What did Trump mean by this when questioned on the lack of diversity in his cabinet?
What did Trump mean by this when questioned on the lack of diversity in his cabinet?
That the whore media will shamelessly report and and obsess any bullshit he tweets
THey act like a spurned lover wanting to know every action of the people that dumped them.
They are pathetic
>lack of diversity
is that really what you people care about? is he has an equal number of races in his cabinet? why are you so racist that you put race quotas on the cabinet? the cabinet is whole the president sees the most fit to head that area, not who's the darkest skin color
Blacks are 13% of the population but are 30% of the cabinet, and they complain about not being represented??
They're OVER represented! Should lower it down to 13% of the cabinet just as a "fuck you"
He's a dumbass anyway
That intelligence is more important than skin color. which it is
He means that his cabinet is smart, and he doesn't give a shit if it isn't filled with jigaboos and translizards.
He went based on ability rather than diversity.
The latter is actually racist.
>tfw to smart for white house
Hey leaf, you are supposed to be for diversity. why are you showing us facts?
>My cabinet has the highest IQ of any cabinet ever assembled
His cabinet is also the most corrupt swamp in history Trump.
Ive started a crowdfunding campaign to provide safe spaces for all the democrat congressman, please donate
how can a cabinet have an IQ? It's just a piece of furniture LMAOOO DRUMPF? MORE LIKE DUMBF!!
Nikki Haley can Poo in the Loo. That's what he meant.
Fuck, the guy from Carl Jr?
That's it.
Except Sleepy Ben, but he's cool
Who has he picked besides Carson?
That may be a tactic the president could use in order to pass acts he doesn't want the media to criticize
just tweet some irrelevant bullshit and watch the media report on the tweet because they care more about views.
high askenazi iq
Remember the time Trump accidentally followed a cat blog? There were fucking articles written 5 minutes later. The "free press" is a cancer, and the biggest whore in America
When you consider the percentage of other races in the country and america is 70% white , the diversity they have seems over representative
>and america is 70% white
HA I wish. It's more like 60 if you take "white hispanics" out of the equation
Let's say you were a black astronaut hurtling toward a distant planet. Would you rather mission control be high iq or diverse? Why should being a citizen of a country be any different?
when did this happen?
~60% and falling, majority of under-5s are non-white.
If the media arguee against his statement, they would essentially be saying non-whites have low IQs. They would never say something racist like that, so they keep their mouths shut, allowing Trump to effectively silence his opposition. It's basic 5D chess, dude.
His cabinet are all globalists and corporatists.
He betrayed the voters even before he even became the prez.
Like a week or so ago
Since voting became a thing the voter has been betrayed but hey you can't say he wouldn't do some great things for göteborg and skåne if he was running here
Minorities have to be appointed based on how much they suffered in American history. So based on that 90% of the cabinet needs to be black.
That under 5 voting block though...really makes ya think...
he means that he didn't have someone send him a list of people based on the color of their skin.
He meant niggers are fucking dumb
Those future demographics, you inane fucking l e a f