I'm a liberal, ask me anything. Also, political compass thread.
Political Compass
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Why haven't you been killed yet oven dodger?
Did you actually vote for Hillary?
We're fast!
Nah, I voted for Sanders in the primary and Trump in the General Election. Was my first ever votes.
Accidental compass are the best
one eyed one horned flying purple people eater
I am ready to pilot some helicopters.
I guess here's the main problem that I have with most of you in the blue square. You like to scapegoat society's problems on blacks and jews, yet all that does is close off the discussion to those people. I completely understand and agree with you when you talk about identity politics, crime statistics, and feminism, but you lose me when you generalize all of these groups of people, rather than judging on an individual basis only.
A lot of you also think that one's genetics is more important than one's environment in determining what kind of person they're going to be. Can't you see that it's common sense that, for example, if you were raised in a hut in Africa instead of how you were actually raised, you'd be a much different person now with different values and ethics?
My point is that you should show love and respect to people, even if they don't show it back. You cannot change society and get rid of "degeneracy" by force. You can only do that with freedom and leading by example, showing people that there's a better way to live, but not forcing it on them. History is replete with examples of how traditionalist, establishment, and lawful state-sanctioned morality causes people who do NOT want to live that way to rebel against it. You have to give people the freedom to be degenerate, as long as it doesn't harm others. They'll only change if they make the change within themselves first, not by external force.
Come to the Right side we have gunz and shiet
>literally cuck: the post
fuck off kike
Have you ever studied economics in your life?
Libertarians are bro-tier, especially with them being pro-gun. A lot of you value free trade > protectionism, though, which I don't agree with.
Not an argument.
Our monetary system is fake anyway, as long as the Federal Reserve is in charge. Why would I waste my time studying economics?
Fkcu ffo
Why'd you vote for a president who's against almost everything you stand for?
wasn't he ancap?
Low energy bait.
We need to make baiting great again.
I'm basically Hitler 2bh
He's said that he will support Auditing the Fed, that he is for protectionism (anti-NAFTA/TPP), and most importantly, he's not Hillary Clinton. He's also pro-gun and less of a warhawk than Clinton. Anti-establishment > Fed whore any day of the week.
you are cuck
Brett gud post. I don't agree with all of it but leading by example is one thing I can get behind.
I do think there differences in races of people but I think that to be expected for the most part. I have some bro tier friends from almost every race but I wish everyone would do their own thing instead of mixing it all up into a bland soup of culture.
Those topics are tangentially related to economics. You don't understand problems of incentive first and foremost.
but it is
Fuck this
>he thinks economics is just monetary system
First of all, because to understand WHY our monetary system is fake.
But also to understand why welfare programs actually hurt rather than help people, to understand the harm regulations cause, to just not be utterly ignorant about everything. Take your pick, but talking about politics without understanding at least some economics is like talking about genetics without understanding at least some biology.
>environment is the cause of values and ethics
>lead by example
Ya know, blacks and jews have been living (((integrated))) in America for decades. Blacks still chimp out, go to world star and count how many of the videos are black on black, knock out game is exclusively blacks assaulting whites. Blacks have the opportunity to live as degenerately as they want and they choose the most ways detrimental to society. Blacks literally are not capable of functioning in a society (((integrated))) with whites.
Jews are generally marxist fucks that need to be contained, interned if you will.
>unlucky, i'm a centrist
Heil Victory
Get in the oven
I have observed that people in your square will be reactionary, in that they won't give due consideration to good arguments. That's why they remain stuck in the green square. Please watch this 45 minute lecture that covers an important topic in economics.
>Milton Friedman Speaks - Is Capitalism Humane?
i want an ethnostate i just can't bring myself to care about gays or weed
Long live our leader
Sieg Heil
The image is a strong counter to your ideas here.
Yeah, I'm not even arguing that there's differences between the races, I'm just making the argument that environment is more important. Therefore, I respond to everyone on an individual basis, not as a group.
Incentive for what? If you're talking about incentive to work hard, I think that making sure people's basic needs are met is of utmost importance (ex. universal healthcare). That way, people can follow their intuition and life purpose to create. Humanity has a deep desire to create and contribute, and they'll have no problems with working toward those goals if they don't go into debt from healthcare bills, from student loans, and from not having enough money to put food on the table because they're working at a minimum wage job that doesn't pay them enough.
> that one's genetics is more important than one's environment in determining what kind of person they're going to be
literally nonsense
Gays don't matter, they will probably still exist as long as they keep it quiet and don't act like its normal. And weed is cancer, it just sedates people.
Sieg Heil
Your reply is totally reactionary. You need to give due consideration to the ideas in this video
>And weed is cancer, it just sedates people.
lads does my score make you think?
This. Every race produces good, bad, smart and dumb people.
The conversation does not end there though. It's perfectly natural to feel more of a kinship with your own race and it's clearly not just a fucking skin pigmentation.
I'm not talking about rounded up every single non white and shipping them back to Africa but we're being systematically replaced in our homelands and we need to stop that.
Kek approves of these coordinates.
I started to take that "Isidewith" test, but it became unbearably tedious. Half of the questions weren't even practical given my beliefs, and the ticker on the front page gave it away as data mining anyway.
Pretty good. You're bordering on roads-are-for-chumps tier though.
Centralist ftw
Weed should not be encouraged and it absolutely can make people lazy but for the most part it's something people do to unwind after a stressful day at work, and it can have tangible benefits to people's lives if done in moderation too (and I'm not just talking about as a painkiller)
Fascist here. I agree with you on certain universal systems/institutions being good (that's why its called National Socialism after all). The issue is leeches. You argue that environment plays a bigger role, and I'd argue it doesn't. I could cite you statistics but I'm lazy and don't want to have a proper debate. Regardless the following is true:
Majority black areas in America in areas such as crime are virtually in-differentiable from Africa. Majority white areas correspond almost perfectly with majority white countries in terms of crime statistics. You could then make the argument that its "white privilege" or "colonization" but then how do you account for asians who commit far less crime in similar conditions?
I have an answer and it has to do with IQ and testosterone. Yes an individual can be pleasant to deal with but the individual ceases to matter in a mob. People's predispositions on a collective level are very, very powerful and it is very difficult to remove them with environment.
Tell my wife, "Hello"
Fight against it by being the change you seek. The people that become cultural Marxists are ultimately delusioned into doing so. Counter it and show that they're is a better way.
I mean, I get the arguments, but I haven't read any in-depth analysis yet. I do plan on doing so in the future, but not now. I have more immediate life priorities, you know.
I would say that black culture's main problem is that they tend to be more of a victim culture, but how do we change that? You can't, at least not directly. They have to change it themselves. I'm not just making this a white vs. black thing, I'm just speaking in general right now. If I wanted to help a fellow human being out, white or black, I could only point them in the direction of change. Only they themselves could actually take those steps toward change. This is where you and I differ, that's about it.
See, the problem is that once I get down to #15 and #16 in your list, it doesn't do anything for me. I'm a liberal, but I fight against PC culture and ideas that take responsibility away from the individual. I have disagreements with many others on your list, but you get the point. On the individual level, there are people on both sides of the spectrum who would fit those descriptions. Yes, liberals may TEND to be more anti-America and anti-white male, but it doesn't help to generalize it completely into an "us vs. them" mentality.
fist two lolspergs ive spotted
>how to change black culture
The Right has been working on this for over forty years. The Left has been interfering, keeping blacks on the plantation in order to seek power. Consider Dr. Ben Carson's activism. Blacks deserve a culture that is economically productive. Economics is actually related to this and there are many important lessons to be had.
>Thomas Sowell - Cultural Prerequisites for Developing Wealth
I'll watch it after I'm done responding to some more replies. I've been on the right side of the compass before when I supported Ron Paul in 2012, so I'm familiar with Friedman.
sargon lite
It only closes off discussion because it's a fact, and even faggot niggers and jews cannot argue with facts, nigger kike.
Certainly, Ted is describing more the authoritarian left -- but there are more of those than your type.
sargon is centrist libertarian, also he is a keynesian and thats not purple
Being fiscally conservative while not being filthy rich is the right wing alternative of the "YOU'RE A FUCKING WHITE MALE" dude.
A.k.a - retarded.
>very free markets
>socially libertarian
>recognition that a decent government safety net is necessary to ensure political support for free markets
Isn't liberaltarianism the best?
I absolutely fucking hate pictures like this. You're basically consigning my peoples failures to control, instead of intent. Their votes aren't "owned", they're just morally hollow useless niggers who refuse to apply their mind to politics. Call a spade a spade for the love of fucking god. This picture is fucking disgusting. How dare anyone even insinuate that a blacks vote is "owned".
>recognition that a decent government safety net is necessary to ensure political support for free markets
thats not free market, it require failure to be replaced by something better
free market is economic darwinism and safety net remove all of what is great about it
well it says a lot about you that you took the time to make that
Why do you come to Sup Forums?
I come to lol at right wing nutjobs bashing neoliberal straw men. Its like swimming in a cesspool of cherry picking and ignorance.
I think the only thing I will respond with is that the collective consciousness of all humanity is more powerful than even mob mentality. I believe that humans are connected to each other in ways that we cannot even understand. On a spiritual level, people want to do good to others. I don't know if you think humanity is inherently good or evil, but I definitely think we're inherently good. I think that hatred is something that is picked up from our environment. I do agree that we will inherently choose to associate with people that look like us, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just talking about racism and hatred - that is an environmental attribute, not a genetic one. With everything else you said, I'd probably agree with you. Crime rates are higher in black areas, and talking about these issues is very important. The first step toward change is knowledge, and political correctness shuts down the discussion.
Are you filthy rich?
Good for you.
You must be hating yourself.
It is the most powerful cesspool of cherry picking and ignorance in history.
Mostly because I like the simple layout of the site. Never been on Reddit. I agree with a few small things that the majority of Sup Forums speaks about, too. Also, memes.
Yeah, I almost hate the authoritarian left's ideas more than the authoritarian right's ideas.
You do realize that there's more to political philosophy than just picking and choosing what would benefit you personally the most, right?
There is no significant racism or hatred on the right. That's a media meme that works by constructing a narrative around the race realism and politically incorrect jokes that the far right indulges in these days.
i like to think that i've changed for the better these past years, now that i'm actually starting to understand politics
Trump or Hillary (policy-wise)
>There is no significant racism or hatred on the right.
Not as significant as the media says, I agree. It's still there, though, just as there's racism on the left. I recognize that the undercurrent of white nationalism we're seeing is only a response to the SJW culture that's so prevailing in popular culture, but I'm just saying there's a better way to deal with these issues than closing ourselves off. Everyone is capable of seeing the truth about race and the collective humanity as a whole, but only when there is freedom of discussion for both sides. Call me naive, but it's true for me.
For proof, I just want to add: everyone loves Dr. Ben Carson, Kanye West, Walter Williams, and so on. This is not real racism.
>I'm a poorfag with no understanding of economy what-so-ever jump make those mean rich people go away
kek approves
That's fine, of course I abide by free speech and don't close anyone off.
I used to be a more liberal about a year ago.
r8 me pol
Trump for sure. I think the immigration issue is a little bit of a scapegoat, but I have no problem with enforcing the border. I just think there's more important reasons for our economic problems, and Trump's protectionist views are his main selling point for me.