Is it 1775? Are the redcoats still here? Why are they playing the faggot flute during our inauguration?
REEEdcoats! Fuck the UK
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Pay your taxes
We're back!
UK #1
Give us representation in parliment
Trump is making America British again.
Fetch the flintlocks and pack your powder, boys.
I've got your taxes right here
tfw lobster backs
that's how the music players in the military back then were dressed for the americans, fuck nugget
Trump is going to crown himself king. You know it's what you needed all along, burger. You should have stuck with us. Monarchy is going to save you from yourselves.
>redcoats during a us presidential inauguration
No shit faggot.
Don't act all surprised, we've controlled your media for years. British bands play on the radios, British actors star in major films, hell, we even have British tv show hosts telling you what political opinions to have. Controlling the president is the logical next step. You cannot out-manoeuvre the Anglo.
Reminder that Trump is Anglos.
Trump doesn't care about Mexican-Americans, Italian-Americans, African-Americans, European (in general) Americans, and he doesn't care about natives, Asians and Muslims either.
All he cares about, is anglos. He's also getting tight with filthy farage too.
Trump doesn't care aboput people or the world. All he cares about, is his anglos back at home.
Those are the YANKED uniforms dingus. They have blue epaulettes
It's fife. Your entire argument is invalid.
English folk have to stick together. Considering thy the best folk of the Earth.
Can non-anglos really be called people?
Bandsmen wore colors inverse of troops. Marines wear blue with red trim, Marine bandsmen wear red with blue trim. It helped distinguish them on the battlefield and the tradition continues today.
Oh thanks, because we literally thought these were supposed to represent British soldiers circa 1776, but now that you're here to set the record straight, we won't make that mistake again. I'm so glad you figured it out for us.
nogs don't get representation. Just pay ur taxes and accept ur nogness doesn't equate to any of our good ol' white privilege.
>We threw Brit tea into the ocean
>what does Denmark have that we can toss overboard?
Nogs today don't generate revenue, they consume it.
The colonies actually did. It takes wealth to build a nation.
Honestly though if our nogs wanted to fuck off and take Mississippi or Alabama for their own and fuck off to their own nation-state I say we should let them.
So what's the next part of your master plan?
change "zoo animals" to niggers, and "kangaroos" to emu, and you're pretty much spot on.
Crashing this union
I'm still holding out hope that the Trump-Russia pissgate stuff is MI6 playing 12-dimensional backgammon and we're gearing up for a twin invasion of both the vodkaniggers and the burgers, all the while pretending we're going to brexit as a coverup.
>pic related, it's Juncker's face when we control the combined military strength of three countries.
Crashing the EU.
Brits are actually Jews in disguise.
Who knew?
Stop trying to claim the Celtic emperor as an Anglo Ahmed
Jews wish they were as good as us Anglos.
Jews wish they were British
Good joke mate, Lowland gleniggers being raped by Gaels Irishmen doesn't make you a celt.
Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules
Of Hector and Lysander, and such great names as these.
But of all the world's great heroes, there's none that can compare.
With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British Grenadiers.
Those heroes of antiquity ne'er saw a cannon ball,
Or knew the force of powder to slay their foes withal.
But our brave boys do know it, and banish all their fears,
With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers.
Whene'er we are commanded to storm the palisades,
Our leaders march with fusees, and we with hand grenades.
We throw them from the glacis, about the enemies' ears.
Sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers.
And when the siege is over, we to the town repair.
The townsmen cry, "Hurrah, boys, here comes a Grenadier!
Here come the Grenadiers, my boys, who know no doubts or fears!
Then sing tow, row, row, row, row, row, the British Grenadiers.
Then let us fill a bumper, and drink a health of those
Who carry caps and pouches, and wear the loupèd clothes.
May they and their commanders live happy all their years.
With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, for the British Grenadiers."
Dude, if Alabama and Mississippi fucked off, that's about 20% of all the men and women in the US armed services.
We are patriotic as fuck, and we like the military experience to help keep the nogs in their place and not rioting. Our nogs know to behave, or a quick white flash militia will put them down.
It`s a part of American history, whether you, them or anyone likes it or not.
*starts charging his reiatsu*
just contaminate the ocean for like a 100 years with a shitton of legos, i dare you
Two way amnesty m8. You would join us and they would occupy that.
Or some other state, whatever. It would be worth the price to not have to deal with them anymore.
Trumpnis is herbidian, they still speak Gaelic there. Lowlanders have a vast majority Celtic blood just spoke Germanic language for longer.
But of all the world's great heroes, there's none that can compare.
With a tow, row, row, row, row, row, to the British Grenadiers.
I cant help, Despite you being our bitter rivals but to love you daft cunts every second of it.
What were they playing?
Trump is the Celtic emperor that is promised. Total Celtic domination awaits
We can unite in laughing at the weakness of America
*teleports behind u
n-not so fast, lobsterback
Watch out Celtic men of Sup Forums.
AIDF inbound.
All hail Trump Scottish God Emperor!
I hate the eternal anglo as much as you hate him and me, but The British Grenadier is the dankest military march IN THE WORLD.
I love Britain but stop writing so French
I can't wait until we take to the stars to conquer the stars in scotlands name
Wha's like us?
Because noon tomorrow Trump shoots them all with an M60 loaded with blanks and they have blood packs for show. 10/10 entertainment tbqh