Anons are acting different. People unnecessarily replying.
>What a negro
>Yeah he is a negro
Its like someone is trying to fit in. There is also a rise of people spouting liberal drivel.
Sup Forums is being researched.
We are being watched
You are being paranoid homosexual negro.
How much are you paid?
I've noticed it as well. We may need to relocate.
>People unnecessarily replying
>Its like someone is trying to fit in
Yes it is definitely people replying, fellow human
keep calm and be user
Didn't you see those recruitment ads looking for people to monitor Sup Forums for wrongthink from midnight to 10am? At least 50% of the people posting here are getting paid to do it. It's one of the reason flags need to go (also shitposting) it makes it too easy to analyze.
Im new to Sup Forums so why the hell havent you guys posted lynchings when someone baits with liberal propaganda. Tf
it's better to ignore bait, any sort of engagement just invigorates them further
what a negro
.02 shekles per post.
.05 per shit post
yeah that's totally gonna work, keep trying fuckfaces!
If you were observing the behavior of an anonymous mongolian cinema forum, why wouldn't you just lurk?
user you seemed to have forgotten a handkerchief here with pizza trails all over it. If it's not your please do not respond to me.
>researching chaos
top kek
stupid fuckers
Sup Forums is probably still being raided by /leftypol/ but we all know they can't win
gas the kikes
race war now
Hold the line lad.
It's not the first time they tried to infiltrate us, and it won't be the last.
>pissing into an ocean of piss
How tf are you gonna get normies off your board? I ran an otherkin chat and fended off all normies using gore. Its amazing how many people jump ship because of gore and pony porn. The stragglers can just be fucked off
Of course it's being "researched". You're an idiot if you don't assume you're being watched at all times. This place is a nuisance to some very powerful people.
Also I've noticed a ton of "hurrrr CHECKED" and "nice digits!!!11"
Meanwhile it's nothing but singles
Just scroll through catalog and you'll see what threads are shill threads.
>8 Variations of hurr durr trump
>11 Variations of what's wrong with ...
>5 Variations of WHAT NOW Sup Forums?
i'm estimating it at 90% threads 60% replies
Conservatives are a very vocal minority. Those of us who lurk, and have for years, like to get keks from their mental gymnastics to prove their confirmation bias through their own cognitive dissonance.
I completely agree with your post. And your Windows Phone screenshot really makes my neurotic synapses react, fellow 4chanitor!
Take a look off my picture, how about those Native Americans huh?
Newfags and redditors used to the hugbox is my guess.
Well I guess Ben Fischbein is a faggot after all
It really is. Everything good this past election got a foothold here.
Normies can't stop us now, we are more powerful than they could ever imagine.
It might just be a natural rise in new members during and after presidential elections.
Maybe the same thing happened four years ago.
they've managed to convince liberals that white people are special snowflakes and the cause of all their problems, which is pretty much the anti-thesis of truth. This happened over decades and more then a couple generations of targeted mind control and brainwashing.
Wars were staged and fought to create and maintain this narrative. This narrative is also necessary so they can continue upending sovereign nations while the hit goes out on authorities of the U.S.
Thjey've managed to turn an ENTIRE FUCKING GERNATION into CIA/Nazi collaborator cannon fodder, and from the millennial liberals to the lsd dropping liberals that they spawned from in the 60s, all get fully behind it.
The good news is, I knew the game when i was 12 and I never had to do jack shit about it until i was almost 30 and went to the voting booth.
But their has been literally Trillions of dollars, millions of death and a multitude of nations and cultures that were destroyed.
They're not just going to ditch the narrative and futile spending now.
They're FAR too dug in
its he jews obviously
Sup Forums doesn't get rid of leftists, it converts them.
>sounds nice
gas the normies, otherkin.
>If you see a CTR thread, DO NOT BUMP. Sage, say "CTR THREAD" once and leave. Do not bump these threads
Their strategy is defined as such:
1. DENY - They will deny they exist, always
2. DISTRACT - They will distract real news with propaganda or irrelevant news
3. DECEIVE - They will post blatantly untrue propaganda, and post often in these threads and hope they get bumped for mass-exposure
4. DESTROY - By filling an "online community" such as Sup Forums with constant propaganda and mass support for propaganda via bots and paid shills, community members will no longer recognize their community as a place to share ideas and post. Thus, community destroyed.
Screencap this and remember, and share. Post this image in CTR/Shill threads. Do not let the globalist/Illuminati/propaganda threat exist. Be informed. Be smart. Be careful.
Most importantly, never stop pursuing the truth and justice.
Ha ha ha, you are such a negro! LOL
Sup Forums has always been "researched" since day 1 only now they decided to prod more with needles and shit. It will go away eventually.
You are sounding like a dirty black man. White power! Is there a facebook group I can join?
Probably not, we've just had a massive influx of newfags from Sup Forums and other sites to the point where Sup Forums is now the new Sup Forums. At least half of the threads here are just pure shit or obvious bait and post quality has gone way down in the past few months.
Yes I noticed a lot of CIA shills lately.
Here is an example, they don't even know how this fucking place works.
You must be relatively new. 4chins is always being researched.
(Hint: what do you think they did with Tay?)
Confirmed, edgy faggots and low quality posters at all time high, even for Sup Forums. Must be the inauguration. The great jimmie rustling of our time is about to begin.
This place has been compromised by the government well before the election. Now they are flooding it with dis-info and gov't agenda operatives to control the thinking of people on here. We're actually taking part of an experimental/cyber/informational type of warfare.
I've noticed the high amount of anti-trump "people" pour in here after he was elected.
>My safe space board didn't fill the front page with the nigger word in the last few hours :(
Goddamn you and all others like you are pathetic. I know you're a Reddit refugee that came here for dank and edgy memes during the election, but it's time for you to leave.
Holy shit how do I sign up? free money for doing what I always do.
You are acting very paranoid nobody is watching us
Were checking palindromes to pay homage to Thoth now.
Nice palindrome btw
You're not being watched. Now please give me your email and personal information
That's an obvious bait post
>But who could it be?
did you miss all the threads about this yesterday OP? There were like 4 threads about a secret company (probably Micro$oft) hiring people to monitor and post on Sup Forums/reddit. The job listings are down now after pol spazzed out and doxxed the recruiter tho
Yeah, he really is being a paranoid homosexual negro.
It was shown post election that AI was here, almost undetectable, and posting on here.
I believe it user. As much as I believe in coincidence I had something happen yesterday that made me think it could be a gubment spy trying to approach me.
>Be standing in line waiting to buy phone charger
>Chubby Indian milf right out of my pornhub search history approaches
>Starts hugging me and says "you smoke but that's OK"
>Starts asking questions like how old I am and where I went to college
>Ignore her because she's just some crazy high as hell on something she wasn't offering to share
>Out of fucking nowhere "yeah, I voted for trump. Who's excited for the festivities yeah!!"
>Starts trying too hold my hand
>Starts blabbering about her friend who's a lawyer and they are all lying scumbags. And he's a Jew and that Jews are lying scumbags too.
>Luckily I think the best buy employees felt bad for me and opened up a new register to get me the fuck away from her
that's just the serbian CTR shitposter
>you just got cucked by paranoia
>not realizing reading or hearing the thoughts of others indeed gives them command of some of your brainwaves in that moment
>not posting this through seven layers of irony
Pretty jealous, user. You done anything worse than shitpost on the Chan to warrant that kind of fear?
wtf is KEK playing at here
If she didn't start parroting the core Sup Forums beliefs to try and get a response I wouldn't have thought twice about her being any more that a high as fuck crazy person to be honest.
Her entire being just felt like someone compiled my entire online presence from shit posts to porn searches.
it's true, all of it
You don't need to do something anymore all you need to do is fit the profile user.
Look at all those "homegrown terror attacks" the FBI has "thwarted" in recent years. FBI gets in with the "terrorist" them nudges them towards the idea of preforming an attack then supplying the means to do so. Then they foil the attack they helped set up and are national heros.
They've done this numerous times in recent years.
>community members will no longer recognize their community as a place to share ideas and post. Thus, community destroyed.
It's too much for me. It's working and I think the internet is the second beast in the book of revelations anyway so I fucking hate this site now anyway. Some of you are good and some of you are alright..... But,
Check out my sweet pistol! Do you guys have pistols too? Post pics of your pistols, pls
i noticed it too its weird but really not that annoying
>Hello, You are acting very paranoid nobody is watching us
Lol, Fuck! Some of them don't even try....
What's the plane in my CAPTCHA? WHF? is that the MH370 that went missing? Can someone confirm?
user you see a CTR/Shill times in the normies off all those relatively news is, I voted four years ago.
>get paid to shitpost
I need to get into this
Quick spam liveleak to scare off the Normies
Holy fucking shit, Sup Forums expert reporting for duty
Seems like a good idea. I bought this one at a garage sale LOL!