I'm learning Hebrew so I can read the Bible in its original language. Am I still red-pilled?

I'm learning Hebrew so I can read the Bible in its original language. Am I still red-pilled?

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Fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Also yes, but in learning hebrew you should also read the contemporary understanding of talmudic readings as to not be lead astray by the pharasite who denies his own scriptures.

yes learn the jewish magic tricks and use it against them

Spoken like a true jew. Kill yourself faggot

Learn Greek. You can read the Septuagint in Greek, as well as the original new testament.

Not all. Modern Hebrew is a reconstructed language and is not at all the same as the Hebrew spoken in Jesus' time.

Good goy.


Wasn't it written in greek? Learn it anyway so you can chat up qt Israelis

Yes, make sure to also learn Greek. When studying the Hebrew scriptures make sure to understand the meaning of the terms in biblical context, as not all the words equate to their modern meanings.

>learning Hebrew instead of Koine Greek


i plan on learning greek after i'm familiar with hebrew. then latin.

first translation was in greek but original is hebrew

>I'm learning Hebrew
>Am I still red-pilled?

you are worse than a larper.

Careful you might ascend

my post was a joke. i don't actually care what you faggots think.

no it's not. Modern Hebrew is the same as ancient Hebrew but with borrowed and made up words for modern items. There was no word for Elevator back in biblical times so they had to come up with new words.

no, because Christianity in itself is not redpilled

I wanna learn Hebrew to fuck Israeli women desu


>hurr I was only pretending to be retarded

who's this girl?
her face reminds me of elizabeth olsen

Lol, most native Hebrew speakers can't even figure out 80% of what the bible says without external help. It's some old ass language. Good luck lmao

Got em

>potato education

Reading the bible in hebrew taught me that basketball is a social construct.

good luck with that, the new testament was written in ancient greek

cool, I want to do this too. I also want to learn Aramaic so I can read the new testament correctly
how long have you been studying?
do you have a tutor?

>how long have you been studying?
three days
>do you have a tutor?
not really. i became interested while i was reading through a course on alchemy which discussed the meanings of the original hebraic words and symbols. prior to this i only knew the three letters in YHVH. my goal now is to try to read the bible in hebrew, and there are some side by side versions online that i might use.

that's great, good luck.
I think one of the harder aspects of it will be pronunciation
>all those guttural sounds

Pretty sure that's my Black Jewfu Rashida Jones

Is she really half black? Her skin/eyes are darker but all her other features look white/jewish. Usually it's the black phenotype that gains the looks.

Learn a white language instead cuck.

Yeah her father is Quincey Jones the music producer. Her mother is some Jewish actress.

Quincy is pretty good

Why do people hate the Jews? I mean our Bible was written in based Hebrew and Jesus was born Jewish. Doesn't that mean God is Jewish?

I don't get it, we should love our Jewish brothers.

Christianity is a Jewish invention

That's the real redpill you cucked faggot

Real whites worship Nordic gods

Done it twice. Really no big deal.


JIDF in full force today...

>Catholicism is a Jewish invention


Typical retarded american christfag

Politically the same people say "we should wage war and overthrow every government in the middle-east that is against Israel". Neocon warmongers.

>not ancient greek, the most patrician dead language

>I'm learning Hebrew so I can read the Bible in its original language. Am I still red-pilled?
You never were red-pilled. The Abrahamic religions are a joke. You should be able to figure out it's all garbage in the English version.

Learn French or German, head to Switzerland and find you a little Schnüggel. You'll thank me later.

Hey, me too!
What are you using to learn?

No goyim Hebrew is only for gods chosen people. And don't you dare read my talmud

The only bit of the Bible you need to worry about was written in Greek.

If you would be Redpilled, you would know that Masoretic Text is corruption of Bible made by Synagogue of Satan. Read Septuagint instead.

You're better off learning Ancient Greek and Latin.

>worshiping a dead kike on a stick

1 NIS says you won't get past Genesis 1 without a translation to burger.

The hippy spoke Aramaic, you retarded burger.

Learn Classical Arabic and read the Qur'an.

It isn't jewish.

Hebrew is an evil language and a manifestation of the jewish soul.


>reading the bible jew
... wait a second

You better learn Sumerian to read the material most of the torah was based on.

>accepting the Jewish culture is hip now

Kek will punish you for this, you heathens