession speech to the following day?

I read she specifically hit Podesta. And he's the one they trotted out for that awkward fill in. I also read that it was a bad combination of the meds she was on to calm her down, and too much alcohol. Lot of good it all did.

No idea.

Also, during that cunt's concession speech, she didn't make any mention of Huma... Not a single one... They both deserve to fry, but I thought that was kind of strange.

she shed loads of tears

im sry Huma, i apologize

Hillary is almost based man.
>be Hillary
>Run for pres even though corrupt AF
>During my run, just take a casual 150+ day break from "rallying"
>In the end of the run, become so sick that I can not "rally" anymore
>Let my voters wait for 3-4 hours just so they can listen to me speak, talk for about 10 mins, fuck off because its raining
>Loose election, get angry drunk and hit staffers

Only think I regret is not giving here the tip... of muh dik.

Huma is a cute.

Someone redpill me on her


Bitch is reaping what she's sown.she should have renounced islam and married a nice Christian man.

>This woman
The definition of skank.

I wonder what marrying a Jew, from a muslim perspective, is like.

Do you think there are nudes of Huma spreading her pussy on Weiners laptop that the FBI will release to the public?

Do the right thing FBIanons

>Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Forwarded Classified & Top Secret Emails to Yahoo & Webmail linked to Anthony Weiner

So when does she apologize?

Saudi agent

>that the FBI will release to the public

>I wonder what marrying a Jew, from a muslim perspective, is like

What religion is baby boy being raised as???

she's cute and highly fuckable

>Do you think there are nudes of Huma spreading her pussy on Weiners laptop that the FBI will release to the public?

Let us hope the Trump administration does a clear and open investigation... The world needs Huma nudes

Thanks for enlightening me, I didn't realize that Weiner was a Jew.

Who the fuck knows.


Gross. Post Huma's feet not those sweaty old weiner clams.

>didn't realize that Weiner was a Jew.
You are fucking kidding.. he is the living personification of the Jewish caricature

Sir yes sir.

I think he was being sarcastic. I think.

>prove me wrong

I thought he was hispanic or something.
Weiner doesn't sound very jewish to me.
I would've suspected if he was named Goldberg, Feinkel, Cohen or whatever ashkenazi/sephardic name.

>Weiner doesn't sound very jewish to me.

Weinbach • Weinbaum • Weinberg • Weinberger • Weindahl • Weinen • Weiner • Weinfeld • Weinfelder • Weingaertner • Weingard • Weingardt • Weingart • Weingarten • Weingartner • Weingärtner • Weingaertner • Weinger • Weinhard • Weinhardt • Weinhaus • Wienhusen • Weinhausen • Weinhauser • Weinheim • Weinheimer • Weinholtz • Weinholz • Weinhouse • Weinland • Weinländer • Weinlaub • Weinleben • Weinmann • Weinreb • Weinrebe • Weinrich • Weinsberger • Weinschenck • Weinschenk • Weinsheimer • Weinsperger • Weinstein • Weinstock • Weintal • Weinthal • Weintraub • Weintraup • Weinzweig


Stop being so fucking autistic about it.
It's foremost a GERMAN name, last time I checked A LOT of americans have german heritage.

Lol druze are muslim/jew/hindu/buddhists who have orgies in the dark.

Really weird people.

Second from right is a Bush.



The hero America needs.

>It's naht a toomah.

Yeah, but most of them Anglicized their names after the world wars. Trump and Zimmerman are exceptions, but 90% of the time if you see a German name in America and they're not a recent immigrant, it's a Jew.

they are ay, I knew one pretty well.
for ages I thought he said jew because of the accent (Lebanese), top fella.
couldn't really get my head around the religion though
he told me his neighbours back in Lebanon were Muslims and Christians and no one there really cared what religion each other were.
seemed nice

She needs cuck in every inch and crack!! Fuck her brains out. Cum in her ass so hard the cum goes out through her eyes... crying sperm

I'd lick dat jewish feet

What Jewish feet do you speak of, Poland.

I just want here to come to my apartment, kneel, suck my johnson and let me cock beat her face, then blow my load on her eyeball and order her to leave.


I heard her pussy smells like ginger and tastes like cinnamon.


That's a really well done painting