apparently mexico is too shitty for even someone who IS mexican and has the last name lopez. as if america #2 will save him from trumps reign
Isnt he supposed to be in canada by now?
>anyone coming to Canada
I have bad news for you.
That fucking spic needs to be taken to task for being such an anti-white anti-American sack of crap.
isnt encouraging suicide a crime there?
Laws of that nature are not enforced if you are black or brown.
Can someone lynch this spic?
Hey George Lopez
He won't come to Mexico because we hate gays and being a brown minority doesn't warrant him a special treatment.
>drugs legal in netherlands
>pedophilia legal in netherlands
>bestiality legal in netherlands
>woman marries her dog in netherlands - legally
>inciting suicide ILLIGAL
>unfunny and increasingly irrelevant comedian desperately latches onto a popular cause to hopefully boost his dying career
fucking hell
are you kidding that these things you mentioned are legal there? what the fuck
not real or deleted?
they say its because ' we tolerant ' , but its really just to prevent 75% of the population ending up in prison
Hey George Lopez, Mcfucking deport yourself
Or maybe he doesnt want to get his ginormous head sawed off.
Who cares, that spic is leaving when trump gets in office either way.
You were kind of cool once.
heres the link
Is he a drug dealer in secret?
>mfw Lopez went crying about "death threats" after someone tweeted him this
>he had just posted a picture of El Chapo beheading Trump
This guy is such a bitchy faggot.
I'm always hearing about how great mexico is from leftists.
If they legit think its so great why don't they move there?
should we raid his twitter like how people raided cnn's instagram with "FAKE NEWS" comments?
yeah if its so great why do they want to move to america #2 a.k.a canada
He seems obsessed with Trump.
I can't wait for this spic's transplant to fail.
t. Dialysis RN
>complaning about voters are a first past the post voting system.
LOL, first past the post is so bad, that you can't blame the voters and if you do you miss the point
How cucked is twitter that they ban Milo and Based Shkreli but not this guy?
or at lest unverify him
Just don't piss them off too.
Not many countries get this second chance.