When will you take the black pill Sup Forums? Antinatalism is the only solution. All life is suffering and malignantly useless. In the end it doesn't matter which subspecies is better than the other.
When will you take the black pill Sup Forums? Antinatalism is the only solution...
already did
Is time a flat circle by chance?
We should refuse to reproduce.
Other than the horrible anticipation, nothing prolonged about that one. Like being blinked out of existence.
Don't you think that your life has had more good experiences than negative? Doesn't that make existence worth it if it's a net gain? Lots of people can find purpose in their lives despite it being ultimately purposeless.
I feel for the antinatalist crowd, but I don't feel that they're being fair. I don't see how existence isn't a pleasurable venture.
For every great life there are a thousand miserable ones. and no, it hasn't been a fucking joyride
Joy/pleasure is not inherently meaningful.
>nb4 edgy/tips fedora
Pain is a chemical reality.
I wouled think that that's based on perspective. People look at Africa and think that over one billion unhappy/suffering Africans live there, but that isn't true. People enjoy living, despite the circumstances that people are placed in. I don't think that suffering, especially suffering in the Western sense, is a bad thing. People cry hard times about life in the West, but we really have no idea. We are living the best existence in history, and if there was a time that antinatalist doesn't hold up it would be now because it's hard to argue that over half of the population doesn't live a sufficiently satisfying life. For previous generations, you can say that their satisfaction was partially derived from the thought that through their hard work their descendents can live the life that they wanted but couldn't have.
That being said, I only think life is worth living in a safe environment. It's something that I think about and worry about a lot, how easy it would be for everything to go to shit. Think about how bad every conflict has been in the past, considering their limited technology and low population. If a war broke out today, and it escalated to WW2 levels of brutality, then just imagine the horror. People wouldn't die from illness like previous war, it would be just brutal violent death.
Wew, took the black pill about 3 years ago.
Why quit smoking?
Why quit drinking?
Why get a better job?
It's pretty freeing really.
Human suffering serves no purpose. While some are able to overcome it many simply become shattered and disturbed. The miseries that take place are nearly unlimited and happiness is brief. Beyond your subjective perception there is an objective prevalence of pain and suffering.
another shill thread?
>saged and hidden
Why not? Isn't the possibility of having pleasent experiences enough justification to exist? I don't think that the fact that death is inevitable reduces the value of joy in a life.
As long as it outweighs negative experiences, a life is worthwhile.
>Everyone is happy.
>Peace and prosperity has increased the world over.
>Quality of life increases all around
>Suddenly a giant meteor impacts Earth.
> Impact is devastating and unsalvageable
>All the life on Earth is annihilated and the planet is soon destroyed.
>The universe moves on and no one or nothing ever speaks of it.
I'm not talking about death, I'm talking about atrocious fucking suffering while still squirming. If you don't see the pain of life you are either stupid or delusional
Your joy and happiness comes at the expense of the suffering and disenfranchisement of others. Most of those people will never experience joy and will die early deaths and be forgotten forever.
Should they take solace in your prosperity at the expense of theirs?
>dont have kids Sup Forums its bad
Why is happiness brief and misery unlimited? There's no reason to believe that there is a surplus of either, especially in modern times. Look at any miserable person and they would have brief periods of happiness, but there's no reason why that person is doomed to misery because of his present condition. There are definitely people who experience a surplus of bad experiences, but the likewise is true about good experiences. There's no reason to believe otherwise except about what is based on your personal experiences and knowledge.
Finally someone posted an antinatalism thread. I've been waiting for this for a while. Yes the final black pill is antinatalism, even though Sup Forums will try to deny it. Life is inherently full of suffering and meaninglessness. Only a very lucky few can enjoy this life and all the fruits it has to offer. For the vast majority, they get the short end of the stick. Some simply get screwed right from the womb; others endure through empty lives with only the glimmers of happiness and joy, off in the distance.
So why, knowing all this, would you choose to reproduce? Why transfer the pain and suffering onto another being? Why force them to go through the monotony of life? Is it not more merciful to simply let the unborn soul drift in the eternal aether, rather than dragging into a husk of a body and coercing into the onerous struggle of life?
Just let it end. For the good of all.
You do have to be blind to not see pain that people experience, I completely agree. History is filled with pain and suffering. But you also have to be blind to see that there are people who genuinely enjoy existence and have a net positive life.
I think you people are ignoring the second part of the equation.
Nobody exists like that. Everyone has happiness and joy in their life in some capacity. Just because they don't live in the West doesn't mean that they're unhappy. Actually, they're probably more satisfied with their lives than us.
the last episode russ changed completely when he finally began to see beauty in the world. the biggest redpill is just being jesus basically. which is the ultimate rebel
Why ever risk the chance of suffering? There is no harm in non existence and great harm in existence. Benatar explains how human consciousness is always troubled by torment. Try to see beyond your limited perspective and see true reality (which includes not only human detriment but also the animals we abuse and exploit)
If life has no meaning then why post on Sup Forums? Go YOLO It up on Sup Forums with the other faggots and then kill yourself
ITT: edgy teenage nihilists argue with edgy teenage hedonists
The Sup Forumslock accepts life and loves it, knowing nothing of and despising suicide; he rather conceives of life as duty and struggle and conquest, life which should be high and full, lived for oneself, but above all for others — those who are at hand and those who are far distant, contemporaries, and those who will come after.
Were not saying life is meaningless. Quite the opposite. Life and pain is meaningful which is why we want to put and end to it.
Because the existence of suffering isn't a problem, it's the surplus of it that is the problem. Through reduction (not elimination) of suffering, people can live an acceptable life. We have spent our entire existence trying to maximize the reduction of suffering, and we have gotten good at it. The lives that we are living are are the best lives that have been lived in history, by all measurements.
The only times when suffering exceeds happiness is through man-made catastrophe, something not many people in the world presently have experienced.
You can minimize suffering through social endeavors but you can end it entirely through voluntary extinction
>The lives we are living are the best lives that have been lived in history, by all measurements. Do not speak of "We" when discussing all life. You may indeed enjoy life, good for you, but try to widen your perspective. There are many that do not. Regardless of disposition, one thing is true for everyone on earth: no one asked to be born.
Your rhetoric reeks of naiveté. Suffering is eternal, whether it is physical or psychological.
Antinatalism has been a hot topic on Sup Forums for a while, and people generally agree with you. How can you genuinely believe that the vast majority of people have lives where suffering exceeds happiness? We are literally living in the golden years. You could argue that point of view in the Holocaust or Nanking, but during peacetime of the most prosperous time in human history? You can't honestly believe that.
>Life is full of pain
>Therefore kill ourselves
Sounds like the goth kids finally found the internet
Yes life is full of pain and suffering. Our ancestors suffered more than we ever will but because of them we are in a better place. That is the whole point, to leave the world in a better place than when we found it and perhaps in time our descendants will live in a world we would consider paradise and in the end it will be worth it
>Golden years
>Most prosperous time in history
You're conflating macroeconomic growth with individual happiness and fulfilment. Antinatalism is a personal philosophy, not a global political ideology. Life is like Russian Roulette. But instead of having one bullet in the chamber, there is five. So 5/6 you shoot yourself, 1/6 you don't. But, guess what, you get to go again. So you put the gun to your head and pull the trigger ad nauseam. Some get lucky and it comes up blank their entire lives, but statistically speaking, most people do not get lucky. I am not saying kill yourself. I'm am merely saying that a full, healthy, and happy life is rare. It does not matter what wealth you may own, pain finds its way in.
Spare out descendants the trouble and simply do not produce. The solution is full proof. Besides, what logical reason could you offer for the continuation of our species?
Nice jewish philosophy you got there.
Nice argument faggot
>What reason
Life begets life, it is wired into all of us to grow and be more than the generations before us. You can philosophize all you want but the drive to grow and build is in all of us, some more so than others
To give into despair so completely is beneath contempt. Just end yourself and be forgotten, those strong enough to continue will do so with or without you
Goth kids don't even exist anymore. you're either insanely old or youve never left your house and interacted with real human beings in your life
Yeah, and that sounds great. You just eliminated all human emotions, though. It would be a net loss because people generally have more positive experiences than negative experiences.
That's really where the arguments stands, and I don't think that there's an effective way to argue for or against it. How could something like that even be measured? Through a global questionnaire? It's just going to be based on our personal experiences, not the collective of the world.
You can have a pessimistic view of the world and think that poor people in Africa are aware of their situation in comparison to the rest of the world, in which case you'll believe that they have a shit life. I don't think that they do, though.
Good lives aren't rare. Everyone in the West is living a good life, and the only thing that prevents them from understanding it is their perspective. Poor Tiffany didn't get her phone? Well, I guess she has more suffering than happiness. Poor DeMarcus didn't get food stamps for the month? Well, I guess he has more suffering than happiness. Neither of these people are in bad condition, and they're going to keep going and they're going to enjoy life. They have possessions that are more valuable than their material goods; their family, their health, their relationships, and their security. There's nothing that indicates that Tiffany and DeMarcus aren't satisfied with life. They're going to live their lives and reproduce, and have descendants who will live full and happy lives.
It being a biological imperative rather than a conscious choice shows how fucking stupid you are. That is animal behavior beneath contempt.
Learn to face the Das Nichts
Then whatever edgy overly emotional twats are the current fad. Liberals I guess fit the bill
I made the conscious choice to grow, you made the conscious choice to be an overly emotional faggot who thinks life should be all sunshine and rainbows
>Waah life has pain it
>We need to all kill ourselves because pain is bad!
You sound like a typical progressive retard. Your level of cowardice is nothing short of infantile
I'm glad you are voluntarily going extinct, we used to have to sterilize you people
>they have possessions that re more valuable than their material goods...
You presume too much leaf and you see too little. To use your example: DeMarcus was cursed from the beginning; he was born a negro. That in and of itself will fill his mind with the painful realization of racial inferiority. I've met many blacks and they all go through this psychological stage in their teen years. After that things don't look up for DeMarcus; he might join a gang and get shot. What a wonderful life he lived. Oh, and Tiffany, well she didn't get her iPhone, but golly gee she will embrace the superficiality of Facebook and Instagram, showing off that beautiful face. She'll date, fuck, and pass out from too much alcohol. Years will go by in a hedonistic haze and she'll wonder what the hell happened. Before she knows it she's a single mom, taking care of a bastard son and unknowingly transferring her failures and frustrations onto him. And the cycle repeats. There are plenty of people who wish they were never born. A myriad of reasons can be given. I am thankful for what I have leaf, but I am also well aware of how lucky I am. I could have gotten it much worse.
blue leads to red leads to black leads to iron. the last hurdle is the hardest: realizing life is absurd and sourcing your happiness from it.
Neither of those examples are typical. I don't think that there are many blacks who genuinely allow themselves to be overcome with thoughts of racial inferiority, enough to impact their mental well-being. Even if it was profound enough to cause suffering, it's not like he's going to live with that looming over every experience that he has. He's going to have friends and family that loves him, he's going to procreate and have children that will continue his legacy, he's going to have fulfilling employment, and he's going to have hobbies that give him satisfaction. Just because he has something bad that looms over him, that isn't going to stop him from having a good life. Seems like your viewpoints are based on a lot of preconceived opinions and assumptions.
I think that the only things that can genuinely cause more suffering than happiness is physical impairments and man-made catastrophe, and both of those things are declining or non-existent.
>he is going to
>he is going to
>he is going to
You're projecting and you don't even realize it. These are your ambitions and your ideas of what a life consists of. Stop projecting your life onto others. I noticed how you ignored the girl example because I assume you are a male and can't get your mind around a woman's suffering, as it differs from a man. Look, m8, if you want to have eight kids, go ahead, no one is stopping you. You seem like the kind of person that finds happiness in even the most pointless things in life. Good for you. I genuinely wish I was as naïve and optimistic as you. But, from what I've seen read, heard, etc., I don't like the picture I'm looking at.
Is that a police officer? What is that uniform?
This stupid shit is really autistic. You should unironically kill yourself if you truly believe life is suffering or whatever shit you think. The world needs less of these edgy teens.
I'm the one dealing with certainties. You're the one basing your world view on assumptions and opinions. You can flip it however you want, and you can develop that into whatever world view you want, and there is one thing for certain; people generally have more positive experiences than negative experiences. You can try to flip it however you want based on your own personal experiences (b-b-but I know a few black people who hate being black!), but at least consider it. Everything that people view as being negative are collectively DOWN (disease, war, poverty, unnatural death), personal well-being has NEVER been higher (every country is wealthier, less people in extreme poverty, more democratic government), people have NEVER been more satisfied with their position in life. How can you genuinely believe that people aren't satisfied with that?
I ignored the girl because it's the same as the man. Both of them would have the same fulfilling life. Having children is an inherently worthwhile venture because they will most likely have the same fulfilling life as you. So if you had a fantastic life, they will most likely have a fantastic life. You don't want to have kids because you're afraid that they will have the same shit like that you did, but listen to me - your life isn't that bad. I think that antinatalists just have a distorted view of life because they have a view that their lives were shit and that means that everyone's lives are shit, and therefore everyone must be sad.
Everyone has ups and downs, but you have to be a real true goober to believe that there aren't more ups than downs.
I guess that concludes our discussion. Believe what you want leaf and I'll believe want I want. We have very different ideas of what a fulfilling life involves. There seems to be no middle ground here. Good night.
That's how arguments like this goes. You can't argue people otherwise because it's based on their own preconceived ideas about topics (value of life, what constitutes a good life).
This is fatalism
The black pill is nihilsm you fucking dumbass
>tfw newfag.. will probably never be bog pilled
>edgy teens
>A charmed life is so rare that for every one such life there are millions of wretched lives. Some know that their baby will be among the unfortunate. Nobody knows, however, that their baby will be one of the allegedly lucky few. Great suffering could await any person that is brought into existence. Even the most privileged people could give birth to a child that will suffer unbearably, be raped, assaulted, or be murdered brutally. The optimist surely bears the burden of justifying this procreational Russian roulette. Given that there are no real advantages over never existing for those who are brought into existence, it is hard to see how the significant risk of serious harm could be justified. If we count not only the unusually severe harms that anybody could endure, but also the quite routine ones of ordinary human life, then we find that matters are still worse for cheery procreators. It shows that they play Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun—aimed, of course, not at their own heads, but at those of their future offspring.