>when Trump won the election
When did you realize Alex Jones is usually right?
when he debated a rothschild and won
When he started shilling for a globalist like Trump, oh wait.
GTFO CIA scumbag. We've exposed your "it's too big and crazy to fight back" scam.
>when he debated a rothschild and won
He just yelped like a stupid ass. Alex would be dead if he was really the character he plays on TV. Instead everyone who exposed Hillary and the NWO dies from suicide and this fat fuck keeps selling you lies
The Podesta e-mails and the Satanic shit in the elites of the US, which I previously considered to be utter bullshit outside the obvious Freemason imagery, certainly made me consider his stances again.
BTFO'd The Young Turks
He's never right and I'm 10x more redpilled than him. I've outgrown him years ago.
You guys know Alex Jones is Bill Hicks right
>tfw this happens
When the Spirit Cooking voodoo shit and sacrifice to Moloch shit came out of Amerikikeistan.
>He just yelped like a stupid ass.
sure thing Mr. Rothschild, you got BTFO
when i found Info that some pesticides are turning frogs gay
Jones has people feeding him info and he does know what is going on. But information has to be released at the right time, and sometimes you have to release misinfo for the greater strategy. The trouble with nu/pol/ is they think an eceleb should be an infallible father-figure who can spoonfeed them the reality without requiring they engage their brains.
Many many years ago.
>Sup Forums unironically trusts a snake-oil conman
66 > 33
Spirit Cooking.
It's fucking incredible how the tables have turned. I'd trust Jones over the MSM now, whereas a year ago I'd have written him off as a lunatic.
>when I got fucked in the ass by a gay frog because I wasn't taking my Super Male Vitality™
when I found out that the elite really were satanic child molesters/murders.
I still shake my head in disbelief he was correct, and it wasn't just hyperbole.
The odds of this is down to 4%, this is pretty amazing
>Alex would be dead if he was really the character he plays on TV.
Maybe they're afraid his followers would mobilize if they found out he was dead.
>Adipose Jowls
>usually right
What the fuck? Sparkling new or shill?