Levels of degeneracy that shouldnt be possible


Other urls found in this thread:


what the fuck is wrong with these faggots

idk but the terrified dindu is side snatching

This isnt fake
This isnt satiracle
This isnt a joke

They really had their friends come over and jerk off into glasss, then they make cocktails with them

The only answer is to kill them all, ive never been so disgusted

What the fuck happened to vice?


>Semenology: The Semen Bartender

I could just an hero right now, this shit is so retarded it hurts.

Cum gargling. That's pretty wrong enough.

We had this exact thread yesterday.
Yes, it's disgusting vile degeneracy and all, but it's also from four years ago. Why is it suddenly being brought to Sup Forums's attention repeatedly?

I am working on my phd on genetics and biomed

Its shit like this that makes me want to create space marines to purge all this horseshit , my dissitation is literally going to be about the viability of synthetic organs / genetic modification upon humans

neat. how soon until i get night vision?

Its mostly going to be focused on introduction of new organs that are able to interface with other physical augmentation

Such as controlling a robotic arm with your mind after installing a MCU into your body

I'm done
This world must be burnt down
If somebody should survive it then let them try anew

Invest in a flamethrower

thats awesome mang. what materials will be used that your body wont reject?

>If somebody should survive it then let them try anew
how to into ethernal life

to much to do, not enaught life

Post yfw you read this to the very end.



>"It tastes like shame"

>things that don't effect me still bother me

>i close my eyes to degeneracy because im a degenerate

nasty fat bitch with droppy tits hanging out, you expect this to get more trashy by the read.