Race is a Social Construct

My prof. is making us read this chick Smedley's work on why "race is a cultural construct." Tomorrow he will be lecturing us on this bullshit, and I need all the sources to counter him with. Sup Forums what evidence do you have, through authors, videos, articles, etc, that prove that race is biological?

Other urls found in this thread:


Read the inequality of human races and start building your argument from there IMO.



You can't win because they've defined race to mean something different than the definition you know
So you can't prove anything to them because you're not even speaking the same language

Race for them is the idea that there are categories of people with rigid lines. Like selecting race in D&D.
What you call race is what they'd call population trends or something.

if you have any common sense you'll shut the fuck up and not say anything

fucking dumb ass edgy freshmen. You will be forever known as the racist fuck from class and nobody will want to be your friend. or better yet someone will record your dumbass on their phone.

This link is all you need.

Fuck em up user.


If "race" is a social construct, then "subspecies" is a social construct, since these two terms (along with "breed") mean exactly the same thing on a biological level. And yet, each year there are thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers which have as their topic some aspect of this or that subspecies which is under consideration. Note that no one ever asks these many thousands of biological scientists why they're writing research papers about "social constructs". The truth is that, while our *definition* of "race" is to some degree a social construct, the concept which the definition is attempting to describe is not. Race is a vital biological category.

agree and amplify
>race is a social construct
>therefore no racism can exist
>therefore hitler was not racist
>therefore holocaust can't be defined as such

>the differences are socioeconomic

Racism is a socialist construct.

Socialists believe that class is also a social construct, and they still want a class war. So why are they against a race war?

Society is a racial construct.

Ask them why home sapiens doesn't have subspecies.

>a taxonomic category that ranks below species, usually a fairly permanent geographically isolated race. Subspecies are designated by a Latin trinomial, e.g. (in zoology) Ursus arctos horribilis or (in botany) Beta vulgaris crassa.

Humans have evolved different phenotypes because they have been geographically isolated. Sure some of these can be debated and are very subtle, like the difference between Chinese and Japanese, but the broad strokes are obvious and are very plain. They also correspond to genetic distance, that is at how distantly related each group of humans are to each other.

>then "subspecies" is a social construct
It is
Species concepts is a huge shitstorm in biology
There is no consensus whatsoever what a species even is

That shit you were taught in highschool was just another example of lying to kids to make things simpler

A Social Construct

Race actually doesn't exist, due to the fact that it is an outdated term and there isn't a clear point to where one race ends and another begins. Haplogroups do exist though, and some haplogroups have a lower average IQ.

Race is a social construct. The categories of "white," "black" and so on, are socially constructed and subjective. Obama is considered black even though only ~half of his genetic heritage is "recent African." That doesn't mean that there are not biological components to these social ideas. Of course there are. But these are ultimately subjective socially-defined ideas, not scientific ideas. Genetics is not so simple as to permit only 4 or 5 categories of humans, or even 100 ethnic categories.

Are you writing a book review and want Sup Forums to do your homework?

I don't think so.

Btw, is the concept of a social construct a social construct?

Tell him if it's a social construct, then racism should be equally disregarded, as should social constructs based around race designed by the left, such as white privilege. If he argues, just tell him he's basically arguing that he's Schrödinger's Cat hypocrite on the matter: To him, race is a social construct and therefore not real, but things like white privilege still exist. Corner him.

Or maybe societies are racial constructs?

Human rights are cultural constructs. Should human rights be discarded?

Every single definition of any word is a cultural construct. Are those invalid too?


I'm actually a senior. Don't have any friends anyway because my school is cucked as fuck. Not really into pretending to want to associate with yanks anyway.

don't do it. It will be social and in bad case scenario academic suicide.

Better ask them if current narrative has anything to do with politically correct agenda. Would be hilarious when they start denying it.

This is my uni!

I swear half my professors have been Jewish. Good job ops but they are constantly riding the "muh diversity" train

Tell him his thesis is a social construct.

>don't speak your mind
>you might become unpopular

What a loser you are, user kek

>dog breeds don't exist
>subspecies of tigers, chimps, and mice don't exist
>because if it did it would make me feel uncomfortable

>mfw when the president of my uni is mitch daniels and purdue is generally immune from leftism

>There is no consensus whatsoever what a species even is
Wew lad

What is it with you idiots and posting these as gifs. You cant fucking zoom in to read any of that shit. If it isn't animated don't use gif.

the alternative hypothesis () org

get to work

Dog is specied
Bulldog is race
All bulldogs are dogs but not all dogs are bulldogs
All niggers are human but not all humans niggers
Theres your difference between race and species. Also human anatomy has proven that there is difference between f.e. caucasian humans and african humans so on biological and anatomical level race is a thing. People who say something different are just butthurt about their origins

>taking social """"""science"""""" classes

Trust me OP, race being a social construct is the LAST thing you should be worrying about.

bring up bone marrow transplants.

Refer to this time article. content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html

No, it's very true
Discrete categories just don't work on a species level.

> never getting a job because some liberal recorded you ranting in class

way to plan ahead kid

This is the best pic you will probably ever find, OP. You might want to compile all of the sources listed on it with links because he will probably want to see the studies first hand if you mention them.

I don't have the image anymore but there was also one that showed there is a correlation in the black community between white admixture and income as well as IQ. If anyone has it, that would be useful as well.

>I am black
>give me an A

Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it's not real or meaningful.

>cultural construct

You can't counter this because it's the truth.

You can literally get an 80 dollar test that will tell you your race based on genetic markers. What else do you need

I'm already employed, working a full time job for Parks and Rec.

>What else do you need?
In the case of Marxists, 80 dollars.

As much as I hate to admit it, these two are right.

Yes they do you fucking idiot. Taxonomists have been doing it for hundreds of years.

Can we just ban all leafs already?

Just stand up in the middle of the lecture hall during the lecture and shout at the top of your lungs, "FUCK NIGGERS!"

That should do it.

R-ron Swanson?


Look up Jared Taylor and his work on race

>Look up a racist's research on race

Great idea, senpai.

Yes goyim must learn to not rock the boat! Black people are just like everyone else!

Then we get to laugh at a Sup Forums autist on Youtube.

It's a WIN - WIN

Steven Pinker from Harvard wrote about race being genetic. He's respected too. twitter.com/sapinker/statuses/462666861725749248

geneticists know there is enough difference to classify the races as sub-species.

He's not a geneticist, nor even a biologist.

If they can't figure it out simply by skin color alone, there's no point.

You're better off just filming the lecture on the low and hope he says something lulzy

how about the baby test with skin colour you fucking mongs.



That's a good place to start.

Sometimes I think that "race is a cultural construct" is a closet appeal to nature. These are likely the same idiots who propose borders are also artificial. Remind them of the importance of nature's territories for wolves and other aggressive animals. Not that it just exists, but that it serves a functional purpose for the survival of a group. What do the territories of groups and race have to do with each other?

Jeez, it's almost that if a group defends its genetic lineage in a given area long enough, it's genetics would be insulated from outside interference. I wonder if this would result in different features within even the same skin colour.

But really OP, "race is a social construct" is the result of reductionism and relativism. The quickest way to end the debate would be to identify a vocal or sizable ethnic minority in the class, and propose something along the lines of "if a white family moved to africa and had kids there, are the kids african? It's intentionally loaded because "african" serves as the catch-all between race and national heritage in this case. If you're lucky they'll attack each other first trying to rationalize how to tell an ethnic minority that they're wrong about race.

No. I believe in government.

>social """""""""""""""""""sciences"""""""""""""""""""

Endocranial volumes between the races (pg.710)
Racial differences in cognitive ability
Racial differences in brain size
_Race differences in intelligence: A global
Africans and Europeans have different shaped platelets
Ethnic variations in the haemostatic system
IQ Revision of Sub-Saharan Africans
Different populations evolve different visual systems according to climactic pressures
Racial and ethnic differences in psychopathic personality
Examples of racial differences in response to and frequency of certain diseases
Ethnic differences between Asian and white American college students on measures of depression and social anxiety
Good book on the topic that uses evidence from anthropology, sociology and psychology:
Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective by J. Philippe Rushton

Literally HUNDREDS of other related articles compiled here:

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.
Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification."
"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.
Race can be determined via brain scans.
There was "minimal gene flow" between archaic Europeans and Asians.
Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.
Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible
Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.
Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.
Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

>not a geneticist
True. He argues from genetic premise though. Good for OP to know about his numerous books.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

Frances IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration


>Race is a Social Construct


A jpg would introduce artefacts and make the image difficult to read, it would also be much larger in filesize. PNG or GIF were literally made for this kind of image.

bruh what I learned in biology, which is an actual science, is that race isn't real in the sense that there are very clear demarcations and divisions to easily distinguish and label certain individuals as belonging to X or Y race, like, there aren't such discrete and clear-cut classifications, it's very muddled and the differences continuous IN BETWEEN the groups, BUT, that does not mean race isn't real in the sense that DIFFERENT HUMAN GROUPS ARE DIFFERENT WITH RESPECT TO VARIOUS TRAITS, AND WE HAVE AN INNATE HEURISTIC MODEL OF "RACES" BY WHICH WE DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN THE INGROUP AND OUTGROUP
I think what the bitch is trying to say is that "whiteness" isn't real, kinda like faggots thought that the Zim Zam was white, or that kikes are white, in that sense, "white people" ARE a cultural construct since you can basically make any old shit up about "whites"

Jews are a cultural construct, because genetically they are very different, but have the same cultural parasitism that causes them to leech onto European and Europoid cultures and exploit them

PNG is too large file size
JPG would rape the image


>Race is a social construct
>Racism and white privilege is real

>There is only one race: the human race
>You racist

He's mostly right though. Taxonomists are the ones having the discussion.

A well-known definiton of species is: creatures that can create viable offspring. But there are many forms of life that reproduce asexually, like bacteria and other one-celled lifeforms.

Also, some related and more complex, species can crossbreed resulting in sterile offspring (hence not a species following this definiton), but in some cases it produces less viable offspring, as in, the chances of survival are smaller, but the 'mixed' offspring is able to pass on it's hybrid genes. Certain species of frogs are genetically closely related, and capable of creating viable offspring (and do so) yet their behavior and appearance vary to such an extend they are still considered different species, even though there are consistent interbreeding zones.

Species used to be determined based on behavior, appearance, and physiology, but the enormous progress in understanding of genetics has shook classic taxonomy to it's core.

Ofcourse, not having a strong consensus doesn't mean we can't discern what is, or isn't plausible: the claim "a human and a horse are part of the same species" doesn't make sense in whatever speciesdefinition.

Discrete human races, and more often than not species in general, are indeed a social construct. But this does not mean they are completely made up and have no basis in physical reality. Categories are a simplification in order to make general predictions about the world. Many on Sup Forums ofcourse falsely believe there is such a thing as a 'pure' or 'better' race, which makes no biological sense. But many of the social studies socjus zealots are completely deluded about the biological traits that may or may not correlate, to at least a certain extend, with what people generally understand as races. But a general 'white' person will do less well in the sun than a general 'black' person, even if the 'black' person is someone like Obama.

Ask her if taxonomy is real or just a social construct.

All science, then, is a "social construct". The (((cleverer Left-wing sophists))) might even be willing to argue that-- while still claiming the idea of race is illegitimate.

Atta way to fight the destructive narrative currently ruining the West!!! THINK OF NOT HAVING FAGGOTS AS FRIENDS OY VEYYYYYY

Fuck go full red pill !

If race is a social construct, then it is meaningless to have racial diversity. There is no difference between hiring all whites and hiring a "racial" mix.

Good post, too good for Sup Forums
They would rather continue their echo discussion

>race is cultural
>skin pigmentation is different between blacks and whites

Choose one, fucking idiots.

Lolwat? No consensus over species? Bitch open up a Merriam Webster and read the definition of species and subspecies

oy vey clearly his diet and different climate caused these differences, because he was born indoors and lived indoors in a less sunny place with winters he grew much taller and didn't tan, this proves nothing! nevermind how much those differences would obviously compound over generations, you fucking racist!

If your professor is actually open-minded go ahead and use the evidence in this thread, if they're a SJW-type just smile, agree, get good grades and then after you pass the class give him/her a piece of your mind.



Ask him if he would accept a bone-marrow transplant from a black man.

>Race is a social construct
>Fuck these white bitches curlin' dey hair, das my crown ho. we wuz kangz N' queenz.

How isn't genus and every other classification social construct the same way?

>"race is a cultural construct."


Race is a biological construct.

Culture develops as a result of race, not the other way around.

You can look to the U.S. crime stats and see that the violent crime among niggers is pretty much in line with the violent crime rates among their nigger peers in Africa. That's genetics working. That's race.

The idea that race is meaningless comes from leftists intent on justifying the invasion of white lands by non-whites and Jews.

It kind of is.

If niggers would stop commiting crimes and fix their shit then they could be just as good as any white person.

Why don't you just read it and refute the main points. If you can't respond intelligibly to a piece of writing without consulting an image board you're a fucking idiot.

Well, as I said, all classifications are constructed, but the more you go from the general to the particular, the more difficult it will become to determine it's borders. (But if the particular is determined well it does provide much stronger predictive power and/or explanatory power.)

The present a non-biological analogy: most people will have an idea what heavy-metal is, even if they don't like it and rarely hear it. Distorted guitars and drums will be the general. Now, try to formulate a discrete distinction between heavy-metal subgenres, like death metal, black metal, thrash metal. Sure, you can list elements generally found more in one genre, like high-pitched vocals, tremolo guitar playing, and low production in black metal, but these are sometimes also found in other genres (e.g. blackend death metal). If you think every distinction warrants it's own genre, every band will be it's own genre, making genres worhtless as a category since it doesn't explain/predict much anymore. The same goes with the ever increasing tumblr genders: I have no idea to what general patterns in physical reality a 'trans male-presenting demigirl' is supposed to refer in any coherent sense.

It is a cultural construct though. I think all of Sup Forums's autistic arguments on which countries are white would have proven that by now.