Someone needs to apologize.
Someone needs to apologize
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oh shit was that the bomb?
Well, if it isn't my favorite smoothskin.
well fuck man my bad.
I wonder if that one eye still works.
However i don't know if it would be a good thing to see yourself looking like that.
Falmer always did weird me out on Skyrim
I feel sorry for the guy, but honestly ww2 Japan was a sick society that deserved every bomb we gave them. Literally soulless monsters.
It's not like he'd be Zyzz anyway at that age.
Japan can apologize if they want.
this guy survived both bombings
reminder that the bombs were necessary and anyone who says otherwise knows absolutely nothing about history in that time period other than what their womans studies professor told them
Japan was punished by Semitic influence in America because they allied with Germany
There was no need to drop two nukes on them, they were already ready to surrender
Damn he even managed to live to be 93, well done samurai.
>"if yer lookin for booze, talk to Gob"
Sorry we didn't build a big enough bomb to kill you instantly instead of just maiming you.
This is revisionist garbage. Why didn't they nuke Berlin if they were upset about the holocaust, oh but that didn't happen right.
>Got a role in Vikings
>Must be rich as fuck now
Apologize for what?
i laughed way to hard
japs literally didn't see anyone other than themselves as human. And not in the memey way we talk about nigs. They literally didn't think it was at all morally wrong to do shit like rape and kill them.
They needed the bombs (and more t b h) to be bitch slapped into at least pretending to be normal.
I've read the transcripts of the top level dialogue between Japanese military leaders. (go read them yourself)
Even after the first bomb and the USSR declaration of war they still refused unconditional surrender.
The army didn't want to give up without a major land engagement on the Japanese mainland.
Because the bombs weren't ready until mid-July. If D-Day had failed, or German resistance in the Fatherland was too strong, Berlin and Munich probably would've got the bombs.
In any case, it's fucking retarded to think that a nation actively arming it's citizens for an actual suicidal defense of a thought-to-be-coming invasion was "ready to surrender."
Imagine if we had Tsar Bomba level nukes back then.
>tfw New-Tokyo rebuilt in the middle of a giant crater
>Japs kill 20M Chinese
>nary a word about it
>US drops two bombs that killed fewer people than the Battle of Okinawa
>never stop hearing about it
What was meant by this?
The bombs might have been necessary, but not for the reasons you usually hear. The real reason was to stop the Soviets from taking Northern Japan.
Here's your fucking apology fucking chinks.
Hey look someone who knows their shit.
But yeah this. We really didn't have time to execute any other plan before the Russians got there. Ultimately the bombs were the least costly approach to the situation we were facing, at least in terms of human life.
>Even after the first bomb and the USSR declaration of war they still refused unconditional surrender.
>unconditional surrender
Good, any country that respects itself should act like them.
Bullshit allied propaganda. There was never a possibility of 1 million lives lost. That number was made up in a panic a year after the bomb in response to an editorial criticism the bomb.
Plus, the atomic bombing came after months of a diabolical firebombing campaign deliberately targeted at civilians because Curtis LeMay was literally Dr. Strangelove. Japanese were being punished for defiance and daring to be non European and independent.
Fuck American wartime Jew propaganda.
Japan had been trying to surrender for two years. They offered to give up gheir entire military and empire, and only wanted to keep an independent government and their Emperor.
America basically gave them both, well, they do have an (((independent))) government for now. So it was a huge waste.
Unconditional surrender means - well look at the 3 million Germans who died after the war.
Japan started it.
Fuck weeb english teachers. Barely a step above thai ladyboy fuckers.
I can be your Hiro baby
You heard 'em.
To those who seriously oppose the allied anti-civilian bombing campaigns, while the above video concerns British bombing of Germany, Hitchens's points are salient and accurate. And apply to the Japanese theatre too.
It was necessary to deliver a resounding and truly crushing defeat to the axis powers. It was necessary because the only way that such countries could be brought into line with reality of the situation, the utter failure of their ideology, was to make it abundantly clear that they had lost.
There needed to be nothing left that even could feel shame at defeat, no trace of anything to think back on vaingloriously. Otherwise, we would still a real chance at a new Reich, Japanese imperialism, etc.
They needed to be quite literally broken, and cast into a new mold. And the world IS a better place for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, because of, not despite them being such a hideous crime.
There are countries right now, which if they were utterly crushed, if their repugnant ideology was to actually end, it would entail hideous crimes. To conquer Iran or North Korea, would be easy for western powers. But merely to win is not enough, as in Iraq. The government can be replaced. but long term effects on the national moral, the spirit of a country like Iraq are insufficient to actually dispel the theocratic shitstorm that is in charge.
Churchill's famous proposed invasion of the Soviet Union would also have entailed such hideous moral crimes, but without another 15 years of Stalinism the world would be a better place today undoubtedly, had the plan gone ahead.
Less people would have been killed in such a campaign, and with the nuclear advantage and USSR's dependancy on western backing it would not have lasted very long. But the western powers were unwilling to take up the charge, rightly or wrongly (similar problem to the famous "change the train to save 5" dilemma).
t.the honorable Hiroki Karumoto
Errr actually they were being pretty damn stubborn about it.
Most people from around these parts weren't alive then so not really sure what an apology from anyone here is supposed accomplish