Africa has never invented anythi-
I'd like to have my own chukudu. They seem best kind.
these threads are great and comfy
post more
I need one of these holy f*ck if I own one it guarantees a living? I'll give it to someone else to mess with. Nice thread Tumit
That's actually brilliant. It doesn't even require a motor to run.
>Africans invented wheels just now
German engineering BTFO.
More of a reverse engineering scenario
Proud of our former colony. We managed to beat some civilization into them at least.
So they invented a bicycle without a drivetrain or a seat.
Wait what
Ever heard the expression, given an infinite amount of time, a monkey, by randomly pressing keys on a typewriter can recreate the entire works of Shakespeare.
Looks like they have stolen a WHOLE DAMNED BUNCH of white boy culture. Look at those clothes... and the wheels.
From " nigga stole my bike " to " white man stole my invention "
Africans invented everything. Every so called "race". Best genetics. Power from the Sun. Master race indeed. And the heres the real kicker. You are all african. You all have African DNA.
You can deny it. But the truth is its just albinism.
>Not even black
>Science, blacks master/father/mother race
Everyone has African DNA. Youre not a different species. Youre just a slave to Satanic Zionism that has been tricking you into damnation. Everything is connected. Humble yourselves cuz ye will be judged. The teacher is silent during the test mortal.
It's basicly a giant kickbike that you cannot kick because its too high off the ground
Innovative heating solution
pretty neat
Ethopians, dravidian indians.clear descendants of African people. Lost tribes of Africa. Classified as Caucasians.
I'm moving house today... up hill
Where white ppl think they came from.
Where they actually came from.
Your elites are have been lying to you since day 1
Africa is a big country.
Under europe, is the middle east and africa. Where europeans ancestors came from.
Jesus Fucking Christ
>literally shaking
wtf i love niggers now
Wheels? Stop appropriating my culture!
>luckily everything there is downhill
The sum of 2000 years of African knowledge in engineering has culminated in the creation of a wooden scooter.
didn't sumerians invent that same shit 8000 years ago?.. These Africans still eat shit out of a cows steaming asshole for nutrition... When can we start fleecing off the dead weight thats holding our species back? We're stuck in limbo so ((merchants)) can make the gold shekels, and we make no progress. fuck... you tits, come on.
truly the the pinnacle of neggro engineering!
how can the white man even compete!
They finally invented the whe...
Oh..they just stole it.
How long ago did the niggers raped and ate that albino?
>Be nigger
>Claim innovation
>Make something that's just a ripoff of a ripoff of a ripoff
This shit makes Chinese knockoffs look good. They're really reinventing the wheel here.
Why don't they just make it a tricycle so it doesn't fall over easily?
If you look closely he added bearings to the wheels, so is not his creation.
If only they ate all of them. Like Cronus
Is there a scientific reason for why every other race and culture developed technology and complex architecture thousands of years ago while Africans did nothing?
>ball bearings.jpg
Yes, I know.
Neanderthal DNA
>10 billion euros were donated for this statue
>itt jelly white boys who haven't invented anything
these wonderful genius black people invented an entirely new thing that moves them around quickly with cargo of up to 2 TONNES and you are being dicks about?
really? REALLY?!
They're actually a crafty people those negros. Who else could discover the benefits of blowing air up a cows ass?
it's classic
>Once upon a time there was a little black boy, and his name was Little Black Sambo.
>And his mother was called Black Mumbo.
>And his father was called Black Jumbo.
>And Black Mumbo made him a beautiful little Red Coat, and a pair of beautiful little Blue Trousers.
>And Black Jumbo went to the Bazaar, and bought him a beautiful Green Umbrella, and a lovely little Pair of Purple Shoes with Crimson Soles and Crimson Linings.
>And then wasn't Little Black Sambo grand?
I invented toast this morning for breakfast
"Ooga Booga Boo!"
Augustins, meet the Augustins
They're a modern African family
From the town of Goma
Where they make bikes out of trees
They are not white.
>it takes years to learn how to make them well
Until you get to bottom the hill and have to push it back up.
>we were behind in the aviation race
>until now
looks highly unpractical
why not build a cart so you can actually haul shit around...
STFU bong.
Me and a friend built a car when we were 11 years old.
We welded the frame + steering column ourselves, used an old lawnmower engine for propulsion and a broken bike's chain and gears to drive the back axle.
The only wheels we could get a hold of was for an industrial trolley (solid steal wheels with a thin layer of rubber) so the handling was not that very good.
Nonetheless it ran and kids in the neighborhood would pay us to drive it around.
You can just keep going downhill and downhill forever. You know, kind of what germany is doing nowadays.
>niggers don't have a cultu...
It took me 10 seconds to realize that this guy was speaking french (my native language)
>MFW their best """invention""" is literally a shitty copy of a device whites invented hundreds of years ago
Africa is like real life flintstones
>Implying that mankind has been around for 2000 years.
Are you retarded?
"Sure, it's retarded of you hobbyists to create a wooden spoon when mankind has build a metal one in 2000 years HAHAHA!!"
what, like work?
>that top gun music
Granted, that contraption will definitely take him to the danger zone.....
>[Danger zone starts playing]
You can't make this up.
Systematic racism obviously, fucking whitu devil
Are you me? I did the same but I used a old 3 cylinder french motor and instead used wheel barrow wheels. I eventually gave it to my grandpa and its still (apparantly) on the farm somewhere, as they use it to transport shit and its the only things the kaffers doesn't break.
Unfortunately, he designed the fan to big to be placed inside the cabine.
Fuck I miss the old days...
You don't see kids doing this type of thing anymore. We built huge treehouses, slides and booby traps. We also built our own weapons like bows, crossbows, blow-guns etc and formed a hunting party to track down tarentale (pic related) or anything else we could find.
TFW 11 year old white kids can out-engineer the most innovative of grown-up nigs.
wow the niggers built a dandy horse
And for another African invention, look no further!
I want a big wooden scooter
He's made a heap of metal with a rotor "system" on top that has a max RPM of 120.
Astounding. Simply breathtaking. Please help me, I'm laughing too much to breathe.
>all those people standing around watching and waiting for it to take off
Making a shit version of something that's already been invented is not innovation it's imitation you know like monkeys do
When you really think about it, the fact that we have black people in our societies and treat them as equals is fucking insane. White people are just as crazy as this nigger
Look how funny and silly this monkey looks in his helmet
>"Ooga Booga Boo!"
TOP fucking kek
How could this thread not include the African space program?
How does it go anywhere except downhill
>it takes Niggers years to learn how to build a wooden roller
yep, nothing unusual here...
it doesn't, that's the joke.
>be nigger
>life always goes downward
>tfw al jazeera logo looks suspiciously like onion logo
>"Ooga Booga Boo!"
my sides
that actually looks pretty awesome :D
I can't believe my people created the jenkem meme.
What are you talking about, WE WUZ KANGZ!
No one wants to recognize the superiority of African Aeronautics here I see. Truly vessels built for kings.
These are albino indians and they look pretty fucking aryan, maybe just a little autistic due to sensitive eyes
Professionalism of that reporter lmao