The final redpill

Take the final redpill Sup Forums

If a women wants an abortion it's her body, her choice.

Other urls found in this thread:

Abortion is good in America because it kills niggers, bad in white countries

You already consented to having a child the second you started having unprotected sex

Or do you not familiar with the procedure?

If a woman wants to abort her own body, I think that is nobody's business but hers.

Depends on when and how you consider a fetus forms into a legal person.

Also b8. We need to focus on :

the US goes through with #RepealHartCeller among other things


Also, send the second one out to European Justice, Immigration, and Security ministers.

A+ if you can provide translations.

What a shitty bait. And you are supposed to be Australian.

or are you not familiar with get this..... RAPE!

Some women belief it or not dont choose to have semen squirted up their hole you fucking idiot

The final redpill is crime.

If you were an alpha male you would go and commit crime and live by nobody else's rules but your own.

The only reason you don't is because you're a pussy.

>Expecting me to actually argue
I'll leave you with this piece of knowledge, the baby and the mother might share the same space, yet do not share the same mind.
The baby is the baby, the mother is the mother.. The mother can do all she likes with 'her' body, but that doesnt mean the baby is 'her' body, that would be sick and impossible, surely?

m-muh fetus

Who cares, it doesn't have consciousness, do you want to make laws to stop people squishing bugs

>taking from hard working citizens

Yeah nah, i want to help my country and its people

This.. Sort of.
The last redpill is that you are supposed to live like you want to live your life, but you can't.. You have been forced to either work until the day you die, force a child upon this world so it in turn can do that which you have hated all your life.

also, crime is for niggers and poor people, be white and rich and you will go far

its growing in her body, if she doesn't have the ability or want to raise it then she shouldnt be forced to

>her body
>the baby's body
anyway as an embryo's life is worthless i'm pro abortion

It's not her body, it's in her body. Learn the difference

I'm rather sure we can think of a way (like a hospital) where the mother could stay until the baby can be removed, after that she is free to go and leave the child, kill herself or whore around.. as you said, her body..
The baby however is not her body and must remain inside the hospital at all times.


We'd be overrun by brown bastards by now otherwise. Its a necessary evil

No, the reason I don't is I'm smart. Taking classes for forensic data and such currently, it's to the state that if I ever want to commit a crime either I'd need to be in a shithole or have an unreachable proxy (ie satellite, really want to eventually figure out a way to redneck one but probably impossible)


who the hell cares, the world already has enough people

So do you think niggers are redpilled?

Her blood and circulatory system is used to sustain what would become a healthy human being. Literally not her body, but I'm fine with niggers and trashy white whores killing their kids. Kill away, just don't claim it's anything else, a fetus could literally develope in a tank with a fake umbilical cord circulating and oxygenating it's blood

>Who cares, it doesn't have consciousness, do you want to make laws to stop people squishing bugs

There's a fundamental problem.

What's the difference between a newborn and an 8-month-31-day fetus?
8-month-30-day fetus?
You see where I'm driving at.
You can make the demarcation of personhood (or alternatively acceptance of legal personhood, but simultaneous acceptance of the right to take right to life away) at the first or second trimester, and/or given certain criteria such as the life of the mother or birth defects, but ultimately you are dealing with
> a human being genetically
>something able to feel pain

On the note of inability to be conscious, when you are asleep or knocked out, you too are unconscious. The fetus is unconscious temporarily- say 9 months (though if we want to go down that rabbit hole, even longer). If you were in a 9 month coma, would you like it if I pulled the plug on you?

>InB4 someone wrongly insinuates I'm a theist

>Yeah nah, i want to help my country and its people
If you were an alpha male you would only care about your own success.

>The last redpill is that you are supposed to live like you want to live your life, but you can't.. You have been forced to either work until the day you die, force a child upon this world so it in turn can do that which you have hated all your life
Sort of. The final redpill is that life is a struggle for dominance, so you can impregnate all the women. Like it is in nature. If you can get dominance legally then go for it, but sometimes crime can provide more power, more influence, than you can get from working legally.

Yeah, basically.

It's OUR fault for not punishing them harder.

Highly depends on what kind of people we are talking, other than that now you are being far too obvious and I cannot entertain you any further.

The average nigger knows about the ZOG. You just don't hear it because you don't realize when they say "the white man" they're actually talking about Jews because they consider Jews as white people.

thats not a redpill