Leftists are butthurt because a bunch of Michigan students chose shit like "Apache Helicopter and "Senior Galactic Viceroy" as their preferred pronoun
Leftists are butthurt because a bunch of Michigan students chose shit like "Apache Helicopter and "Senior Galactic...
That butthurt just makes more people want to provoke them. How don't leftists get that?
>Rick Fitzgerald, a spokesperson for the University of Michigan, said Wednesday that none of the tongue-and-cheek designations discovered by Heat Street were, technically, pronouns, “so they are typically ignored by professors.”
Isn't a pronoun just any word that replaces a noun?
>Artist Formerly Known as He
>Others, including “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” “(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) ) / 2a” and “?” seemed to just mash their keyboard.
>Americans in charge of knowing basic high school math
You expect journalists to know the quadratic formula?
Everyone learns it in school before they start narrowing down their studies, right? You should at least recognize it as being a mathematical equation and not just mashing
That was like middle school shit you'd think everyone would remember.
>scroll through the list of names
>F-5F Tiger II
>Grand Master
Fuck, I want this pronoun
Because progs are stupid and lack self-awareness. Even centrist liberals are starting to turn on them.
>inb4 pedo camp counselor sex abuse scandal
>Tr4p lord
>Others, including “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” “(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) ) / 2a” and “?” seemed to just mash their keyboard.
These kids can come up with quadratic equations by simply mashing their keyboards. Fucking impressive.
My preferred pronoun is >you
>No hehateme
Kids these days.
Was this that online school survey we filled out months ago?
DonkeyKong is clearly the most refined choice
>quadratic formula
>"seemed to just mash their keyboard"
My pronoun is "he". Not "He/His", just "he". I'll sue if you don't use it.
I know right? Excellent taste in planes.
We learned that in the 7th grade, it's really not that hard. Why are journalists so stupid?
>LG LCRT2010ST Microwave Oven
>middle school shit
I learned (and forgot) that shit in 11th grade.
>the helicopter gender meme became real
Lol everyone settles their basic algebra in the 8th grade. Even a highschool dropout should know about the quadratic formula.
>jews laughing at ovens
nice one
Stop being practical. Lefties don't want practical.
>Chose ridiculous titles
>Zir/Zim and your fursona is what they consider normal
>Over 2000 kids took it seriously Guise it was only 200 SHITLORDS REEEEEEEEEE
>Only 50 chose something other than he/her on a campus of 4000
It's like they really don't grok the disgust/derision they feel when someone posts I SEXUALLY IDENTIFY AS AN ATTACK HELICOPTER is how normal fucking people feel when some fatkin decides her name is Damien and to refer to themselves in the gender neutral 3rd person. Thank God that if they keep pushing they'll just make society finally break out those ropes
>3 chose "Dat Boi"
"Others, including “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” “(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) ) / 2a” and “?” seemed to just mash their keyboard."
>When the autistic lefties don't know the quadratic formula
They stumble through high school, then never have to take math classes in college. That stuff is for those "smartys" in the engineering department. Their real world experience of having a school babysit them for 4 years on their parents money has prepared them to go out and report on the happenings of the world.
does chan identify as Übermensch?
>fatkin decides her name is Damien
I mean, even if they don't know the quadratic formula by heart anyone with two brain cells to rub together should recognized that as *a* mathematic formula
You greatly underestimate the stupidity of people.
>Transgender summercamp
What is the jewish connection behind this?
Don't insult copterkin, shitlord. There are literally dozens of us!
how do you rub brain cells together?
I want to believe this is real and not shopped
>Sudo Root User
tfw: no Install Gentoo
>3 chose "Dat Boi"
>tfw no Master of Repeating Numerals
I hope one of those kids isn't actually trolling and the tranny lovers get BTFO
>senior galactic viceroy
Damn, I really wish I was in college now that an actual counter culture movement exists. I graduated in 2011 when the pronoun shit was still going on absolutely unopposed at my university. I wasn't even purple pilled back then and I was treated as a leper for calling preferred pronouns cumbersome and retarded
Gender:LG LCRT2010ST Microwave Oven
Why cant i hold all these keks
>no " Half-Life 3 "
I'm deeply disappointed.
>the artist formerly known as HE
I identify as a Donald Trump and you should address me as a Donald Trump you fucking shitlord racist xenophobic bigoted raci... oh wait I said that already, uhhh hateful, [insert buzzword], homophobic, transphobic, [insert buzz prefix]phobic piece of shit!
clean out the leaves clogging them up
>Guitar Hero 2 for the XBOX 360
>Others, including “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” “(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) ) / 2a” and “?” seemed to just mash their keyboard.
>Doesn't even know the quadratic equation.
>brain cells
>Shklee, shklim/shkler
Hahaha holy shit is that a Rick and Morty reference?
>gets pissed off when you play make believe outside of your desired parameters.
Journalists are all blockheads.
>comments calls out students for not using a MySQL injection in their declaration
>Sudo Root User
>Yeah Boi
I though US universities were melting pots of humourless left wing femmies. I'm actually pleasantly surprised. ARE THE MASSES WAKING UP?
a camp for creepy fucking kids.
>mashing keyboard
shitlibs, not even once
*fires hot load from gun-pod*
FINALLY it's about time those shitlords in the LGBTQBBQ community acknowledge my bi-rotary gender pronoun!
LG LCRT2010ST Microwave Oven thinks this is funny.
Isn't it from Futurama?
based Sup Forums
>tfw went to Michigan
God damn, Wolverines, you've made me proud this day.
>Tr4p Lord
God damn these are funny as fuck.
>Semi-Wet Sponge
He's not talking about Trannies you fucking basement dwelling freak.
>Steward of Gondor
>Two chose “Harambe"
>not identifying as the superior Samsung 1000W 40L Microwave Oven ME6144ST
kek, I'm surprised no one tried Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--
I'm waiting for another time when they let you change your 2016 pronounces. Or maybe i should start a goFundMe.fag, and ask g00gle to implement Android 0 on it also.
You got that from the comments, shitlord
>I Love Rigatoni
fuck I;m dying over here
I graduated a few years ago, otherwise I would have picked something like MAGA or SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
This is more a representation of the average intelligence of journalists and reporters.
I swear they specifically grab the absolute dumbest cucks imaginable for it. Like there's some secret requirement you have an IQ less than 80 to qualify as a journalist/editor/reporter at a major newspaper.
I can maybe see the whole xe/xer thing if you consider yourself neither (even though it's kinda stupid - isn't xe or xer still implying male or female?)
But what other pronouns do they honestly expect people to use?
The twist is that they did but every time the person writing the news article typed it in their server got wiped.
I noticed that too.
Others, including “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” “(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) ) / 2a” and “?” seemed to just mash their keyboard.
>that formula
>just mashing their keyboard
Things that make you go HMMMMMM
>A-10 Thunderbolt II-kin
>seven variations of Attack Helicopter
> But ""Xchler" is a real pronoun.
At least "helicopter" is a real word.
No, the requirement is that you be a willing sheep for whatever the fuck they want to push that day
t. Used to work for CP24
Oh fuck, wattup?
>That was like middle school shit you'd think everyone would remember.
Yeah, you'd think. Unless you ever met one of these people irl.
Yes, and then again no because the shit "movie" episodes do not count.
“(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) ) / 2a” and “?” seemed to just mash their keyboard.
This is not at all about any expectation that you will use their idiot pronouns, it is about the fact that you won't do it because who the fuck would know what special pronouns you have? It is about collecting triggered victim cred points (tm) when you don't use them.