He is, dare I say, Canada's guy
Why are you even on Sup Forums you cuck?
He's a globalist cocksucker like yourself.
So have at him, faggot.
The Maple Man Needs (you).
Mr. Wonderful
nice try
Truth is he has nothing to gain from exploiting the canadian people, unlike everyone else in politics
He's said
"the Conservative party are a bunch of losers"
"The government shouldn't tell people what to do in their bedroom, I don't care if you love goats"
He's also said some pretty bad stuff against the military in the past
He was pro carbon tax just a few weeks ago before noticing that wouldn't work with conservative voters
He was thinking of originally running for the liberal party before changing his mind
I could go on, he's definitely not /ourguy/
He's a kike.
>Truth is he has nothing to gain from exploiting the canadian people
What the fuck are you talking about? You have everything to gain by doing that.
How much is he paying you to meme him on here? He's not our Donald Trump. He isn't as rich, successful or charismatic. Fuck off shill.
If he gets Trudeau Trudeau to lose idgaf what he does. Fucking buttmad leafs kys, God I hate you u hosers
yeah thats why trump got 55 million votes. nice shitpost
wow. you're a nazi? you do know nazi means National Socialist right? why are you posting in a CPC theorycrafting thread bro?
No, fuck off.
We're leafposting ourselves with this Kevin o'cuck shit.