Communism general

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


Other urls found in this thread:

poor people are garbage and the workers contribute nothing to society

this thread gave me cancer

>Communism thread

How did you escape from the Mental Hospital?

You fuckers either never got your ass beat or were so destroyed on a regular basis that you're broken inside. All that matters is that I can smash your head in with a rock before you even hear me. Never forget that.


This is now a Francisco Franco appreciation thread


Go see a doctor comrade hurry

What do you mean? caring for the working class is crazy talk comrade?

the rich have more because their better

Commies surrendering to Franco's forces after the battle of Irun

St. Franco

Hunting commies

Barcelona is liberated by the Luftwaffe

id like to dedicate my trips to franco and yamaguchi bury it deep yamaguchi!

Victory parade

Bury it deep Yamaguchi

Remember to SAGE

Many widows of Republican soldiers turned to prostitution to support themselves after the war

Don't post pics, you fucking leaf. Your are bumping this shit.
You can't sage when posting an image


Franco's daughter out on a date

working class is worthless class


Daily reminder that primitive communism, the underlying central basis of Marx' theories, has been utterly discredited and thus his ideology is objectively incapable of operating properly.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a natsoc/libertarian board and communism is unwelcome here.

A crowd in Spain waves goodbye to the Blue Division


Stop fucking a dead horse, communism is gone and its time is over. If some one follows that ideology in 2k17 he is dead too.



Why do you keep posting that shit instead of just kys?

Hi comrade, why do you say that?

Can this be a /commiewave/ thread.

The /fashwave/ threads are full of uncreative, unoriginal faggots. My masterpieces are getting ignored.


Wow this is naturally more aesthetic than the low effort cringy garbage being posted over there.




>not inheritance
>not exploitation



first time ive seen commie memes and thought they might be effective

Your country had state capitalism not socialism or communism. Did the workers own the means of production? No? Not socialism.



Oh look it's the faggot Spaniard posting the same horse shit thread everyday. I think I hate you more than that faggot leaf who sucks Obamas dick every post. Communism never worked, never will work and has killed more people than any ideology in human history. Kys. sage goes in all fields

Why do jews love communism so much?


>when capitalism's only permanent thing is constant unhappiness and unemployment.


Calm down comrade, is just a simple thread right?

Name one country where the workers controlled the means of production.


wot a load of fuckin shite


Do you guys like the tentative flag for socialist states of america?

I want to remove communist

you cannot drop the "united" from united states of america (and you dont even need to)

>redstars having consensual relationships with women
commies really are delusional

How about united socialist states of America.

How does your movement deal with IDpol? Those types of people will nuke your entire movement before it even gets off the ground?

A good commie is a dead commie


We reject identity politics from both the left and the right. We care about women being oppressed but we'll handle that after the revolution.

t. fearful crapitalist

realistically, couldnt individual states within the union adopt communism? wouldnt this be a much easier, target way to start?

How? that makes no sense comrade, a corpse is neutral.

You mean the fucking liberals(american liberals), they are misguided by the capitalists, if will be fun watching their delusion broken.

get a fucking job, you disgusting cretin

>every former or present communist country is a shithole
>lets try communism guys, what can go wrong

Yeah except that the united state military would just crush any state that adopted it.

Comrade I heard Russia is a shithole now and most people miss USSR.

Go fuck yourself commie trash



Name one country where the workers controlled the means of production.


How do you reconcile that belief with the fact that Cuba has shifted in demographics to being a now majority black country where blacks are an underclass. Even in the countries that you socialists hold in such high regards there is still massive inequality. IDpol will be your undoing. We all know it and can see it clearly, but you are too blinded by ideology that you can't.

I like the red star on his shoulder.

But why comrade, are you a capitalist? do you own means of production?

>sage and hidden

the only people who should own anything are the rich

turns out most russians are retarded

I wouldn't have expected anything less from slavic subhumans for whom human life is cheap and alcoholism is common on a GENETIC level

Most Russians are Putin-supporting stupid bydlo as well. Not a single intelligent person wants to return to soviet union.

They have some problems with race inequalities. They should fix that. What I mean by "I reject IDpol" is that I put the struggle of the workers first.



>that caption

Shit general.

What does it say?

I don't see a single country in that list that let the workers own the means of production.

they work harder and earned it more than the workers, in essence they are the elite for a reason

>On an island that is around two-thirds black and mixed race, according to a 2007 study by the Cuban economist Esteban Morales Domínguez, the civil and public leadership is about 70 percent white. He also found that most scientists, technicians and university professors, up to 80 percent in some fields, were white.
>"They have some problems with race inequalities"

Do you know how people are going to respond to these inequalities? They will want diversity quaotas and diversity training. They will want more handouts as reparations for inequality like the blacks in America are doing now. Like I said, IDpol will be the destruction of your "utopia" and it's unavoidable. That's why leftist politics is doomed. Your meritocracy brand of communism and socialism is "racist" and you will be the first to be thrown in the gulag.

How can you say Communism is next after Captilaism unless your a witch. Muh book said it willl

No. They got that money by stealing there workers surplus labor.

13 people

Christ that is embarrassing.

Why don't they all just kick in 10k and start a socialist bar that sells drinks based on income and spreads propaganda that way?

When you're drunk, going to the party congress.

Daily reminder that being a communist is a violation of the non aggression principle and it is therefore okay to PHYSICALLY REMOVE

Daily reminder that theft is a violation of the non aggression principle and capitalists steal surplus labor so its ok to PHYSICALLY REMOVE

If that is the true will of the people I'll go along with it.