Admins apparently got a t_d post on top of /r/all to 0 points. A post on /r/all at 0.
This is the_donald retaliating
Admins apparently got a t_d post on top of /r/all to 0 points. A post on /r/all at 0.
This is the_donald retaliating
Other urls found in this thread:
you have to go back
Can you explain?
It seems like a happening, but I dont understand the nuances.
this is moderately funny
No-one cares, literally gas yourself.
No one cares you faggot, go back
Why would you think that anyone would be interested in this?
>you have to go back
retaliating against what?
>Admins apparently got a t_d post on top of /r/all to 0 points. A post on /r/all at 0.
Literally no idea what the fuck is this
Alright I get it, it's actually kind of funny.
>mods took down top post on site because it was hurting peoples feelings, t_d posts it 200 times and now it occupies 5-6 posts on the front page
you're going to have to explain what you mean
>t_d post on top of /r/all to 0 points
/r/all is basically the homepage of Reddit. I don't know how the shit works, but the content shown is in part based on how many upvotes it gets. The subreddit "the Donald" became huge and freaked Reddit the fuck out, so they started shadow banning all their posts and not allowing them on the front page. To an extent, Reddit hasn't really officially acknowledged this, from what I know, even though there is tons of evidence. I don't know what happened today but it seems that a post from the Donald somehow made it to the front page and it mysteriously had 0 upvotes (read: admins playing games).
Reddit has a lot of active censorship running but allows pedo subreddits to exist. One of the things that was noticed is the /all subreddit not showing any high upvote posts from t_d when they should be on the list.
You have to go back
I dont think anyone has any idea what you're talking about.
Please stop coming here.
Long history of /r/the_donald upvotes being manipulated by reddit admins. Posts with high upvotes make it to the front page and potentially the top of /r/all which is the default reddit homepage. A post earlier today made it to the top of /r/all and the reddit admins manipulated its score by removing all upvotes making it's upvotes a zero. This removed it from the front page of the site. When asked how this actually happened by /r/the_donald admins, reddit's admins blamed it on reddit users saying it was downvoted organically. /r/the_donald users called shenanigans and every new post is the same picture and being upboted by all online subscribers to /r/the_donald.
>lets make the admins pay for it
Basically, mods have taken action to keep the_donald off the frontpage. They made it to the frontpage with a pic of Trump, and the admins fiddled with the votes to put it at 0, with 50% upvotes. Now, the_donald is spamming the picture nonstop and they're all upvoting it. 6 of the same picture on page 1 last I checked. It's pretty funny.
Lmaoing at your life.
Obviously they set this up so they can ban t_faggot for spamming or brigading.
Enjoy your ban.
If you post on Reddit you shouldn't come here
What does this mean?
The post reached about 9k on the front page. Was edited to 0 upboats, and then fell off. T_D responded by mass-spamming the image, and it's all over the front page. CTR in full force downplaying it, trying to twist it, and libs think the censorship is more than OK and call for further censorship.
Reddit is the front line. We're the last stand. If they lose the army comes at us, and we're already swamped by the flankers. Don't let them discourage you. They're trying to take the country. We're defending our home.
We have more resolve
Do NOT let the propaganda get to you
This is irrelevant inter-reddit drama
Can we somehow parlay this into making Reddit close down for good?
Nobody really gives a fuck here. This is why we make fun of reddit. Why you faggots stay there and give that website more traffic is beyond me.
look at it Sup Forums. This your Trump supporter!
Sup Forums post about Reddit
Too late.
Listen to the common sense and disengage you faggotery
Retard not posting said image of Trump so I can try to join.
If you want a personal army you have to arm it!!!
Le_donal loves niggers and Jews, and they'll say flat out say it too
Anyone have the addresses of where the reddit admins live?
You're gonna be on reddit as soon as the pathetic shovel face owner of this shithole decides to stop flushing his money down the toilet
They got Brendan frasier on the front page, reddit aside this is entertaining
what is a redit
>all this fucking redditposting lately
Reddit is a retarded exercise in groupthink and you're kind of dumb if you think you're going to find sympathy here.
You made that board your bed, either leave, lie in it, or tear it down.
>some Reddit drama is happening look guise so funny
You have to go back you millennial atheist faggot.
>a hahahaha fuck reddit! fuck the admins!
>why are reddit and the admins mean to me?
you don't need to visit that shit hole now, that's all it is
consider yourself armed.
>Still caring what the hell happens on Reddit
KYS Stop giving this cancerous shitstain of a website more traffic let the fucker die. I say let them ban the donald if you haven't moved to voat yet your a degenerate faggot who doesn't deserve to live.
>not any of the other chans
I don't understand your Redditspeak, but can you just post the photo that they hate? Thanks.
>not understanding the role /r/the_donald played in electing Trump and the role it serves in helping Sup Forums redpill the normies
KYS kike.
I don't understand. It's just a photo of Trump. There are thousands of these.
they also removed an r/all post about rapefugees rapin in eastern canada. whole place is cucked, who knew
you fucking idiots need to realize how important reddit is for exposing the light of truth to normies
It's the official presidential portrait.
I don't understand why they thought comment rating was a good idea
Well he's looking pretty good. I like it. Have fun storming the castle!
fuck off back to plebbit
you have to go back
God I wish I could of fucked Maddam President
Nobody cares
I don't know about any other chans because I'm not a pedophile.
Look, not that I don't appreciate our colony, but I really don't want them to shout at us every time something insignificant happens.
Ukraine is rightful Russian clay, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them reclaiming it.
This is going to give the admins an excuse to ban /r/the_donald. Pretty great happening.
How do I make a post on the Reddit?
how can you navigate that retarded interface. I could never understand... and no, we have other chans!
No don't do that, if Reddit shuts down those cunts will end up here.
In a way,we all fucked her.
Gas yourself
We will move.
Shutting down reddit would disrupt their shill game more than it would disrupt us.
Furthermore, it could spur innovation in communication technologies.
That doesn't mean you're allowed to talk about it r3ddit pleb. You think like a liberal. That's why you should not post here.
No idea, mate. I think you sign up for an account, go into the subreddit you want to post in, and create a post. I just meandered over to the_donald for a looksee.
There's still a chance! If the trannie trend carries on perhaps Trump will one day become Madame president. Rumour has it that he is a randy man! More likely than not Trump would also be a horny lady!
You still have a chance.
I hope not, because then all those redditors will flood Sup Forums.
Who am I kidding, Sup Forums has already been reddit central for the past year
How the FUCK can you Americans be so blatantly STUPID that you elect Donald TRUMP (someone who inherited everything he has from daddy) over an experienced well spoken classy woman?
Don't expect you to be able to answer it since I already know that he wouldn't have won if people wern't brainwashed into thinking people with different skin colour are the enemy and not the people who mistreat them.
You deserve everything you get you fat fucks, you made your bed now you go ln it like the dogs you are.
>be liberal cunt
>feefees hurt by anything and everything you don't believe in.
This is actually pretty funny.
It would be like if I walked into you house after you put locks on your doors and posted picture of Bruce Jenner in every room; with a caption that says "MAGA".
How do I put a post on the Reddit!!!!!
I went to r/art so I could post the pic and say "man I love the great artistic photo documenting a great moment in history"
But how do I do?
>I don't know about any other chans
Of course you don't, because you're a fucking redditor. You should go back there and stay there.
Fuck off reddit REEEEEEEEE
Shut the FUCK up
> posting this with a straight face
> reddit
>caring about (((Reddit)))
You kys.
pretty funny stuff. the admins were caught manipulating votes yet again, this time for a post showing trump's official presidential photo. now the front page of reddit is spammed full of trump pics. and everyone except die hard libtards are insulting the admins for it.
Fucking lol we're gonna take over the normies version of Sup Forums
Mods of Reddit hate R/the Donald since most the of website is filled with libtards.
Someone from the Donald posted the official portrait of Trump and the Redditord from The Donald upvoted it to the top of the reddit page.
Admins saw this and immediately began to control the upvotes.
They were helped by the large amounts of liberals on Reddit.
This made the Donald pissed and so they began spamming a shit ton of Portraits with each one reaching the top and so now the entire top page of reddit is filled with Trump portraits.
That's a great idea. The admins should make /r/the_donald redirect to Sup Forums. Put all Trumpets in one place.
I have never browsed leddit and even I can tell you that place is an orwellian shithole only a retarded millennial would frequent without irony.
They've been proven to alter posts and manipulate ranking to promote their lefty propaganda while quashing the wrong speech. The admins give special treatment to the radfem sub r/srs simply because many of them are also members of the majority-male feminist club. They openly practice nepotism, censorship and thought policing with their underhanded tactics and shadowbanning, and you think this gay little stunt means anything? They're leftists, they don't care, they just want control so they can keep textbook thumping while they push the narrative they want. You're an idiot if you think you can beat them in a game they control. You want to make a real difference? Make alternative media, and violently repel all SJWs. Now is the time to make and market right wing material. With Trump's rise, bank on nationalism and populism. Defend and extoll the virtues of traditionalism. Humiliate liberals, laugh at their trannies and retarded gender "theories." Do to them what Jon Stewart and his clowns do to the right. Ban all forms of 'privilege bashing' and anti-white abuse, immediately expel and denounce anyone who dares open their shit-encrusted mouth and suggest that whites can't experience abuse due to their retarded worldview. Beat down the left and make beta males a social pariah, make liberalism unnattractive, and offer a better alternative to whites than just "shut up and let us blame and exploit you for everything."
I am so excited about all the reddit Sup Forums crossposters. Even better, the redditors who found kindred spirits on Sup Forums have started seeping into the other boards. Thanks Sup Forums!
No baguette you are the faggotry. You have to go back(to reddit).
your writing style looks like reddit
>or tear it down
I have next to no idea what reddit is, but shouldn't we be in favour of tearing it down? We should be harassing these liberal faggots, not pretending they don't exist.
>Reddit is the front line.
Heck yeah!
The admins not the mods