Trump fucked up bigly.
Trump fucked up bigly
Who cares? Let them be butthurt.
>believing MSM polls
These same poll makers predicted double-digit Clinton wins in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida, right?
FAKE and gay
Same pollsters that predicted landslide victory for Hillary, but tell me more about how unpopular Trump is
please go back this has to stop
still won tho kek
He'll have the worst approval rating in history when he heads out the door and will go down as history as the worst president and one of the worst world leaders of all time. Textbooks in the future will paint him as a racist fascist who prevented the first female president and won through fear-mongering. His legacy will be a joke.
Because we all know the polls this election season were spot on
(((New Poll)))
>What is oversampling?
The majority of the nation despises Trump. Crying fake news won't change this fact.
>polls were wrong this one time so now they are all useless for the rest of time
>Cant tell difference between national poll and state poll
Same pollsters said Hillary was up b 2-3% nationally and Hillary lost by winning by 2.8% nationally.
Why would they lie? The election is over faggot.
> POTUS approval ratings for someone that isn't POTUS yet
> Totally scientifical stats here guys I swear
Im pretty sure Bernie could beat a guy with those numbers
>jew media
trump -54%
obama 18493543%
Its the same (((polls))) done by the same (((pollsters))) that fucked up the election results so badly. I'm sure it's accurate this time goy.
Well why couldn't they predict a Trump win? Or a brexit win?
The same polls that showed Hillary wining the national popular vote didn't take into account rigging by the GOP via crosschecking.
stir up a revolution maybe?
>polls were wrong this one time so now they are all useless for the rest of time
yes lol why should we ever believe them again.
also distrust in mainstream media is higher then Trump's disapproval rating LMAO. why should anyone believe them? you're a moron for doing so btw
I thought-hoped-he was simply putting up an act before the election, showboating like the machiavellian genius he is. But that's not true at all. He really is a selfish, under qualified, thin skinned, easily angered buffoon.
Plus wasn't there leaked Wikileaks proving Democrats oversample?
Yeah a state poll should be more accurate since there's less people. Good point.
every time i do it makes me laugh
But I was never asked to participate in this poll.
>stir up a revolution maybe?
No you dumb faggot. You can look at the actual poll data and methodology and see for your self that they over sampled Dems by about 7 percent and undersampled Republicans by about 4 percent. We know this because there are national polls pinning down hown many people identify with each party.
4+7=11. Would put him in the 50s. Not great, but not terrible.
I wonder if it was because the entirety of the media spent the past 2 years doing nothing but shitting on Trump.
Why wouldn't they lie now? You think news media lying is something only exclusive to the 2016 election?
from the makers of
>Hillary has a 99.9999999% chance of winning
>Surely we'll believe all the pollsters now! They've earned that much!
Yeah, he really fucked up. I mean, he won the presidency but uhhh.... drumpf btfo? Hahaha
wow really makes u think, u sure did change my opinion!
>Raises twice as much money for the inauguration than any other president in history.
>All his voters are porr white rednecks.
The only reason it was 3% because the LA times and IBD skewed the average. Without them it would've been 6-7
>counting the entire 2017 election as only one data point
The polls were wrong about atleast half a dozen states. Also you forgot Brexit which is also more than one data point.
>polls were DRAMATICALLY wrong this one time VERY RECENTLY about this ONE TOPIC
>further polls on this SAME TOPIC done VERY RECENTLY are totally right, though
Fuck outta here with that liberal logic.
>in modern history
this meme
the election is over but the psyops continue
Your Latvian. Nobody knows you exist, let alone cares for your opinion.
So what, more than half of Republicans approved of him?
It's something they can rail on about Trump.
First it was not winning the popular vote, now it's approval rating.
>Ignoring that they were state polls
>Ignoring that popularity polls are conducted on a national basis
>Ignoring that national polls were correct
The only upside, is that national polls may be increasingly obsolete, as Democrats appeal to most of America, who dont live in electorally important places
see ^
Out of spite because MSM news acts like children.
And why did they always shill for Obama over 8 years?
Nobody takes polls seriously anymore after all those pre-election week polls claiming a 95% chance hillary victory.... only to get completely crushed by donald the next day.
Everyone knew they were lying the whole time after that.
>It's something they can rail on about Trump.
There is a lot more they could rail on Trump about.
>Nobody takes polls seriously anymore after all those pre-election week polls claiming a 95% chance hillary victory
Again the election was rigged for Trump faggot. You think Trump just so happened to win GOP controlled states with Jim Crow voters ID laws?