This woman follows your 10 year old daughter into the ladies bathroom
wat do
This woman follows your 10 year old daughter into the ladies bathroom
wat do
Other urls found in this thread:
Identify as a male presenting woman for 10 minutes
>Takes out assault rifle
Introduce her to Mike Pence
I identify as an MMA fighter and I identify that he identifies as my opponent
what if I also happen to have a feminine penis?
I'm with the Roach on this one. Also got a 7yro daughter so could very well happen.
Based roach
Genuinely curious what you would do?
Fair question. I'd probably freak out a bit. I mean, that's a fucking man, pretending not to be. Anybody can see how masculine they look.
I'm not sure what I'd do. I don't think I'd do anything, unless I had good reason to suspect they're going to try something... which they might, because they seem to think they're a fucking woman, so they're pretty nuts.
I'd worry a lot more when some old orange pussy grabbing troll followed her.
He looks like Robert Benigni.
Guard my daughters stall and not say I'm trans when questioned.
Break xir's fucking legs
suk and fuk
a woman you say.
Fug boi pucci
follow HIM in to keep my daughter safe and use whatever bullshit HE claims to use to be able to go into the ladies room without impunity same as him as justification
Better version
>send in the wife while I do overwatch from the drinking fountain area
he wouldn't do shit, he's a huge pussy who wouldn't dare say anything politically incorrect in public because he fears confrontation. If his daughter asked the tranny why he's going into the girl's bathroom, he would grab her hand and say "now now deary, we talked about this. She's a very beautiful woman just like you and this is the right bathroom for her!"
>Buys cheese burger
I'd politely explain that I don't care which bathroom it uses, so long as my daughter isn't in there. And, that they'd have to wait for her to come out. If they tried to force their way in there I'd throw them out. Though I doubt they would.
tell daughter to wait if she can or just supervise her while she uses the mens restroom instread
Fuck it 'till it turns straight.
Nah m8. Where I live supporting Trump, praising God and keeping faggots and niggers in their place IS the political correct.
just have your daughter use whichever one she isnt going into and supervise her if necessary
telling someone with a bladder full of piss to wait while your daughter takes her sweet time is kinda fucked even if you think theyre a faggot.
Why should my daughter have to alter her life and habit for some mentally ill stranger? If that person's bladder is bursting then they need to cut the "look at me" bullshit and use the correct bathroom.
Can anyone say two and a half some?
> We live in a world where our daughters have to be supervised in the mens room because any pedo can now enter the lady's.
I'd "Identify as a female" so supervise
I work at Wal-Mart, and atleast once a week I get the stink eye from some dad for having the audacity to walk into the men's room and take a piss while his innocent snowflake daughter is in there.
Yeh and there no possible negative implications of letting her in....
I would walk in and tell the freak to get out. I don't give a fuck.
Jokes on you! No woman would ever procreate with me!
>that receding hairline
A roach does as roaches do
If she ain't in diapers you should tell him she needs to use the lil grilz room.
because you're the one making it an issue. if someone thought you were a creepy looking fuck would you be okay with the mom blocking the way to the mens bathroom while their son took a 15 minute shit?
i do understand where you're coming from and i would not let my child go in alone either but i don't believe you get to automatically take the high ground on this one and deny someone else's freedom (no matter how stupid they look) is my point.
I reckon that's why he did it. Wigs/long hair can cover up the JUST hairline
That's literally your answer to everything tho
i provided a way to keep her safe. like i said i wouldn't let her in alone either
That's pretty much my take on it.
Besides it's not like the men's room is some sanctuary where everyone just walks around with their hogs hanging out. Seeing a dick that isn't your own in a men's room is a rare occurrence, I doubt you're dumb ass daughter is even gonna see anything.
The protection of my children supercedes freedoms and rights of others. You'll understand when you have kids.
OP, that was a fucking hilarious post.
not worried, my daughter will kick his ass
Or more likely, followed my son into the mens bathroom.
In general its a problem if anybody follows anyone into a bathroom btw.
Is that Colin Mochrie's son?
Where is this magical place?
DAUGHTER you shitlord
Bayse, VA. Mt. Jackson is the closest town.
I miss when trannies made an effort:
kill it
Based Virginia.
wew lad
>*unsheathes contraband butter knife*
Goddamn I didn't even see this interview I just vaguely remember Luke being associated with the shitshow that is ChannelAwesome and remembering what he looked like. I guess my memory isn't failing anytime soon, if I can recognize him from a picture I saw years ago on Sup Forums.
I already provided you with a solution that protects your daughter and doesn't involve an angry tranny pissing on the floor.
is that Drake?
>which one?
>Drake being able to afford hormones and dick knicking
This alien jumps out of a flying saucer and follows your president into the White House.
Wut do?
Tell my daughter to spread her ass cheeks for him.
I honestly wouldn't have a problem with it.
Nothing because I'm not a DISGUSTING BIGOT.