What did they mean by this
What did they mean by this
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>not posting the true pic
am i supposed to see a difference or are you just baiting
yeah this is shopped
the OP is the original one
took me a little bit. Funny.
Also that subtle christianity on trumps side.
So the (( left )) is waging a religious war.
Bwahaha the persecution complex of the left is too funny. I can't wait to thoroughly enjoy all of the salt for the next four years.
I'm the cool crocodile thing behind the good emperor
Look closer to the left
took me a while
i still don't see it lads.
i was always shit at where's waldo or spot the difference.
was searching everywhere
then I saw (((it)))
nice one, m8.
Omg Trump is literally Satan! I'm so glad a high school art project could convey this message better than actually learning anything about the president elect.
Now I'm starting to hate leafs.
you better be trolling...
I am a communist nazi and saw the jew shadow...
WTF is wrong with you?
Trump supporters are evil nazi furries?
This is sort of misleading, since the ones doing most of the whining and screaming in real life seem to be on the left wing
If the KKK openly supports Trump, and at neo-Nazi rallies they shout "hail Trump", it's pretty obvious Trump isn't one of the good guys.
there should be jews on both sides.
Well, since Trump won, I guess in the end, people did love Trump's hate.
More Americans voted for Clinton.
>These people are why I cant enjoy anything anymore
Escapism is supposed to be temporary. Why are these people so convinced its as simple as their cartoons irl?
If Trump supports Neo-Nazis and the KKK, he's not one of the good guys, but it doesn't work in reverse.
Trump side looks cooler desu
Fucking leftists man.
Portraying themselves as pacifists when they are the ones always screeching and chimping out.
A true depiction would be SJW freaks on the left vs non-freaks on the right.
More accurate image.
why are there so many muslim women in the crowd?
That's all you have to say for your stupidity? You must be non-white.
They are the new cool minority
I've spent yesterday almost hour patching this...
Still not perfect, would require more hours to fix...
Links to yesterday thread:
Combined from original image
with parts from this image:
with only some of ideas described here:
The crowd on the left could be replaced from this image:
is.Sup Forums.org/pol/1484699129856.jpg
damn jews
These people are disgusting hypocrites.
Fuck them all. I hope they all burn.
Cóż to za nieordynarny plakat?
nice job bro. will save the finished product. looks great.
I'm not even joking, I seriously thought that's what that political slogan was supposed to mean, but in a smug condescending manner.
Like "Love Trump's hate because all it does is destroy him because we are all conquering his evil hatred!"
It was seriously weeks and possibly a month or two before I realized they meant that the emotion of love trumps (as in, defeats) the emotion of hate.
What a terrible slogan.
Neo-nazis and the kkk should charge people to "support" someone. It's a great psyops oppertunity.
Blue sux, red will win, just look dem teeth.
czechin it out, good job
>muslim woman with bruised eye and cut on chin
top kek
They can make all the phoney artwork they want but everyone's seen who's angry and vicious as hell in public.
These people can't even take a step back and look at themselves can they?
>Opposed by the entire political establishment
>Fought through the Republican primaries, even after being nominated received opposition from it
>Sitting president and vice president actively campaigned against him
>Entire MSM spent over a year hammering him
>Entirety of Hollywood minus a few celebrities opposed him, campaigning with Hillary and making those shitty videos, giving 'brave' speeches
>All of academia opposed him
>Hillary had the financial backing of Wall Street and all the big corporate interests
>Most western nations supported her
and yet, these delusional idiot college kids portray themselves as brave revolutionaries standing up against a great evil, like they're the ones who are fighting the establishment or they're some downtrodden underdogs
How fucking stupid can you be
poor observation skills does not necessarily equal stupidity, like i said i was always terrible at those "spot the difference" picture comparisons as a kid. i'm probably whiter than you and i probably own more guns than you, you probably aren't even an Albertan which means your every opinion should be discarded.
>women forced to hide their hair
I fail to see the logic of english speaking countries here.
If pic related had happened at a french socialist convention EVERYONE from far left to far right would have trashed the people who chose to invite on the stage a woman standing silently and wearing something like that.
Liberal virtue-signalling schlock
>that sign
>tear down the wall
>America for all
Fuck that. He needs to go back.
>logic error
>the joo
can someone screencap this with the picture from op?
fucking leaf
But he is right retard
It appears to me that the slaughter of the left is set to commence soon.
How the group on the left should be portrayed
>tfw you'll never be in Trump's demon army
All I am saying is that he is deflecting so he avoids looking stupid, which he failed to do.
rare colorized version
>Ben Garrison
This image red pilled the living shit out of me.
>upside down cross sword
>Muslim womyn on the peace side
>you will never be a flaming nazi skull hanging out with your spear wielding shadow-jackal bros about to eviscerate a deluded bunch leftists
Why even live?
I hope Trump nominates a prolife antiLGBT Muslim for the Supreme Court just to see liberals lose their minds.
Ditto. Who brings signs and women to fight the God Emperor and beasts?
On the right we have:
>Crocomire from Super Metroid
>the Whywolves from Adventure Time
>Ganon from Legend of Zelda
>Ridley also from Metroid
>Murloc from Warcraft
>Palkia from Pokemon
>Grimer from Pokemon
>Random pink monster from the Nightosphere
>Something that looks like a demon from Shin Megami Tensei
>Rhydon from Pokemon
Seriously this is projection of the highest order.
The leftists and assorted mud people on the left of the photo are the ones chimping the fuck out and literally throwing fits and rioting. The ones on the right are actually just normal working people.
I dont understand the complete lack of self awareness of leftists. This picture is exactly how they see themselves: peaceful victims of evil doers.
i don't care if i look stupid once i saw the jew it was obvious and i couldn't believe i didn't see it. it is not deflecting and you are a pseudo intellectual faggot who is probably underage. the jews should be on both sides because they have been on both sides of everything since the napoleonic wars.
That we're a bunch of awesome demon-guys and they're a load of daft cunts who thought it'd be smart to take picket signs to a battle.
they think they are smart, calm, cool, and collected. when in reality ...
Muslims, niggers, and confused faggots so choc full of xenoestrogens and black twitter that they hallucinate inpossible jenkem beasts from hell out to destroy them all when in reality it's just another neocon faggot trying to save them from themselves.
>love and baby murderers on the same side
Looking at this artist's imge makes me feel like Trump is the bad guy.
But when I look at actual photographs I realize what is actually going on.
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
>They just want jobs and a chance for a better life
>white people are the cause of racial tensions
>this is what liberals really believe
>muh peaceful hijab womyn
Saw a image of that earlier. didn't save it
"The God Emperor banishing Muslims, dindus and their army of social justice."
what did he mean by this
>Right wing are a bunch of badass demons armed to the teeth
>Left wing are a bunch of wimps with nothing but picket signs
Choice seems pretty clear to me.
It makes a great wallpaper too.
>people who support Trump are rabid wolves and alligators and shit
What is this trying to convey? Not an argument
>assuming demons and monsters are evil because they look scary
Wow, fucking bigot.
Even the Nazi propaganda posters portray jews as humans.
More so, that Khizr Khan was an accountant of Clinton Foundation, her employer...
And yes, adding the perspective of "silent woman bystanding in scarf" is also worth mentioning...
Very good.
Here's my latest version of my edit.
these people are watching too much of the cartoon jew anthropomorphizing fucking animals like it means anything in the real world.
accurate version
Someone should spread this around.
See how far it gets before people notice.
>that bernie dove
very good
I honestly don't like the edits. The original is fine.
i want to make this my fb background but i might lose all my friends.
This is rather a collage...
Again, it may take more time to make it better, which time I do not have today...
How about the flying awoo head
>degrading a war memorial with racist statements
What is "awoo" ?
It means Trumps presidency will be the best Souls game ever made.
remove hitler and its fine