Truthers BTFO.
It collapsed exactly the same way as the towers due to a somewhat similar construction, but on a much smaller scale.
Truthers BTFO.
It collapsed exactly the same way as the towers due to a somewhat similar construction, but on a much smaller scale.
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you're right i guess im a neo-con now
Isn't it a little eerie that truther is a negative term to many?
"somewhat similar"
It is a negative term because it defines a person who invests an amazingly complex and disproven conspiracy theory and gives the government an amazing amount of credit for something they've never proven that they're capable of pulling off at any point in history.
Then why the term truther? If it's categorically untrue, shouldn't they just be referred to as a conspiracy theorist? You'd think they'd be referred to as essentially anything other than truther.
They gave themselves that name.
>Then why the term truther?
They called themselves truthers.
(((They))) have them that name to put a negative spin on the idea of looking for the truth. Don't question authority; believe what you're told, goyim.
It's cute that someone on Sup Forums tells me not to question authority and refers to jews, while at the same time adamantly supporting Donald Trump and his jewish sidekick.
I don't support Trump or his Jew family. I'm not a cryptojew like Trump supporters, dumb goy.
The problem here is that you don't think it's possible that George Bush was just an incompetent son of a bitch and that America's rampaging through the middle east made a bunch of sand niggers mad enough to crash planes into us.
When you try to make it more complicated than that you just sound like an idiot.
Everyone knows the CIA brought this one down with a controlled demolition to finally scatter the doubts about the wtc.
1) Didnt collapse into its own footprint whereas WTC did and both had asymmetrical damage
2) WTC was designed to withstand impact of jetliners, yet crumbled like a deck of card about an hour after collision. This building burnt for 3 and 1/2 hours.
3) This is a brown person building in Brownistan, nuff said.
4) Not even close to freefall speed as was the case with WTC.
thanks for sharing anyways CIA.
I'm not even a truther. 9/11 wasn't an inside job. The term truther though is a Jewish plot to create a negative association with truth. I never said anything about Trump or 9/11 bring an inside job, my friend.
You've got me there, bud.
dude that's nothing like the 3 towers.
in there you can see that more than half the building is already damaged, and it swings to the front as it falls.
the 2 towers had damage only at the top, meaning that the top section couldnt have force to destroy the rest of the building, specially in free fall..
building 7 is the same thing, no damage and it falls in free fall..
i don't care if it was the Muslims, the government, Illuminati, Silverstein or whatever, but one fact is 100% true: it was a controlled demolition.
Not going to get pulled into this debate by an obvious troll. Even truthers have better "evidence" than that.
That's a few tens of thousands of tons falling with little resistance over a few meters. That has a shitone of energy.
wtf i hate jetfuel now
it can't melt steel beams.
>collapses "naturally"
>thermal expansion with windows open
Suck my dick CIA.
yeah it is, but for every action theres a reaction.
when the top section hits the bottom one, the bottom one also applies force to the top section. physics one on one.
the amount of destruction the top section causes is the same the bottom one applies on the top section.
meaning the top section would be completely destroyed after a few meters, not being able to destroy the entire bottom section in free fall..
it's truly amazing how people are so easily fooled.
you would think, in a city as large as NYC, there'd be more than a few people who would want to know what happened and investigate
>physics 101
And no further clearly. Just because the top section is destroyed doesn't mean it's mass all goes away.
terrorists are strong and new york is weak.
#hard truths
>have less columns to increase GLA
>because muh modern materials
>because who the fuck will nuke our building with a plane anyway?
>have heavy damage on the top with floors falling on floors below them thus dramatically increasing loads
>hurr durr controlled demolition
i got it
just common sense.
Going to relink this too
especially architects and engineers. it must be painfully obvious to them that it was an inside job
the sticky note in pick is clearly ironic
signed Bush
>Truthers BTFO.
first it did not collapse the same way but very much more organic, more side movement
second of all the fires in wtc7 were minimal and visibly so
third the wtc7 has the trademark kink at the roof right before collapse which happens when you detonate one of the central columns to get the structure to collapse into itself
Velocity x Time shill. You should have paid attention in college, maybe you could have gotten a real job. Do you even know how inertia works? Fuck off.
Holy shit that guy is retarded.
Hilarious to see truthers try to talk physics.
>it's like common sense bruh
>like, NEWTONS LAWS, and shieeeet.
Do you know how look it took even him to come up with those laws? Much longer than it would take for him to take his principia mathematica and slap it across your face with it.
Any explanation other than controlled demolition is a fairytale. Arguing with the deniers of this is about as bad as arguing with retards who don't think we landed on the moon or that the earth is flat. It should be common sense to anyone with even a limited grasp on physics that those towers weren't brought down because of a "pancake effect"
>velocity x times shill
>You should have paid attention in college, maybe you could have gotten a real job. Do you even know how inertia works? Fuck off.
It seems you got so buttmad you completely lost the ability to write something coherent.
wheres the argument? are you saying the laws don't exist?
Yep. Thousands of people and institutions, all in a massive conspiracy to kill their fellow Americans in a false flag
9/11 facts are like great vacuums of logic
Notice how the building fell apart unevenly and not into it's own footprint.
You can clearly tell it wasnt a demolition job.
He doesn't have one.
George Bush the most trust worthy President. Honest Bush. Fuck how can I disagree with him.
Fuck now I'm a #Cruzmissile.
no, it just means that the govt has very tight control over the media. more than i would have imagined.
>Jewish art project
I am saying those fairly simple to grasp but difficult to develop laws of physics are beyond your grasp and trowing them around like that is an insult to the man who developed them.
WTC7 was a controlled demo. They lied about that, so they probably lied about the twin towers as well.
wtf i love bush now?
can you rationally explain why WTC 7 imploded----I mean collapsed.
it also means they're evil bastards
But he's correct. That amount of mass can't pulverize the larger mass underneath at close to freefall.
Jesus you're stupid
Oh, yes, and the argument, I forgot. It's hard to come up with an argument to rebut the assertion made by a shitty pic provided by a even shittier website, tat apparently the building fell apart at free fall rate.
You are completely correct. The towers didn't collapse at freefall speeds though.
Did it ever occur to you that this was just another conspiracy to make the dregs believe their lies?
I'll wait for your answer
A jetliner at cruising speed but both the planes that hit the wtc were going as fast as possible plus a jetliner in 2001 wasnt the same as a jetliner in the early 70s try again
Read again. I said "close to freefall", keywords "close to". However, physicists forced NIST to admit WTC7 did achieve freefall for some time.
Because it burned in a fire. Like the building in Tehran. You did see the OP, right?
>That amount of mass can't pulverize the larger mass underneath at close to freefall
As you say yourself, you have a very good understand of physics, please show your calculations. I am fascinated by your work.
>something took a long time and effort to discover so we can't use them
are you retarded?
still not an argument, you say its a shitty image? the premise was delivered and you can't refute it so you call it shitty and and say we can't use laws of physics for some reason
the ((((commission)))) report itself admitted it was free fall
WTC7 fire?? u wot
>takes physics 101 and acts like a know it all
Please enlighten as to where the energy needed to propel huge chunks of the WTC sideways at high velocity came from, if not from explosives, you fucking sperg
>So we can't use them
No, YOU can't use them. Unable and it's an insult your aloud to try.
Top kek how in the ever loving fuck am I suppose to debunk an assertion like that? You're saying it fell at free fall speed, provide evidence.
I am not saying I know everything, I am saying truthers don't know anything.Like you. "OH, WOW, LIKE, IT WENT OFF LIKE VERY FAST".
It may have been a controlled demolition, or not, I don't really care, I just laugh as the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams'' and it's variation live on.
NIST was forced to admit freefall happened with WTC7. Go check their calculations, smart ass. And come back to me with an actual argument.
Yes. Because government agencies such as the CIA have never been investigated and proven to have pulled off extremely deceptive and nefarious shit in the past. The 1976-77 Church Committee investigation was just a meme.
enough of the shill leaf with zero arguments, not worth any more (you)s
I wasn't talking about WTC7 when I was talking about freefall, and when I replied to you I wasn't talking about freefall at all, just the pancake part.
Au revoir Juifs!
Also kek it was the Portuguese guy talking about understanding physics 101, not me.
You posted a shitty picture claiming that the world trade center fell at freefall rate. And then you lose your shit when I ask for evidence.
See? That's why portugal can't be white.
We disagree, then. I don't think the pancake theory has any legitimacy when it comes to 9/11.
>j-jokes on you, I was just retarding to be pretended
You have no arguments and you yourself admit you don't even know what you're talking about. Leave the thread please.
I've always believed the most plausible scenario in which 9/11 was an inside job would be that people inside the government knew that the attack was being planned by terrorists, but did nothing to stop it because they wanted to use it as a false flag to invade Iraq. This scenario doesn't require any crazy leaps of logic, the only implausible part being that they were able to keep the people involved quiet.
lemme stop you right there, nigger
thread related
Well that's fine if you don't, it may be bullshit, and you may have good reasons to believe it's bullshit. But don't expect me to reject it until you give me some hard proofs though, or until I find some myself.
And if you give me shitty "proof" like the portuguese mongrel, I will laugh.
It was to invade Iraq you tard
same controlled demo team?
>j-jokes on you, I was just retarding to be pretended
I said that?
>You have no arguments
No I exposed shitty arguments, it's different
>you yourself admit you don't even know what you're talking about
I did?
>Leave the thread please.
WTC towers were nuked by Mossad/CIA using Neutron bombs. Steel doesn't turn to dust from fires or thermite.
Also observe the bedrock in this picture of the epicentre of ground zero (note: ground zero in dictionaries pre-2001 said 'site of nuclear blast').
The stone has been melted and re-solidified. Again, fire doesn't do that
Until we saw how much control they have over the media this election, so it's not implausible anymore. Shit's fucked.
Real fucked.
or they were just incompetent and figured to use it to their advantage after the fact because why not exploit this perfect pretext.
>11% mixed race
>2.4% niggers
>3.2% muslims
>barbosa meme
according to statistics there's a way bigger chance you're a nigger than me.
as for proof, the commission report itself says "near free fall", go look it up nigger.
I'm not invested in any narratives, but to claim the buldings there are build by the same standards is completly stupid.
yes i agree. those underestimating the US Federal Governments powers are bluepilled plebs.