serious question, what do you think will happen in the next 2-3 years?
Serious question, what do you think will happen in the next 2-3 years?
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Pretend you are Jewish and imagine how much hate and lust would run through your mind when you see a girl that beautiful.
Then, while keeping that mindset, think up ways to trick people like her into destroying their own countries and race.
That will get you pretty close to what is going to happen in the next few years.
I expect life to simply carry on...
for jew...
the earth will orbit around the sun 2-3 times
Wall built. Illegals deported. Jobs for everyone. Pedos executed. Patriots win Super Bowl.
>Pretend you are Jewish
Honestly, this sounds like an interesting way to become confident and successful
I'll graduate from college and start a CS career.
The Nintendo Switch will prove to be a massive failure, maybe not as massive as the Wii U, but still pretty big.
I'll continue to be a kissless virgin and maybe kill myself at some point.
Oh, and the EU will go down to the shitters.
>France will elect Marine Le Pen
>Russia and the Ukraine will come to a peace agreement over Donbass/Luhansk and the Crimea
>Germany and Sweden will see the sharp uptick in far right parties
>Eastern European countries will be pushed closer together (possible makings of a post-EU V4 in the works)
>the EU will continue on a sharp decline, possible creation of an EU army if the global markets take a shit
>possible depression/global market crash
>the US will continue reorienting it's focus on Asia and the middle East
>possible weakening of NATO (it won't break up but countries like Germany will seek to form the EU army and might jeopardize the functionality and operational capabilities of NATO forces)
Most of this is just bullshit speculation though. Also
>dyed hair
She's already a whore tbqh
A return to normalcy that most normies won't even mentally recognize.
Secure borders will just be the de-facto position again. We'll look back at modern social justice insanity as a crazy phase we went through, similar to neoconism.
There will be large effects among the elite though. I can't say what they'll be, but hopefully the cucks and kikes are replaced or at least change their tune.
I'm gonna get a beautiful model gf and finally live my life as I want to
i hope i get an aryan gf
You're far too optimistic. This is the calm before the storm. We're heading towards more world conflict in the coming years. Russia and China will also use ethnic divides within our country as a point of leverage.
Anime made real.
Overall prosperity, sjw's become a dying breed, Europe becomes completely disbanded, U.K. surviving through a free trade deal with US, MSM in shackles, Syrian conflict still ongoing, Etc etc
leaves raked
I just want to get my bachelors degree. I dont care about the rest i just want that B.Sc.
Drumpf will be assassinated
Increasing tensions with China, maybe one of Putin's usual smart real politik moves, a few terrorist attacks, further degradation of relationships between the sexes.
A part of society is slowly fighting back against politically correct and the cuckery that comes through it but 2 or 3 years won't be enough to see a massive change
You'll get AI gfs.
>kikes and cuck being replaced
You'll need an Adolf for that user
why does everyone always post this specific Chad statue? who is it
You can have mine. She's pregnant and I don't want a part of it
I'm not white (stereotype, right?) so good luck for her. She's a bitch though.
The EU will disintegrate.
Thanks Merkel.
Further push back against globalisation and mass immigration in the west by other countries.
Get ready for a world of pain and frustration. Good luck techbro.
i like you
Total war
There should be an emoji for this
Good luck with the suicide :) make it a spectacular one. That or man up you r9k fucktard!
A return to nationalism by many countries. Just remember the "Post-Atomic Horror" doesn't start until 2054. Get your bunkers ready; it's going to be a hoot. In 2063, we'll finally have a working warp drive prototype.
This is a factual statement, actually.
I guess it's official then
It's some of the work of Arno Breker you fucking mongoloid
>it won't break up but countries like Germany will seek to form the EU army
an EU army would be stupid but Europe should fight together for once. Also why shouldn´t Europe be a superpower again to keep the balance?
I'm Jewish and I love the girls on the pic of OP.
Except if they dated monkeys.
pretend being jewish, you will automatically how we say push it to the limit, and destroy your enemies, oblirate whats in your path, become feared, pushing you loved ones to better positions.
no fear. no remorse. only what your mind say is true.
Coz the only thing we are super at is Islamification.
shekelstein fitzberg
you don't need to go to college to play Counter Strike
found your ayran gf.
I just want to have enough money to retire and spend my days living the neet life
Most people get poorer
The world gets a little warmer, the weather more erratic
Refugees continue to enrich all of Europe
NATO weakens
More Terrorism
Middle East continues to descend into chaos
North Korea launches more ICBM
2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile is what you deserve. That was bad! You aren't a real Aussie are you? I bet you are Canadian.
Half Life 3 will be revealed. Digits confirm.
>I'll continue to be a kissless virgin and maybe kill myself at some point.
I kek'd actually
3rd Temple is built.
Are you a lesbian? This is a Trump world now! None of that will happen, it will be glory from here on.
The world will continue to trend conservative. Liberals will be the ones to reeeee constantly until things hit critical mass and the pendulum starts to swing back the other way.
NSA controls the world. China tries to counter. Happening after happening. Big show to come
death, more death and not to mention death
Global Nazi Revolution
Ok. Let's stock up on popcorn and memes.
>yfw humans are the invading alien species that we have fetishized for decades
think about it. we came up with the idea. it could be a uniquely human desire to take over other planets. we (obviously) have project ourselves onto our alien enemies.
Thats why we need some less cucked politicians and a reform of the EU. Right now they are all like "muh immigrants can´t be stopped we have to embrace them because there is no alternative". Politicians here became way to weak, too scared to change anything. Nobody tries something radical anymore.
I feel things will retain a semblance of stability for at least another decade or so
but things will likely get rough eventually
you're a funny guy
Everything sounds amazing, but please, God, let anyone other than the Patriots win.
>t. asspained Miami fan
>an EU army would be stupid but Europe should fight together for once. Also why shouldn´t Europe be a superpower again to keep the balance?
The EU should have been limited to reduced sanctions and a political confederation. It's far too big now. It'd probably be "okay" if it didn't push for the annihilation of native European peoples and the destruction of their sovereignty.
What do you know mr. Kay Gee Bee?
All inclusive, cross-border, multi-race, Nazi revolution. Mmmm... Yes, sounds very Nazi.
You're German go to a brothel Hans. Jesus you don't even have to jump through hoops to get you're rocks off.
Im finna be a world class singer once im out of college.
Wild dreams for the biggest of fags here
Also i know you hate onions on your burgers
>You'll need an Adolf for that user
This. The (((international clique))) are a bunch of shape shifting faggots
Last time you tried something radical you invaded Poland. But yeah, there's no harm in trying again. Might work out this time.
What will happen? It depends on us! We have to forge our OWN future!
Bbbut I love Nintendo.
America may be fine, but we have our work cut out
We just need to meme Nigel into power.
World War 3 will start 2019!
>I'll continue to be a kissless virgin and maybe kill myself at some point.
Why are so many German faggots on Sup Forums such faggots?
Trump needs to fix the university problem or nothing he does will matter in a few years
I will be a Captain of one of Trumps RWDS.
I will masturbate over 1000 times
On Sup Forums?
Ever been to Germany? Most effeminate nation on earth! And this is coming from a Brit! We are tea drinking fags but the Germans are worse.
Hopefully have something going on in politics, even an internship would be cool. Be a whitehouse intern or if Peter Thiel does run for governor of my state, I'd like to intern/work on that campaign. Hopefully having someone in mind that I could fall in love with, someone worth fighting with/for. For a better future for us, for all of us.
Securing our country from degeneracy and keeping our people safe from subversion from outsiders/the powers that be, in some way...
after each succes you vulnerabity will encrease, your urge to hide. paranoia. because you will grow aware that your value is based on a thin layer of credibility covering a sea of lies and realize you arent a jew thus you have nothing to hide behind. you loose,friend in the middle not even in the end of the game. bye bye enjoy being forgetted.
>moral of the story:
>dont be a jew.
We build the wall and finally secure the border with Mexico. We deport the illegals and bring the law down on sanctuary cities.
Economy will do well, but at the expense of the environment.
The white race will continue its redpilling and will start to act as a unified group for its own interests.
White democrats will move in large numbers over to the Republican Party.
Exactly. EU shouldnt be a government being able to tell the countries what to do. But no Union is no solution either.
>I will masturbate over 1000 times
Only once a day? (avg.) - m8 low test.
Oh God, it's that tranny kid
I will see many more 18 year old bewbs.
weeeeew mal.... miss her
I go back and forth on this, but basically I think there's going to be a shit tonne of new wealth created for millennials and the new middle class--mostly anyone that is skilled enough to make something with a computer. Or it's unquestionably the fucking end of everything--due to giant world war that involves robots and nuclear weapons killing us all.
If we do survive, I think this wealth will create an extreme swing back to the left, where we all collectively realise that basic survival is such an inexpensive commodity--because of automation--that everyone will be given free robot built houses, clothing, and food.
Most importantly, I don't think there will be anything moderate about the next 8-10 years. It's going to be extreme, whatever happens. But even though I hate what's happening politically, I'm hoping for the best, and am trying to prepare for a lot of different kinds of sea changes.
yes shes a whore because she dyes her hair, not because she takes naked photos
Yeah because Germany is full of national socialists right? With radical i meant not doing the same thing you did for the last decades because it seemed to work.
>tfw you don't have blonde blue-grey eyed qt-3.14 gf
Your willy is going to look like a cauliflower after that
You don't have to be a KGB to predict the power you gain from having an active access to almost all PCs and devices, online info, analysis that you can do to all of it.
That was funny, wasn't it?
T-t-take that back about the switch. :(
Fuck, maybe we bombed them to hard with the air raids.
How the fuck would I know what the world will be like in three years, I haven't got 2020 vision.
>not an embed link
yea not going to paste that in my browser