Can we have a comfy /balkpol/ thread?
Since there is so much tension and possible future habbenings it feels fair to have one
Can we have a comfy /balkpol/ thread?
Since there is so much tension and possible future habbenings it feels fair to have one
There are already two threads. Short: serbia will lose either way like always. Doesnt matter what will happen.
fuck you
How about you make more of these retarded threads?
Dont forget Vajdaság ;)
I live in Vojvodina and that will never happen,sorry to dissapoint you
romania e baza
>God tier
Bulgaria, FYROM
>Bro tier
>Shit tier
>Gay faggot tier
Tuto vrati se da cistis klozet
are you that albanian living in germany
how come brazil user is so interested in balkans ?
croat diaspora
how did you get there user what is your life story ?
born here desu father fled yugoslavia
>33% Muslim
kek you left i came hire :D !
You have to agree Yugoslavia wars was a mistake
we cant recover from it there are more fires than fire men
serbs ruined everything like always
where did you get that stat ?
its about 20%
Like when?
Give me a list of wars that Serbia "shamefully" lost (and by shamefully I mean not facing an enemy much, much stronger, like in the Yugoslav wars (against NATO) or the Ottoman conquest which we could've prevented had Serbia not been so divided at the time).
You may be trolling but this meme doesn't even have a valid base.
post the ones that Serbia "heroically" won
eh every one had there part you have to admit it
Top [spoiler] kek [/spoiler]
Top [spoiler]kek[/spoiler]?
Sup Forums hasn't had spoilers for a while
Ok [spoiler]got it[/spoiler] now
where's albania on that pic
we dont speek about them they are shit desu
Serbians are savages
Serbia vs Slovenia
Serbia vs Croatia
Serbia vs Bosnia
Serbia vs Kosovo
Serbia is like the madman of the village
Wtf i love albania now
>mixed Cuban and Albanian background
if you love them so much i will make sure i send them to Germany we dont need them