pol was the unification of germany a mistake?
>idk cuck
Is that a map from the late 1800's?
Otherwise I don't even get what I'm looking at
Its the german confederation, mid 19th century
That's why I didn't recognize it I guess
Why not post a map of the third reich instead?
It was the only time most german peoples were united in one proper empire
third reich are the natsocs
2 reich are when the where still a monarchy
1 reich is when the where first unified
That resulted in the German Empire, and your pic in the OP doesn't have the correct borders of it
ow shit.... ok sorry my fault
Not like it matters, I was just confused
The first reich, the HRE, wasn't really an empire like the other 2, it was basically a half as cucked proto-EU with only germans in it
Because the Third Reich was an abortion of a country that nobody with working brain cells actually wanted. Even most of the nationalistic German generals of WW1 and WW2 either didn't care about the third reich or opposed it in various ways.
Kaiserreich is best Reich.
>Half of Prussia isn't in the German empire
I don't get it
Not in the German Confederation.
Those provinces were aquired relatively recently and still largely Polish, except for East Prussia.
They were actually incorporated into the confederation for a year or two iirc. Not sure what that was about.
I don't think the Confederation really did anything of note in the relatively short time it existed
It was put in place to fill the vaccum we created by the dissolving the HRE, then Austria and the Prussians fought for dominance over the rest of the germans and we got BTFO, and a few years later the Prussians formed the German Empire
Why wasn't Switzerland part of German confederation. They are majority Germanic, right? And they were part of HRE for a long time.
They fought for their independance sometime around 1600 I think and they won it
On what basis?
I don't know shit about the Swiss or Swiss identity
basis of mountains are hard to attack probably
they didn't want to pay taxes or sth
pic related
it was inevitable, that's for sure
protestants are not real germans
Well the east was kinda fucked and the west tried to fix the east with money and they just completely wasted it.
Also the rest of Europe always gets understandably a little nervous if too many Germans get along
There was a time when Austrians considered themselves basically part of Germany and really wanted to reunite but we weren't allowed to.
I think the Koreas should learn the most about this because if they ever reunite it would be similar in many ways and maybe they can learn from our mistakes and do better.
Get the fuck out.
The only problem is that Slesvig and Holsten need to be returned to Denmark.
That's one of the borderchanges after WWI which are completely fine
The population there voted on where they want to belong, and it got split up accordingly
Austria was kept away from Germany after WW1 and WW2 for obvious interests of the allies, violating the self-determination of peoples, which they were pretending to be their value at the time.
After WW2, Austria was brainwashed into believing that they are not Germans and Germans had their identity and back-bone broken.
Though I must admit, If I was Austrian today, I would not join Germany under Merkel or join people retarded enough to vote in Merkel.
Lutheran cuck detected
Religion is still retarded.
Enferne dich, bevor ich dich meinen 100% preußischen Prachtschwengel im Gesicht spüren lasse, du Bayer für Arme, du.
t. Achmed von Bismarck
People need something to believe in or something to work for, otherwise they become degenerate
Doesn't have to be religion
Denmark is too small. They need a little more clay to be a real country or at least seem a tad more relevant. They have their own culture to an extent, but such a small place is easily absorbed until they're nothing.
Even as an atheist you have to admit that christian nations are the most successful.
If certain sets of belief can fuck up countries then logically other sets of values and rules should be able to elevate them.
Nigger they have Greenland, they have plenty of clay
doesnt matter
Greenland has nothing there. The largest place there is the size of a small US town. Unless Greenland is populated with more people, especially ethnic Danes and modern cities, Greenland is nothing but a hunk of ice and snow chinks.
Never, christians are only successful, because they got the doctrinal basis for commerce, that´s why Islam wasn´t so good after the Renaissance.
We atheists (based off the Christianity) also have morality and laws, but we are not eager to be a part of some bloody crazy organization, which dictates our lives.
Danes have garbage birthrates just like all of the west, they don't need more land
And just because there's nothing there doesn't mean that there can't be if people start investing
You kinda sound like a Russian to me.
>We atheists (based off the Christianity) also have morality and laws,
Show me a great athetistic nation.
Show me anything build by atheism.
kek, why?
You're retarded mate Silesia and Danzig were acquired during the days of Frederick the Great. They were Germanised long ago, first by the Teutonic Knights and later the King
For a German you sure don't know shit about your own history
UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, you name it
>garbage birthrates
>no need for land
Austrians are weaker than Germans!
They´re just smaller, but not as cucked, Britbong
You cucks destroyed HRE, Austria is the real heir to the Reich
under bismarck, yes. I would have preferred a different set of regions come together as germany
current germany is a patchwork between two distinct peoples in north+middle+east and south+west
What was wrong about it?
I don't know much about what the Prussians were doing after Napoleon, there was plenty of shit going on in our own empire
Both of those things are right though
The only way to get clay in these days is war, and I don't think the Danes are going to declard war on Germany
Of course we were and still are weaker than them, they have like 10 times our population
I am not defending Danes, but hell, Danes are still better for the West than Germans. Germans if not going Fascist in future months will be only to serve the fucking shitskins.
No. They should've been reunified peacefully after WW1. But the kikes wanted their war.
Mistake was not punishment germany after WW2.
Poland get "reward" that was eastern bloc. There was plans to split germany to neighbors, and eastern block start behind east border of Poland.
Nothing desu, I was just pissed you didn't point out was spouting crap
True Saxons Rising! BTFO Huns!
I don't have anything against Danes, hell I like them, I was just talking about them because the burger brought them up
Pawel pls, how do you think that would work?
The germans in Austria and the NL would probably accept it, but then there's still about 60 million germans that you want incorporate into three different countries
Your scenario would have ended in a bunch of civil wars sooner or later
>proto-EU with only germans in it
>EU with only germans in it
>only germans in it
>only germans
Poland with unrightful Silesian clay, GTFO
tfw in the late 80s frogs, bongs and russkies wanted to stop German unification but Americans intervened
for once burgers were based
Gorbatchov and therefore Russia helped with Reunification as well.
France, GB and Italy opposed us.
Stop it
Europe would be better off under the reign of a powerful Germany.
Now it's too late. Enjoy your caliphate, you fucking cucks.
Fuck you, Ahmed, be Christian or just nuke yourself
Russkis even wanted to give you Königsberg back
soviets were fooled into thinking western influence wouldn't expand beyond Germany
that on top of the desolate state the GDR was in helped push them towards the agreement
Yeah, the radioactive wasteland that they turned it into. How nice of them.
Yes, they were deceived. Nevertheless, we owe them unification to a big part.
But you all Austrians still love OUR empire, right?
The true Germanic tribes left for Britain 1700 years ago. BTFO Prussian Slavs!
Well they're russians, what did you expect
I love many things.
for example being german.
and I'd love to see all germans united as a nation
What is your vision of Grossdeutschland?
>tfw no germanic empire
You're not welcome, Aquafresh.
Just kidding. Of course you are.
you had me for a second there mate
don't worry..only Sudetenland will be lost for you
Does it matter if we do?
The Habsburger have been completely cucked out of their titles and lands, monarchy was verboten by the allies, we have no way to gain our power back and all of the other A-H countries that were with us want nothing to do with us anymore
Post WWI Austria is JUST-the country
they beat us then they collapsed
we owe them nothing
wait, I thought the dutch were their own breed. Please enlighten this poor mutt on his own race
we are basically the same peoples, but we developed our own version of frankish, which is now dutch
but y the tallness
this pic has more detail
germans are actually also really tall, just the eastern Germans are shorter bringing down their average
I don't know whether i should be proud or dissapointed that im just a fucking blob of different European DNA and that I don't have an established homeland for my people
i already feel like non true dutchman for being 5% western german, i dont think i could handle being an american
This is me, just on my phone
It hurts, all I have is dixie as my heritage and that's going to be taken away from me :(
I'm living in a city where a mixture of dutch and German was spoken for centuries
we are culturally and ethnically very intertwined
>0.5% Ashkenazi
read about it when I did some digging on the history of this town
they had to bring over an expert to decipher some kind of historical diary of a a merchant that lived here and wrote down all the happenings that really activated people's almonds
couple hundred years old
it was claimed as a breakthrough in reconstructing the history of my hometown
actually, I identify as a Sioux chief. Please respect my minority status and culture
Just too bad they hassled the Hofer, instead of electing him for lulz-related reasons.
is it in the rheinland?
Just tell us your fucking hometown, shiiiit. I'm curious now.
pic related, it's me and some of my family
Can this meme stop alredy?
Hitler wanted a 1000 year Reich.
1st Reich was Rome, 2nd was HRE.
The term Reich means Empire, it has nothing to do with the times of unification or pre ww1
It was a typical sign of the times.
Nationalism and Liberalism went hand in hand, and were the first big political steps towards undermining Traditionalism.
The hero of the Prussians and the father of modern Prussia, Frederick the Great, whom Adolf Hitler praised so much was not only a homosexual, but a Freemason too - thus a natural ally to the ideas of the French Revolution.
There lies nothing worthy behind the fame of the Prussian Empire.
it turned german from an ethnicity to a nationality
now they dont care that they are being wiped out
>aristocrats opposed a movement that uplifted all German people equally
no shit retard.