Forgive me for this rant, but I'm in the mood for it

Forgive me for this rant, but I'm in the mood for it.
Hypothetical for you: two white people, one male, one female, just graduated highschool in a 1st world country. Tell me, what way does the female have disadvantages the male doesn't? (excluding sexual dimorphism)

Because I can't think of any besides conservative fucktard states restricing women's right to choose.

Some claim women are sexually assaulted more. If you include prison rape that is blatantly erroneous. If you do not, then any real figure that takes police reports, not unverified polling, shows men are raped roughly 15% less often than women, 80% of the time by women. Keep in mind however, men are significantly less likely to report being raped by a woman than vice versa. Even with very conservative estimates that put the likelihood close together you would still reach the same conclusion. Men are raped as much or more than women even outside of prison. Look up The Truth About Rape Culture by Steven Molyneux for sources.

There is a rape culture in the 1st world and it normalizes/ignores sexual consent rights for men, not women.

Some claim women make less than men, Christina Hoff Sommers, a 2nd wave feminist, thoroughly debunked this in her factual feminist series. The 'earnings gap' as it should be called is just that, women in general take jobs that earn less. By choice, because they're free to live just as men are.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some claim women are in danger in relationships, when in actual fact, domestic violence is 50/50 leaning in favor of women just based on police reports, women are more prone to use potentially lethal weapons in a domestic dispute as well. Again, something a women would report more than a man would in a straight relationship.

Some claim still the courts are sexist against women. Yet if you look at the numbers, again you see the opposite is true. Women are less likely to be arrested,charged, or convicted as a man for the same crime and same criminal history. Women also on average recieve half the prison sentence than men for the same crime and criminal history. Divorce court is so blatantly biased they define the mother as the 'default' caretaker. Feel free to look up hundreds of sickening examples of dangerous mentally disturbed mothers keeping children away from the bread winning mentally stable father until the children get hurt or much worse. I've heard cases where the mother's psychologist themself told the court she wasn't fit to have custody and they ignored it.

Women can vote and don't have to sign up for the draft. It's socially acceptable for women to be house mom's but house dad's are 'dead beats' (both should be able to do what makes them happy, if they'd prefer taking care of a majority of the child care there's nothing wrong with that if they're working just as hard as their partner)

This white woman will get free money just for being a woman when going to college, the white male will not. If she lived in the U.S. she also had an education system specifically targetted towards her genders general learning habits at the cost of boy learning habits all the way up to middle school. Yet we wonder why over 70% of new college applicants are women nowadays.

Despite being white, her being a women will earn her enough 'oppression points' so racist sexist regressive leftists won't completely dismiss her opinion if it differs at all from their own. The white male either nods in agreement or stays silent if he doesn't wish to be kicked out of the group. Apparently not even black men are immune, Kanye West is not 'black' now because he spoke to Trump about resolving issues in Chicago and Kanye doesn't openly detest the man. For better context look up #BLMKidnapping and then MTV's 2017 resolutions for white guys video on youtube.

Did I miss anything? Further, I'm fully capable of accepting women are objectively treated worse than men in 1st world countries in some way if you can show me a credible
source proving that. I'm an egalitarian, I hate how one sided I feel when I think about this because I am anything but a misogynist.

Post this on tumblr or reddit, not here.

I'm asking for info about political issues that affect women on a politics board.

The newly graduated female will suffer from :

>constant sexualisation.
>a very real threat of rape at any point in her life
>discrimination based on her gender when being considered for management roles

There are many more, and as to your picture - replace the word feminist with Black Slave, and see how your logic stands up.

True feminism is not about favoring females, it's about equality.

Faux feminism is just an excuse for women to get away with things


The fundamental problem with cowtowing to women is that they never appreciate it, and no amount of special treatment is ever enough.

Trying to get women on the side of fruitful civilization by their own choice is hopeless.

Women must be kept in line, or they will attempt to keep men in line, and that's how society crumbles.

'constant sexualization'

Look up Talliwhackers

"A very real threat of rape at any point in her life" Just including police reports women are only 15% more likely to be raped, you'd know this if you read my full post. Considering it's proven men report being raped by women far less often than the other way around it's obvious men are raped as much or more than women.

'discrimination based on her gender when being considered for management roles' If you can show me a credible source proving that I'll believe you.

'There are many more' then keep bringing it and I'll keep giving respectful and sourced responses.

this. You mixed up the platform CTR

Didn't read.

You're a cunt.

>Ignore me! I'm a white knight!


edit 'proven men are less willing to report being raped by women than the other way around'

Ishmael would know. His people invented feminism

Sorry OP. We got too many reddit white knight virgins thinking if they can just rack up enough instances of defending women on the internet, the internet fairy will grant them a girl friend. You probably won't find anyone here to help you out in your query.

Good luck.

This picture is subversive as fuck, implying feminism and egalitarianism are two opposing things. Egalitarianism is the rallying cry of almost all leftist "policies".

Women =/= men. Niggers =/= white. Until every person is an androgynous mud colored retard force fed MSM from birth, then people aren't equal and shouldn't be treated "equally", fuck your subtle Marxist propaganda. This is some next level "recontrol the narrative" "memeing".

>Women's right to choose

I hope you realize this isn't a disadvantage, because men don't have that right either. In fact, it's more detrimental to men since they'll have to pay for the result of that unaborted child.

1. I'm an egalitarian, not an MRA.
2. I've had much more luck convincing people who were uninformed or on the fence about political issues by giving them reasoning, facts, and logic for why I hold the beliefs I do.
3. I don't get upset and aggressive at feminists, that's just wasted energy. Instead I tell people facts that destroy their patriarchy narrative.
4. I can be witty and emotional and curse plenty stupid nigger, I just don't see the point when I'm actually trying to persuade people to my side. I'll do all that stuff when I'm talking to people I already agree with and mock and make fun of feminazis
5.If you're implying the 'solution' is to start demanding special treatment like feminists you're just going to cause more riots and violence.
6. We have the internet now, religions are dying on this platform, weak ideas, false narratives, and otherwise manufactured propaganda can not last in a society that generally understands how to research an issue and get both sides of the story.

Thank you for your response. Truth be told I pulled all of that out of my arse. I have no actual arguments.

However, your picture suggests an immature and impractical viewpoint, if it is something you believe.

Consider a hospital.

You could say "everyone has problems that should be addressed as a whole". Fair enough.


It would be very stupid to propose "everyone has problems that should be addressed as a whole, without favoring a specific injury".

You simply have to discriminate when trying to be practical. It is fair to say patients should all have equality, but you would still have to focus on the man whose legs just got cut off, over the girl with an ingrown toe nail. Somebody has to lose in this REAL situation.

So to summarise. In the world it would appear women suffer from more discrimination than men, even if it is only 10% more, it is logical to focus on them first, as we do not have infinite resources to fix all problems at once.

Therefore feminism could be argued to be a useful ideology until all discrimination is removed.

>1. I'm an egalitarian, not an MRA.
Same deluded shit.

Thank you, I already posted this all over the Candid App and not having much luck.

I'm not trying to be subversive I'm trying to be perfectly clear. Modern day 3rd wave feminism, in it's popular portrayal in the media, and it's largest actual functions, that being, real world protests, do not talk about male issues. They don't talk about babies being circumcised, they do not talk about only men being drafted. They only talk about women's issues. In the modern day that's a selfish stance to make when you can fact check virtually anything in 5 minutes with some google searching.

Egalitarians do not focus on any specific group they work on resolving issues in general. Feminists won't talk about the fact a female rapist can sue and win child support from their rape victim because that goes against the patriarchal narrative. Egalitarians will blare that issue out to anyone and everyone who will listen if they actually care about people.

Also affirmative action is racist and sexist, I support meritocracy not free shit given to people for being born a certain race or gender.

Oh believe me, I'm well aware of men's lack of rights when it comes to sex and reproduction..

Yes because deciding an entire race is inferior or a gender is based off of zero scientific evidence isn't deluded right? Bigotry is stupid and will always be considered stupid by decent people no matter how much you whine.

>based off of zero scientific evidence

Sources please. I'm not dumb I know you're likely a troll, I'm just not one to assume.

Prove that everyone's equal :^)

I'm a 'pragmatic egalitarian' then. If you want to be specific. Dealing with the most pressing issues first is the whole point of being an egalitarian not a feminist.

THIS is a pressing issue
Male infant genital mutilation is a pressing issue
Men only being drafted is a pressing issue

#Manspreading is NOT a pressing issue
The earnings gap is NOT a pressing issue
I already listed off completely untrue 'issues' feminists protest all the time, many of which still wouldn't be pressing issues even if they were true

So, can people please stop strawmanning me? cuz "duhhh egalitarian sounds like equal so you must think literally everything has to be 'equal' right? herp derp" just isn't a good argument. Try harder.

Feminists belong in 3rd world countries where women can't drive or show their face or get an education, ya know, places where women have real pressing issues that are far more pressing than male issues of the country.

>I support meritocracy not free shit given to people for being born a certain race or gender.

Ask yourself where is the border between race, gender and true disability.

If a womens brain has 20% less neurons (dimorphism), could you not argue they are disabled in certain ways? Why do you throw away dimorphism as something to consider?

How about this :

A male child grows up healthy, good looking and intelligent.

At age 17 this person suffers a rare brain injury from a virus.

This brain injury cripples the 17 year old mentally, and takes away everything that defined his personality, turning him into a bi-polar, suicidal child.

This happened to my brother.

It is not fair to place him into a world built for un-injured brains. He will die. He cannot be let out of sight, let alone look after himself.

A true meritocracy would be a death sentence.

You are right, nobody is born equal, and for this reason we must balance out the world to help everybody. Whether they have an IQ of 150 or 70, these humans could greatly suffer without help.

This is the true end goal of humanity, to reduce suffering and help everyone no matter who or what they are.

I said that in relation to modern affirmative action, so disability whether something a person was born with or received through unfortunate circumstance was not even part of it. Though I could say that it still fits, in being that you measure one person with another with the same disability and severity. If they have the same issue but one works harder than the other they deserve more for it right? That's still meritocratic thinking.

If your house has a problem, you focus in on it and specialize. You don't use the same tools and people for leaky pipes, if you have electrical problems too. Or need a tv installed.

Fuck off sexists.

>if they have the same issue but one works harder than the other

Well then they don't have the same issue.

Their brains are wired differently, or have been exposed to different environmental factors beyond their control.

My brother also suffered a 100% removal of willpower/motivation. It is fundamentally unfair to reward willpower when it is just another random genetic attribute you couldn't control.

What if women "suffer" from lowered will power? What if it is a masculine trait?

>addressing problems in any way other than personally
cry more fucking faggot
stop bitching

I want plebbit to go away

I'm a MGTOW , i'll do what i want, women are alost cause, their power is through lies and libido.

if you want to help others good for you, get eough power and momney through your own merit to spend it in the weak one, but i will live for myself if i get in a difficult situation i know i¡'m alone if i perish is becasue i was weak. the strong rule the weak perish , subdue or are parasitic of the strong that took their burden. in the end the choice is for the strong.

What I'm getting at is that the whole reason Feminism exists is because of sexual dimorphism.

They just don't know it, because the reality of genetic determinsim is too much of a redpill to swallow.

Your argument that women have it the same as men is false, because of dimorphism.

If you believe you should suffer discrimination, lower wages and lower well being because of genetics (including racial differences here too, not just genders) then you are sounding rather illogical and cruel.

Balancing out the differences with affirmative action may not be perfect or without its problems, but is the best solution we have to a very uncomfortable and difficult problem.

Overshooting and giving women too many advantages could easily happen, and perhaps is happening, but there is no better option at this point.

I think you may be forgetting wit the strong helping the weak we would not have such an advanced society.

One reason we are so much smarter than other animals is because we can care for other members of our species effectively.

Consider Stephen Hawking. He has made major contributions to science, but needs a nurse to feed him and wipe his arse.

If society were to ignore him, we would all be worse off in the long run.

>It is fundamentally unfair to reward willpower when it is just another random genetic attribute you couldn't control.
Genetics and environment affect a lot and many choices are effectively unable to be made until one reaches the age of majority, but people can change their environment which will affect which genes are expressed and thus change your outcome. The deterministic view you are expressing is unfalsifiable and thus not a good way to approach things.

The best thing to be done in regards to these sort of social issues is attempting to create a society that encourages people to go into environments that bring out their best and to create a culture that cultivates the expression of the "willpower gene", if such a thing even exists.

To have our mode of operation be based around our outcome being out of one's own hands won't just not improve things, it will discourage the expression of willpower.