hey/pol/ got in a big argument today with my gf because she likes CNN and i said they are a shill for obama and hillary, Long story short , I am terrible at argueing and would just like to send her a link to a video that proves that cnn and all MSM is a joke , if you guys could send me some good quality youtube videos that make great point about this subject it will be appreciated
Hey/pol/ got in a big argument today with my gf because she likes CNN and i said they are a shill for obama and hillary...
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dude, don't argue with women. politics is not for them just talk about anything else
Learn to make your own arguments or else you're no better then the ones you hate.
i don't have videos, but i can give you all the pictures i have of CNN being biased / lying
>Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
Get better at arguing and logically stating your positions. If you cant convince a girl you're sleeping with that CNN is worthless you aren't going to convince anybody of anything.
You don't need women in your life.
Laugh at her positions and don't take her bullshit. Be a fucking man.
If you can't argue, then you don't understand your own thoughts. Pretty sad, desu. It's like writing. The only way to be bad at writing is to be bad at thinking in words in your head. Try...practicing...your...skills...and...getting...better.
you're a faggot and pussywhipped
Sargon of akkad did i vid of cnn lying and being bias thats a good start and just because i watch him doesnt mean i always agree with him
if you cant justify your viewpoint you shouldnt have it
do you just believe anything you read on here?
boom /thread
teaching and understanding is different, not sure if youre retarded and shit but maybe?
does she let you put it in her butt?
Is a quick example from the election. CNN is blatantly lying to its viewers that it would be illegal for them to posses and read any of the Wikileaks released emails, and since CNN is a media entity, they have a special status that allows them to read them unlike the average Joe, which again is a blatant untruth.
There's also the case of Donna Brazzile leaking Democratic primary debate questions to the Clinton camp, and even Snopes in all its cucked glory isn't able to spin it any other way
Which further shows the DNC and CNN working together to throw Sanders under the bus as quickly as possible
the swastika shouldve been on the left cheek
My dikku...
I desperately need to get laid. Plz somebody halp !!
I'd fuck that girl in the butt.
Hate fuck her stupidity don't even bother trying
No. I wont help you with your relationship problems you soon-to-be-cuck.
Redpilled living with a bluepilled family members reporting in
Please do not show her 90% of the links ITT. The libshits detect the right wing bias right away and they are later gonna start berating you halfway through the vid that "this is some right-wing nazi shit OMG I don't believe this conspiracy theory of a video".
Better show her this video. It's the MSNBC guys themselves actually admitting to being a bunch of liars. Good luck OP!
Good god op learn how to think with your brain and read a book for Christ's sake -- and you own.
>arguing with gf about politics
That's what you have pol for user
>trying to ""argue"" with your ""girlfriend""
>not just punching her in the face
fucking pleb
Thank me later senpai
thank you