Shaun King really activates my almonds
Shaun King really activates my almonds
So the majority of people deemed the best for their chosen positions are white men?
Really ignites my noodles
>phallic objects
go ahead genius, invent an aerodynamic vagina-shaped space ship.
>Talcum X
You're never ever gonna diversity anything you retard. Why do you have to be such a cuck.
I mean it is a white man posting this so he is obviously complaining about the 3 who aren't white men.
I would think Sup Forums would agree with this.
"Judging people by the color of their skin" -The demoncrap party since 1 second after MLK died
>whites(including spics) make up like 80% of us population
>trumps cabinet is 80% white
Looks good to me
>says a white man
This faggot needs an asswhoopin.
The vagina is the universe.
> And the highest paid black """"twitter journalist"""" is actually white.
> 2017
that's what will make it a hard working cabinet
He can move to Africa or the Middle East if he can't stand FUCKING WHITE MALES.
isn't he white though?
>Jews = white
hahaha no
>America 2017
Why is that a problem then? It's not like it's 2015. There's no reason for a balanced cabinet.
I think he is mexican.
At least he doesn't really look white to me.
Isint this guy white?
>whites(including spics)
What did you mean by this? You aren't white, beaner.
The irony of that tweet coming from a white male is delicious.
ungreatful niggers, whites created the world
what a wigger
Shaun "Lynching niggers and pulling triggers" King won't be happy until every one in the world is a proud white man.
Shaun would probably claim he's some Mexican half-breed. But keep in mind everyone will still claim the Zimzam is white.
Daily reminder that being white is situational.
You'd think they would try to lay off a little with the whole A FUCKING WHITE MALE thing after what we did to this guy...
It just adds another 12% to make a point
It's almost as if they're generally smarter and more responsible than women and non-whites.
Shaun, please go. and take your constant attempts at self-promotion with you.
Doxxed and harassed?
And everyone is complaining about the Secretary of Education.
It's almost as if diversity for the sake of diversity is how you end up with "we need guns in schools because of bears".
We're entering a whole new era of SJW butthurt.
When will they realise their rhetoric made Trump president?
>Talcum X
he is a white male though.
a turd and a tweet
Fuck off Ahmed, he is not part of our kin
If Zimzam is white so is that user.
Shaun King just announced both his parents... 2 out of 2 white people.
America. 2017.
Yeah they are de-spicable that's why they're the cabinet members
Reminder that non-whites will never actually be American.
>Shaun King
>mentally ill cretin
Pick two
Yeah and the left want genital mutilation.
What happened to Carl?
>the universe is a giant vagina
>rocket = Penis
So what you are saying is that launching a space rocket is pretty much rape since the universe didnt clearly consent to the launch of the rocket?
white people are awful
we cant even let blacks be their own civil rights leaders
>yellow eyes on the nigger
Attention to detail is nice
They are still less white than Shaunny boy though lmao
>only 13 of 16
>3 women/blacks
Truly despicable :D
Which means that NASA is basicly a goverment funded white man facility of weapons of mass intergalactic rape?!?
>skin color doesn't matter
>but it does when it supports my argument
Really tickles my pickles.
No launch preparations are foreplay.
Hope Trump classifies BLM as a terror group and Mr.Kang here rots in prison forever.
The best candidates are white men. Imagine that.
Really strong forces my neutrons.
Black washing history is going to be so good for us in the next coming of years. It's going to inspire blacks... to not do anything and still get credit for it.
Is Shaun King autistic? Seriously, everything that comes out of his mouth is about race, EVERYTHING. He will find a story just looking at a white wedding dress.
At least Al Sharpton does it for political gains.
really makes you think
I-it was not my intention to offend you.
I wish this faggot would fucking an hero. Everytime I see his ugly ass face, it makes me want to punch a kitty.
Man, these retards really want to put people in the highest positions of power based on nothing other than fulfilling a racial diversity quota. We need to spend the next 8 years making sure these people are kept far away from government
Thanks Poland broseph you made my day.
The left makes spics white whenever it suits them. Then changes them back, whenever it suits them.
Why not use the same tactic?
If Mexicans are white it isn't racist to keep them out. Also it means the left is flooding the USA with illegal whites to offset the blacks and keep them from getting anywhere. That's just two ways you could spin it.
real shocker
But seriously, why not 16/16?
So he wants to get shit done, good for him.
man why do these faggots dont move to africa if they hate their own race so much
Hes a psychotic narcissist. A real one, not just an egoist with a hyperbolic label.
Typical German sucking a shitskin's cock
There is no welfare in africa.
Shaun King is white, after pictures of his parents and his birth certificate got out listing his white dad he started claiming he was a cuck baby. Pic related is his grade school photo, as you can see the reason that he keeps his hair shaved so close is because when it grows long he very clearly has white people hair.
It's kind of amazing how people like Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal keep getting to the leadership positions of these organizations by curling their hair and wearing blackface, I wonder how much of the NAACP is actually black.
Is this dude retarded?
>UN Ambassador is an Indian woman, Nikki Haley
>Secretary of Education is a woman, Betsy DeVos
>Secretary of Transportation is an Asian woman, Elaine Chao
>Housing and Urban Development is a black man, Ben Carson
>SBA Admin is a woman, Linda McMahon (yeah that one)
>Secretary of State is a dinosaur, Tillersaurus
they dont actually want to be around blacks, they just want to force them into places other white people like.
case in point:
>this guy isnt going to the inauguration
>there arent enough blacks at the inauguration
Its 11/15
Pence is not a cabinet pick, and jews aren't whites
That's about right for the population
Republicans are mostly white men. You would have to pull from the bottom of the barrel to find a black female republican who is semi-qualified to be treasurey secretary.
>Shaun King
I would like to point out that out of all 45 cabinet members the Obama administration had in place during all 8 years (45 because I've taken out duplicates and excluded Obama himself) 31 were white and 22 were white males. The only people in his cabinet to hold different positions in his cabinet were white males. Obama hates niggers too guys.
how is this guy even real?
this is Shaun King as a kid
this is Shaun King's mother. HE resembles her a bit, she looks like a mix between mexican maid and white lady.
>the universe didnt clearly consent to the launch of the rocket?
The rocket entered space's territory without consent, thus violating the NAP.
>this is why ayy lmaos are kidnapping our people and generally fucking with us
The funniest thing about that tweet is, it only brought to my attention that Trump failed on 3 cabinet appointments and that pisses me off.
this is Shaun King's brother and niece.
Where's his dad?
here is Shaun King in middle school.
Shall I keep dumping? I work for DailyMail and we have tons of his pictures that never went public. Let me know. IDGAF he's a white boi acting black.
this is Shaun King's father and some random girl.
Please continue.
old pic of his dad
Daily reminder he: "identifies as black"
Please leave this smart black man alone
Oh no 13% of the population has 30% of the cabinet representation! How unfair!!
Why is a white man the leader of a nigger gang?