Hate Donald Trump?
Don't forget to #JumpAgainstTrump to show your hate!
Hate Donald Trump?
Don't forget to #JumpAgainstTrump to show your hate!
Bump for falling sjws
I'm ready to jump into the great cuckold in the sky
I sure hope it catches on in this side of the world as well.
Am just a dog I swear!
Let's make this an official thing. Get it trending
You can jump too. It's okay.
its dumb, normies wont go for it.
our best bet is to take something batshit and retarded a real libcuck is doing and promote it to make em all do something retarded.
also the jumpagainsttrump shit would have worked in the first few days after the election. during the first stages of grief when they were crying in a fetal position . now it sunk in that he's president they wont do shit like that now they're not grieving now they're butthurt and what we do should reflect that .
make em throw shit at any goverment owned property of something like that.
Let's get everyone to shit inside of a library or something
Consider also the plastic bag challenge
it needs to be related to trump
have women video themselves groping guy's dicks on the street maybe ?
pissing on trumphats ?
Glorious deus vulture my brothers
Meme libtards into joining ISIS so that the US military can wipe them out.
This might work
again too obvious
if trump does some of the shit he said like the muslim register or some antimuslim move we can pull off shit like that in the backlash towards it.
meme warfare isnt about fighting against the current, its about surfing on it.
that's how we made freebleed happen.we cant meme em into doing things they dont wanna do. it has to be something they want to do, are pushed towards doing by recent events but aren't quite ready to go that far.
the freebleed shit used feminist chimpouts to do it, feminists wanted to do something extreme we just provided them with the illusion that its acceptable and others are doing it.
I like watching my wife get fucked by her black boyfriend, and I'm ready to #jumpfortrump
#disruptj20 has/had ties to former Weather Underground founder (left wing terror groups from the 70s), as well as an extremist imam.
How about making a fake infograph saying ISIS and ISIL are two completely separate groups.
ISIS is islam...ISIL is against Trump/republicans.
Not a former founder, obviously. Founder: Bill Ayers.
make libsluts wear hijabs to protest trump.again should be pushed as a backlash for a trump antimuslim move.
basically we need to wait till he's in office and does something which makes libcucks buttblasted and make out move as fake libcuck backlash against him.
Obama commuted the sentence of Bill Ayers' buddy, Oscar Lopez Rivera, who was part of a different leftwing terrorist group that committed bombings during the 70s.
>Rivera commuted by Obama.
>Weather Underground founder connected to #disruptj20
>Extremist imam connected to #disruptj20
That guy that burned hinself is a hero. Has keklel.org done a story on this? It's the only fucking news source i trust now.
Never change
"Protest fascism: tag a cop car"
Get them to smear their own shit on public property #smeartrump