New Shoah Is Up!

It's still here! Get rekt leftoids and Antifachan!

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Fuck you you fucking faggots. Go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of.

no thanks

didn't this guy get exposed as Jewish?

Nobody cares. Go back to TRS, shill.



he didn't his wife is a quarter jew and the media is using that to take down the entire Alt-Right



Oy gevalt!

This is embarrassing. Playing the mine clip from Finding Nemo.
Literally Opie-Radio tier

Wew, gaslit by the media again. Good job spergs.

He looked exactly how I imagined desu.

I just finished listening. it's still entertaining and better the am talk radio. why did Fash the nation shut down?

>looked how I imagined
I had same thought
is Red Ice radio popular in Scandinavia?

probably afraid of getting doxxed

Please come back. Please. The movement needs you.

Enoch never clarified if he is Jewish or not, but alluded to it and has said things like fellow Jews on earlier TDS podcasts.

He's a known liar and that means he is Jewish.

Jazzhands and Halberstram didn't want to get doxxed.

from my understanding, Jazzhands works as a political consultant, so getting doxxed would be a big hit to him financially.

they'll probably come back after things start to settle down.

>being so autistic that you take someone misspeaking every now and then as a confession.

Even if they are frauds the fact that they keep going will rustle antifa jimmies

They didn't know about Mike's wife unlike the entire trs circle. They seem like good people, at least they are not being manipulative and delusional like trs right now

>the bantzing of viewtiful joe

>i just misspoke goy believe me!
Listen to the Rebel Shoah again. He dances around the questions which were softballs to begin with. He says "I hope people of Jewish descent can be part of the movement if they prove their worth" and it's clear he's talking about himself.

Show me one instance where he says "I am not Jewish."

You can't, because he is Jewish, at least partially. Faggot.

shilling got fairly annoying after a while, althought it was fun trolling them

Nice thread, faggot. Now go back to 8gag.

they left before everyone knew his wife was jewish, and I really don't think it's going to have much of an impact on them.

Sven and Mike are not and were not being manipulative. Mike's wife being a kike never came up and there was never a good opportunity to talk about it before the dox. people need to remember that they did not start as full blown white nationalists or wise to the JQ, that happened after they started TDS.

if you were in their situation you would have done the exact same thing.
people's views change and sometimes they have baggage they haven't gotten rid of, it happens.

You must choose one and only one.

you have literally nothing but conjecture faggot. you have no evidence beyond "muh Kike enoch said something that could vaguely be construed to mean he's talking about himself, therefore he is 100% jewish." this only evidence of you having autism.

I'm not going to waste days autistically pouring through every episode of the daily shoah when you have zero evidence to substantiate your claim to begin with.

jokes on them, we've been TRS friendly for years.

>Sup Forums
there is only one choice

Antifa here. I just wanted to say we are all laughing at you uneducated fucks. We have been having the best fun playing both sides. Keep it up idiots

classic antifa
>incite to violence
the tolerant left

These faggots are traitors to the white race,they only want to make money from the rise of the right....the guy who runs this is a literal jew married to a kike bitch that is for trans rights....also his brother is black.Like jesus fucking christ how can you be retarded enough to fall for their kikery.

faggot LARPers have a podcast still kek.

>the guy who runs this is a literal jew
>his brother is black

where have you been m88?

Lurk moar faggot

Global Rule 11:
Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

fuck off

It's hard to take any of Mike's bants about other peoples looks seriously in any way.

his wife is jewish, but there's zero evidence that he is or that his brother is black.

does he even have a brother? why would his brother being black even make a difference?

he doesn't have a black brother. Antifa is conducting an all out campaign to destroy the alt-right and Trump ahead of the inauguration. Don't fall for their tactics.

did you listen to the rebel shoah?

ive been a trs goy for a couple years, im not shitting on the guy, but hes part jewish, and he loosely admits it at various points


what an ugly cunt

He basically referred to himself as Jewish at one point. Don't remember the time stamp. Sage shill threads.

why dont you take your meds and listen to the ep?

yes, I did, and no, he didn't

there was one part where he misspoke and was clearly talking about him having a jewish wife right after talking about people who were part jewish.
there is literally nothing to go on aside from him saying things at the wrong time.

if he was part jewish we would have heard about his jewish wife and jewish parent(s) in the dox. we only heard about his jewish wife, so where's his jewish mom or dad?

dude hes an octoyid get over it. doesnt mean his ideas are worth any less

I listened to the new episode just to see if it was any good and I am very disappointed. It was a complete cringefest. They did donations first and it went on for 40 minutes. Then they talked about some movie and TV show. This is literally the most retarded shit and some autist gave them $1488.00! Holy fuck how idiotic are these TRS g o y s. I listened for a while but I think I'm dropping them for good. I hope they can redpill some people but their inability to address the issues hitting them head on is pretty ridiculous and unprofessional. During the donations one of the commenters brought up the jewish wife and Sven was like "oh god not this again" or something. OH GOD NOT THIS AGAIN. Not like this is a huge shock to any of their listeners and it just happened/is happening right now.

what we know so far:
>sven has ejected people from the forums for disagreeing on the issues
>all comments are closed
>the forum is closed
>FTN, KulturKampf, Darwin Digest and maybe others have jumped ship
>Mike has implied he is Jewish at least two times
>he and his wife are separated but not necessarily divorcing
>it seems pretty clear he has lost his job but no proof
>Mike's wife is at least 1/4 Jewish but probably 1/2 Jewish (both grandparents are Jewish) and identifies as a Jew

I think Sven has cucked under pressure. Mike is working on some new secret project. Oh and also some "fashy goy" gave sentiments that Mike's wife is probably a good person and is probably doing good things and is probably kind of redpilled. In response to that Mike said something like she'll really like to hear that. wtf. A lot of shit isn't adding up and they have a lot to answer for.

this commentary is alright

Can antifapol please go back to their pedoboard so we can either enjoy or ignore TRS in peace.

Your brute force astroturfing is getting fucking old

that only vaguely looks like him. that could be almost any fat guy.

that could be fucking Matt Forney in a wig with a 6 o'clock shadow.

post the name of the account you got the image from if you're so damned confident about this find?

>Is Zincwalk handing out H1 visas?

Seeing all these "white nationalist" groups are actually full of shitskins, muzzies, gooks, racemixers, fags and JOOS really activates the ol'almonds.

>>it seems pretty clear he has lost his job but no proof

the company he worked for tweeted out that he no longer works there.

If I remembered the name of the place I could look it up and show you.

Good drills tony




That is, if you can remember too

It's him

He doesnt have to share his personal life.

So is OP a genuine TRS guy or did he post this to start shit?

TRS is the alt right. The alt right doesnt have, need or want a leader. You TRS shills need to kill yourselves already

Yeah Sven looked like I imagined too
Bulby and Ghoul not so much

Well it was never TRS anyway


I was super wrong about enoch so im probably equally as wrong about them

Lmao get Mike to state he is not Jewish.
I'll wait. He's lying to you. Idiot.

I'm still pretty butthurt that Enoch didn't go over the whole "I'm married toa jew" thing

We still don't have proof that he was ever an employee at the place he talked about and that he's separated from his wife.

All public information on him has his age at 28, and "Matt" as an alias, which is supposedly the name of his nigger brother.


>haha look based /baph/ is doxxing alphabet agencies
>we r leguun!
>final boss of teh internet!
>so glad we didn't stay on WORSTchan
>based antifa mods banning outsiders trying to subvert us!
>go ahead and open that CP
>it'll be our little secret :^)
>Come on goy! We're totally not a honeypot

Tbh I've grown tired of this Sup Forums mentality wherein anyone who does anything outside of Sup Forums (even if they originated outside of Sup Forums) then they're controlled opposition based on nothing more than having personal failings.

None of the ethnic nationalist ideas actually even originated on Sup Forums anyway, this place used to be kinda poszed.

But Sup Forums thinks it now owns ethnonationalism and is allowed to gate keep.

It's frankly annoying. So everyone should stop the shilling and BS

my butthurt comes from the fact that he wasnt up front about it after he got redpilled

Some 8gag fags are reeeeing that Merchant minute dared insult, they think they are legion.

He did on rebel yell yesterday

good to know

The company pronoun tweeted out that they fired him.

dude, he fucking shredded those spergs. nothing more brutal than a merchant scorned


he should have known that the only way to neutralize Rule 4 is to address it yourself before your enemy can tu quoque you into fucking oblivion

He talked a lot and no answers were given besides "there was never a good time to tell you goys!" which is mega-bullshit

I am too BUT he does not HAVE to share his private life and he did confide in people he was close to.

I like the content. Not necessarily the man. And I an rather annoyed at the infighting when really both sides need to just take a step back

Best epirsode in a while. They should invite these journalists contacting Mike to come on the show.


No, they didn't.

No good answers on that front were given because he doesnt have to disclose his private life.

Probably felt trapped by the situation.

I mean, think less of the man of you wish. I do. But people are using his personal failings to try and burn bridges with everyone they minorly disagree with

Kek'd about good ole Blockhead Joe

yeah I don't see it


Kike Enoch at his wedding

how does his hair change from brown to black???
many questions!!!

8gag btfo by that merchant minute I wonder how they will react. Probably by doxing him, because they insulted "muh board pride" then pretend like its justified with bs shillery

8 gag can only reply by calling you TRS even if you have valid critque. It's funny because now they are becoming anti fans listening to the father land, rebel yell, TDS out of spite I guess?

fuck off you nu-Sup Forums memeing faggots. everyone fucking hates you and the only ones who stick up for this cringy shit are faggy 19 year old autist from Sup Forums


His weight has gone up and down a lot, when he isn't fat he looks pretty good desu.





Redpill me on anglin?

>it's gotta be white people, and really jews should be excluded, and if you're gonna let in a mixed-jewish person they really need to have done something to have earned that. And I think in my case, I did.

-Mike (((Enoch))) Peinovich

That is not "misspeaking" or "out-of-context" that is him explicitly identifying himself as a mixed-jew that has done enough to be considered worthy of being a white nationalist.

>Rebel Shoah Fashy Struggle Session 20170118: one of the issues that was brought up is that we've had people who were removed from the forums because they were jewish or who had jewish ancestry and had renounced their ancestry, this had been brought up on the show before, because that's an obvious ancestry

>Mike's response: I had actually never heard that before, I think that in cases like these you gotta, I mean, there's the purist stance which means they are simply not allowed, in which case I have to go

There is more than enough evidence that Mike is a jew.

>TRS aren't harcore enough!
>TRS are too harcore

at least stick with a line shill


