What is pol's thoughts on shitskins and white women eugenics?
What is pol's thoughts on shitskins and white women eugenics?
>that gum smile
Holy fuck
They can have her
She has a greater than 2:1 gum to tooth ration. Incredible
The term you're looking for is "dysgenics".
jesus what the fuck?
I'd procreate with her. She's likely to bear you a gold medal swimmer.
if that's what white women look like we don't want them.
>not protecting the white woman to conserve the white man race
Its almost as if you want to go obselete.
What went wrong?
Is she supposed to be American?
She needs cheeseburger.
Post more
>The term you're looking for is "dysgenics".
t. Ron Weasley
Racemixing could actually be an upgrade for her childrens DNA.
>Racemixing is actually an upgrade for whites
sterilization would be an upgrade.
Shame them whereever you see them just like you shame coalburners.
eh, they can have that one.
Get her genes the fuck out of my race!!
Horsey horsey.
What's another name for show jumping?
Sarah Jessica Parkour
I haven't desired a cheeseburger in years, but this gif does the trick.
advertisers are doing something wrong
It's a female giraffe, look at her neck.
As a shitskin I heartelly approve that.
But then again, there is a lot of white man seeking shitskin women.
And not even the hot ones.
I wouldn't mind slightly unnatractive white girls
Better than the average chimp pretending to be humans we have here
This is why you don't buy those cheap houses with the cell towers on them
Dude took one for the team. Good man
Do you think there is some kind of agenda behind this relationship?
>>German ancestry
Look at those hands.
Must be a bongette.
Her Adam's apple is bigger than his.
She comes from Auschwitz
This woman is so large, she would probably not feel a thing if I put my 5 inchers inside that cave she calls "pussy".
Not always.
The grass is always greener and bla bla bla.
The thing is, even after jews pushing this mix agenda hard and for decades now, we can't say that 100% of cases of inter racial marriage is because of dem jooz.
Talked with a russian dude that was on my college, why he would choose Brazil from all places to study.
He said that he was crazy for the "skin of your women".
Go figure.
My thing for white girls is because usually they have the biggest tits. If wasnt for that I wuold choose another race probably.
Pink pussy is also a plus.
the manlet niggermud has decent facial genetics, hopefully it fixes that giraffe tranny's offspring's gumlines
>you will never put babies in a woman 2 foot taller than you
>you will never have amazonian children as tall as you when they are 4 years old.
when did ann coulter have a daughter?
Is that a WOMAN?
are you?
They are amongst us
Even the Shitskin is more attractive then her.
ayyyy lmao
Oh my goodness.
Would you look at those milk packs.
dumb brazil nigger monkey, the things you mentioned are still jew-related, the reason you see white women as the biggest tits is becasue the electric jew and Jewtube has shown you all sorts of white women with big tits. So your dumb gibbon brain sees this and goes :well the jewtube told me they have big tits so they must all be like this"
And your russian collegue probably saw a bunch of jew made rap videos showcasing brown women dancing to the music and his dumb Slav brain thought something similar.
Stay within your own race nigger
I like to corrupt white girls.
he's right though
interracial marriage didn't become legal because of jews, it became legal because a white guy wanted a black wife
you have to put "white" in quotations when referring to white brazilians because many of them are 20% black/indian
KEK this girl looks like a fucking stick insect
And the way US is going, this is whiter than your girls.
marfan syndrome sucks.
now post the pron.
t. Brazilian who's never been near a real white woman
not at all dude, most of our whites are very pure. interracial relationships are very uncommon for whites. only in places like california does it become more common.
we had the one drop rule for a lot of our existence too, so anyone with black blood was considered black.
but you all have been mixing since the beginning.
Jesus, why do all the dweebs get the pretty ones?
heh the shitskins can keep that slice of DNA deformity
more surprised she is dating a manlet than anything else
even ugly girls in america have high standards
>those gums
Holy fuck, Slenderman is a girl?
We want to conserve the white race, not the mouth of fucking Sauron.
150 years actually, but yeah, I understand the point.
But now, with liberals having black babies to "fight the power", soon enough yu guys will be going the same path.
Fuck, if she didnt past the ' drop rule", I bet most of you wouldnt pass either.
you know what to say
he can have her
>and his dumb Slav brain thought something similar.
He is indeed dumb as fuck, cause there is better and cheaper hoes in Columbia and Argentina.
My tall girl fetish is fighting hard to justify that butterface
Female Shawn Bradley
Bestiality with a giraffe is illegal.
>be scrawny as fuck
>has beef curtains
I always tought that scrany girls where innies by default.
The girl on the right (against the wall) is like 1,93 tall.
Good luck fapping.
Fucking MOAR
is that taylor swift
doing whites a favor by stopping her from breeding with them with those genes.
Once you've gone brown, don't come back around.
>sneakily shows her pussy on video
>smiles like this right after
>lanklets getting their women stole by refugees
What the hell is this?
Post the sauce please
>tfw you like gummy smiles
kayne's "music video" with wax statues
>wax statues
>you can see her breathing
I rarely say this but pretty sure that beaner could get better kek
interracial propaganda gone wrong.
she is disgusting even by my low standards.
>I always tought that scrany girls where innies by default.
Greencards on demand pal.
There is some high level Kekering happening in this thread right now.
is it an alien?
Yes, Her gums need rationing
That smile holy shit
The question is: would you accept a blowjob from her without feeling nervous?
damn, I love tall girls
that isn't tall, that's fucking slenderman m8
typical mouthbreather
the british smile