Why is this allowed?
No, really. Why the fuck is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
No, really. Why the fuck is this allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
>teaching autists not to sperg out in public
This is not an inherently bad thing.
More white suppression propaganda. Let the hate build up inside, we strike soon!
I want to take the course.
Post link.
link to course
if it requires login post pic of questions and such
didn't think another cyclone would be on this board. nice
It's called: "Jumping Thru the Hoops".
Just sit thru and answer the questions play
their silly games, pass the silly test, then get
back to the REAL WORLD after this PC feel good bullshit is over.
It's our culture, i.e. the status quo.
Culture is 100% memes.
Destroy the leftist culture by spreading counter-memes.
Hey lad. First semester here. Going pretty well until I got this email today.
its pretty easy, i dont think you can fail it
I stopped doing them. Nothing has happened.
>Call Dean
>Threaten Lawsuit due to discrimination
>Never had to do that
Learn basic law in your free time and you would be surprised with the amount of things you can get away with.
I think I vaguely remember reading an article a few months ago that said an Iowa State student was suing the university over a graduation requirement that boils down to "pls no bully". ACLU is involved I think.
Maybe I should hop on that train.
Ass Covering by universities.
Had to do a similar thing when I started working for a school. It's so no one can say the university "didn't tell me not to rape/be racist/drink to much"
>tfw I have never encountered a lefty agenda during my education in Poland
>tfw government is cutting shitload of funds for small colleagues teaching mainly sociology and shit like this
>tfw our family-life-education ministress says that women should not use condom so they can feel blessing effects of men's semen
I know one Polish girl and she is tattooed and liberal as fuck
who would've thought that an entire country of irrelevant dirt farmers would support defunding schools
email them back saying no and link something like this
How did you do this? What was your argument? I don't see how it's discrimination if everyone has to do it
>Why the fuck is this allowed?
It's their school. You're free to take your money and go to school elsewhere.
Day of the snowblower when?
>iowa STATE university
>as in run by the STATE
>allowed to literally brainwash students
you need to go back to a certain website
And I'm sure the state government has hiring quotas for diversity, as well. I'm not sure if there are any non-whites in Iowa, though.
there are plenty in every college/uni town, anywhere from water loo, ottumwa, newton, ames, ankeny, Iowa city, des moines ect. Its generally the small towns that are nigger free but anymore im seeing a token nigger in every town I go to.
I wonder what drove them to move to Iowa, of all places.
Iowa is right next to Illinois which has fucking chicago in it.
You know we were going to build a train station from chicago to someplace in Iowa (I cant remember the place it was supposed to go). That shit got shut down fucking quick.
Ayyy lads, what majors.
Fuck the Hawks
Also 90% of them will say they left cago because it was so fucking bad there and then in the next moment they brag about running coke and guns from there.
The cognitive dissonance is so fucking surreal.
Its racist to have housing programs that prioritize Iowans, so all our state run housing goes to the cattle Chicago ships here because they don't want to deal with