i leave it here
I leave it here
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wtf is this hans better not be a anti brexit thing
you think that you are so big and important, you will learn the lesson in future
Why are you so jealous of us? Just leave us alone
i will not, because i don't like to see britain fail, i want that you succeed with all the 28 club
tl;dr it's an anti-Brexit opinion piece by a globalist shill
fuck you nigger
oh hans
oh, ahmed
Ignore the flag, American here.
Leave, Britain, leave.
The EU is an overreaching disaster. Unfair laws. Unfair policies. Unfair.
Special relationship intact.
what's this success you speak of, and when may i see it?
>23rd June Referendum vote
Krauts become salty for months
>Theresa May Brexit speech
Krauts will become salty for months.
>Article 50 triggered
Krauts become salty for months.
Please Germoney, what is it about a sovereign nation determining it's own future that ruffles your feathers so?
Why are you so salty? Let us go you needy fucks
because i think that everyone should stop complaining and give fault to others, america do and you do
america is complaining about china and mexico.
we, the west created china it's not fault of china if they are the factory of the world, why apple makes iphone in china?
the same with britain and its relationship with the EU
listen to what your love iron lady said about the single market
you joined europe and you were part of the projects estabilishing also the "European court of human rights"
if something goes wrong maybe is fault of your politicians, not the other countries or people
only if you accept in the next ten years that you have fucked your country, everytime i get in a discussion on brexit with a brit they don't have solid arguments on why it's better off, where everything says that it's better in.
We joined the single market to trade.
What the EU has become is not what we signed for. We are leaving. We want no part of your transnational political unification project. We don't want our laws coming from B̶r̶u̶s̶s̶e̶l̶s Berlin anymore.
> Share_iOs
Oh, another Europe soap opera.
How long before we are drone bombing ISIS terrorists in Berlin...lol
Let them go for fucks sake
They are just kicking out the poles for more pakis
Right now we need slavs
They are muslim repellent.
We don't want to be in, that's why its best if we are out. What don't you get about that?
Thereasa May is a traitor to her own race, and has sold herself to the zionists by banning all criticism of Israel and Jews
ok, nice shot
>Let them go for fucks sake
Isn't the whole point to build a better EU?
Do that. Build an EU that will make them want to rejoin. Build an EU that will make Russia want to join.
I do blame my politicians, both national and continental...I can't do anything about the continental ones.
You sort out your backyard Fritz, I'll clean up mine, and we'll both be fine. But I won't starve with you.
LOL. Here's your future mate. ;)
They just looks like a bunch of Germans to me, m8. I don't get what you're trying to say.
wow you brits are so dumb!
>Isn't the whole point to build a better EU?
The EU is a pacifier so we don't start wars all the time.
EU without wars is boring
I say crash it all down and burn it to the ground.
que pasa?
I am honestly starting to believe Angela Merkel is posting on Sup Forums, as i am seeing the same whining German making these threads everyday.
>nigga thinks he can leave da hood without getting capped
Did anyone seriously fall for this crazy woman's bluff about turning Britain into some low-tax, low-regulation capitalist paradise if Europe doesn't give us what we want?
If May or the Tories have a real intention to cut red tape and taxation, why aren't they doing it right now? Why wait for a hypothetical scenario where negotiations go terribly wrong to implement sensible economic reform?
It's a fucking embarrassment and scary in a way because it's become clear the government doesn't have a plan. And it contradicts everything the so called Conservatives have been preaching for the last 5 years about a "new centre ground" or an "economy that works for everyone". I mean for fuck's sake just a few weeks ago Theresa May was bashing corporate bosses for their huge bonuses and even proposed having union members sitting on company boards. What the fuck, how can she even show up to a bunch of ambassadors and talk about the UK becoming Singapore on steroids under her watch? I can't believe people can't see through her blatant desperation and lack of consistency.
that's why i am saying, it's not the problem of the EU migrants, everyone should work together to kickout the mudslimes, i prefer one pole more than a mudslime in germany, at leatst slavs are more human because are christians.
they have more migrants outside the eu than eu citizens.
It's the 27 club now Hans. Get used to it. It will soon be 26, 25, 24... You get the idea.
Brits would rather take ALL of pakistan into the UK if it meant they wouldn't have to listen to anyone from mainland europe
This is why the EU will never work. We don't understand each other.
Here's an argument for why we're better off out: WE CAN CONTROL IMMIGRATION. In other words, we won't be forced to accept the rapefugees that you invited once they inevitably obtain German passports.
Oh please. Most of our north africans and somalis come from france and the netherlands. How many fucking new germans are going to come over here once the germans start to force them into german lessons?
This. The Queen should order the burning of all the EUSSR flags hanging from public buildings.
> It will soon be 26, 25, 24... You get the idea.
this in fact is a paradox, by leaving you made the EU stronger.
Marine le pen recently said that she doesn't want to leave the EU.
Also Norbert Hofer said that if he was elected president won't leave the EU.
How fucking deluded are you? YOU are the ones inviting them in. Your chancellor rolled out the red carpet for them. You're in no position to lecture us about kicking out mudslimes. You're in no position to lecture us, period. We want out.
fuck off ahmed
>we can control immigigration meme
>Marine le pen recently said that she doesn't want to leave the EU
[citation needed]
>this in fact is a paradox, by leaving you made the EU stronger.
Sure, and if you kill your enemies they win, right Hans?
You're out of your fucking mind mate.
force us to stay by bringing forth another lebensraum
That's why I said
>once they inevitably obtain German passports
Learn 2 read ffs.
here you go jihadi john
>what is right to family life
The moment one of these rapefugees marries any EU citizen, they can benefit from freedom of movement too.
to obtain German passport you should live in germany for 8 years
Germany you can't even get Merkel out of there.
Oh ho, keep telling yourself that hans.
>what is the silent majority?
Remember how the UK was also not going to leave because polls showed a massive remain favour? yup...
The reason she's doing this is because she wants to get elected and realises that only 33% of French people support Frexit according to the polls.
She still despises the EU and for good reason.
Documented btw
Right now they are all throwing out all their documentation every few weeks so they don't have to register.
because everyone knows that all the refugees are marryng EU citizens, right?
Yes, and? Are you telling me that all the refugees will have gone home in 8 years time?
Merkel said that she wants to invest a lot of money in the next years for convince the rapefugees to go home
They will have no proof they have been here for 8 years because they can't navigate our fucking bureaucracy.
>He doesn't know there's an entire industry in Eastern Europe of women getting married to foreigners so they can obtain a residence permit in Europe
Why do you think refugees never get deported even after their application gets rejected? Getting married is priority #1 for these rats. Even safer if they have a child. You're in for a rude awakening if you think all the nearly 2 million shitskins your chancellor let into Germany will be waiting patiently in a queue for 8 years to enjoy all the benefits of being a "European".
they have less chance to stay doing that.
Stupid bitch shouldn't have opened the floodgates in the first place...
Jesus Christ is this what Germans actually believe? Oh boy... You guys are in for a shock. those "refugees" won't be going anywhere.
Merkel has also said that she wants to give them free movement passes ASAP.
Read this:
Perhaps then you will understand why we no longer want to be a part of your club. Have fun paying for Greece and the other economically inept countries without us too.
Look buddy I am still totally in favor of the BRexit and crashing the EU
So if believing this will happen keeps you on track I actually don't want to convince you here.
>entire industry in Eastern Europe of women getting married to foreigners so they can obtain a residence permit in Europe
i know that well, believe me, but that kind of thing benefits everyone, germans are shy and they are not the "alpha males" like russians and mediterrenean europeans, eastern europe girls are hot, rapefugees woman not, beause they cover their faces with carpets and shit.
Where is your proofs that the refugees will leave? Best I can see is the children want to stay and the adults miss home. Syria can't support a large population right now. You are stuck with the adults and the children want to stay.
Oh they will be leaches on us forever.
I am just saying we won't just hand out German passports and wave them over to the UK.
Which is the fear.
But it doesn't matter anyway.
Brexit is happening.
Soros suggests when Britain leaves EU in 2019 it may actually rejoin it a couple days later.
>"in theory or maybe even in practice you could have a situation in 2019 or 2020 when Britain will leave the EU because it does have to take place, but they could leave on a Friday but join over the weekend and have the new arrangement in place in Monday morning"
Fuck off kraut
The refugees will not leave.
Merkel didn't invite them over because she's a "great humanitarian" she invited them over to provide cheap labour and support the country's aging population.
Besides, do you really believe that Rasheed et al will want to go back to Aleppo after living in Berlin? Sending him back would be a gross violation of his human rights.
>>The refugees will not leave.
Of course they won't leave
They would not come to you though
Which was your god damn point.
It doesn't matter. 8 years goes by pretty quickly. By then they will have EU passports and they can live wherever the fuck they want.
The only lesson we're gonna learn is "never trust a german"
2 world wars and 1 world cup and yet politicians feel its a good idea to enter a union with conniving jewfiends
And why would they come to you when they get more gibs here?
Some will. Look at the fugees in Calais. They all want to come to Britain because we're the only country in Europe that actually has a decent job market.
stop saying that germans don't have balls to send refugees home, and this is just the beginning
They would rather speak english.
>2 world wars and 1 world cup and yet politicians feel its a good idea to enter a union with conniving jewfiends
But you were on the Jews side.
In both of them.
Also football wise you are not even a rival.
The more I listen to the likes of what May, Johnson and Hammond have to say about Brexit, the more I’m seeing a pattern. They know what’s a coming for them sure.. (in general terms)
SO it seems like they are getting all of their threatening excuses and aggressive moanings in early, in expectance of the backlash from the entire English / Welsh electorate (following the EU carrying out their Standard Operating Procedures for Article 50 removal from the EU and the resultant effects.) “We really tried.. Wastemonster good, EU BAD” ~ You know the drill.
It’s almost like the Tories are planning and expecting Brexit (A50) to fail dramatically, once it’s triggered by the end of March ’17!
With Indyref2 edging ever closer, it’s great to be Scottish.
>thinking germany wasnt a puppet controlled by the jews for them to take Jerusalem
also football wise you still lost a world cup against us and havent ever beaten us in a world cup final since ;)
They get the same amount of gibs here. Plus the ones who actually want to work are given opportunities they can't get anywhere else in Europe.
Why do you think London is the number 1 destination for young Europeans looking for work?
I'm reporting this to the European Court of Human Rights.
>tfw born just in time to witness the Krauts failing at empire building a third time
You know France is more eurosceptic than us right?
some more selfhate from the guardian. yum!
I'm reporting this report to the UN report on Cyber bullying.
>also football wise you still lost a world cup against us and havent ever beaten us in a world cup final since ;)
Because you haven't made it to the final since
In fact you haven't done anything for 50 years now.
Not a single second or third place and only place fourth once in 1990
We have won 4 times since then.
Brazil, Italy, Argentina.
Those are fucking football rivals
You are a joke
So wait your complaint is that all the lazy ones will stay here and you will get all the qualified ones who actually want to work?
Nigger, we invented the game. Name one sport that Germany has invented where the whole world participates. Exactly.
You are awfully bad at it for inventing it.
>mfw you still watch our league
>we invented the game so we are better than you
you realize that majority of the players in uk clubs are from other countries, right?
you have only 1-2 good british players,
have you seen the german clubs or the germany team in the world cup?
That is completely irrelevant. You're playing our sports and speaking our language. Some fucking masterrace lmao
Great, this time you'll be part of le brave 4% of scots.
we actually speak american english, twat
(((Rafael Behr)))
>Because you haven't made it to the final since
>In fact you haven't done anything for 50 years now.
>Not a single second or third place and only place fourth once in 1990
>We have won 4 times since then.
>Brazil, Italy, Argentina.
>Those are fucking football rivals
>You are a joke
but we beat you 1v1 in the finals
and you havent beaten us once in the finals 1v1
>not english
explain yourself germ