Daily reminder that if you don't support Serbia, you support the mudslimes.
Daily reminder that if you don't support Serbia, you support the mudslimes
Daily reminder that no one actually gives a shit about your little conflict.
does buying serb firearms count?
when will the minarets on that mosque be completed?
Daily reminder that Greeks will come to your aid again orthodox brother - even though you supported FYROM...
>inb4 byzantine architecture
How many muslims did you kill this year?
lol youre the roach of europe
I support Serbja
Hahahahah. Fuckin serbs.
Nvm, you'll thank us later.
That's our main export.
Plus for the price they are surprisingly durable.
Never, you fucking mudslime piece of shit.
Deus Vult, Part two - once Trump is in office.
Get rekt, goatfucker.
Just don't send us more of their refugees, deal?
see that guy in front of the church? he fucked you off the europe for good.
Putin says Muslims are heroes and Serbski are shit.
You guys are awesome, I was in your capital on new year's eve, tried to buy vodka, but at every stall with stuff to buy when I asked where can I buy vodka I was told "Don't drink vodka, drink Rakia/Schlivovitza!"
Daily reminder that Serbian """men""" are literally the most butthurt people in existence
lmao cry harder boys.
Dziękuję! I hope you liked the rakia brother!
Daily reminder that turkroaches are literal neanderthal-tier monkeys.
Forgot to mention that I was offered the rakia, I got drunk before I could find the vodka and ended up wasterd earlier. If any conflict really happens then I know where to spread support. I just hope our country stops being U.S.A's and EU's bitch, and won't start being Russia's bitches, I hope Poland can have kind of slavic brothership nationality.
Daily reminder that it's not black and white and that it's actually Orthodox vs Catholics vs Muslims.
Cheer up, Bosnian kid.
What's with the Balkans threads in the past few hours?
No offense lads but i gave up a long time ago trying to figure out who the muslims are and who the good guys are that part of the world. If you're not a muslim i guess you have my support
Daily reminder that if you don't support Albanian, you're more anti-American than ISIS
>tfw the best Byzantine architecture isn't even Orthodox
How can Orthocucks even compete?
I will support Serbia. But I will support Croatia over you. Bounds of blood, tradition, history and religion are strong.
I'm currently studying in brlgrade(live a few minutes fron OPs picrelated) and serbia is officialy the most cucked country out of all ex-yu ones.
Honestly, even bosnia seems better at times than you. What the fuck happened? You didnt have war, why are you so fucking poor?
Belgrade was a nice place to visit
Sava Temple was pretty cool
Why would i support some delusional turkish babies who think they are white/slav/christian
Serbians are pretty much the muslims of the balkanic race.
Either way, a good part of serbs are already muslims anyway
how about bonds of slavic brotherhood. blood is not water brother.
what happened ? you all turned against the torch bearer when the darkness was the worst. Now you're all in the light, asking why are we in the dark - but we gave you the torch.
>inb4 Austrian toilet cleaner
>shit stained asshole of the human race
Serbian soldiers fought alongside the Ottomans in the siege of Constantinople. Serbian aggression was largely responsible for the decline in Byzantine strength during the Palaiologos dynasty
who is looking the most slavic
Poland sure has an ugly football team
they earn enough money so they dont need to be good looking.
>how about bonds of slavic brotherhood. blood is not water brother.
We have it with Serbia. But we have greater bonds (not only blood ones) with Croatia.
I support Albanians against Serbs. Serbs are just monkeys and provocators. Kosovo is rightfully Albanian clay.
Aside from a few big cities, poland is bretty bad hrvoje
Not saying that were anywhere even close to them, but still money isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I hear poland
i was talking about the footballers, i think that croatia has similiar salaries to poland idk about bosnia.
Only Serbs seem to make any of the Balkan conflicts about religion. Literally no one else there gives a shit. Nationalism, communism and ethnic conflicts played much bigger roles than religion. Religion has never been important there so fuck off with the deus vult shit with regards to the balkans