ITT: I BTFO feminism without being sexist.
Bye bye ideologues
1.Hypocrisy on the deepest level.
Sarkeesian's law: Every feminist opinion is contradicted by at least one equal and opposite feminist opinion.
"Men and women should be treated as equals!"
"Make laws specifically to help women!"
"Dont treat men and women differently!"
"Transgender people should be treated like the gender they identify with!"
"Say firefighter instead of fireman, fireman makes it sound like it's a profession for only men"
"Feminism is a perfectly reasonable name for a movement that cares about men and women in equal measure!"
2. Messiah complex.
Delusion: Feminists perceive themselves as above society, and responsible for making it better. They take pride in how it is their duty to spread their ideas and educate people.
Reality: only a fool or an egotist would believe that telling people ideological opinions constitutes educating them. Belonging to an ideology does not make you more intelligent or informed than the average person.
No stop
Nobody cares
3. Widespread misinformation and false statistics.
Millions of people literally think that a man working the same job as a woman will earn 25% more. The study they are referring to when they quote this number literally never came to that conclusion. It found that if we look at the jobs men and women do, men's salaries are 25% higher on average. This is because men pursue more demanding and dangerous careers in general. Want to shrink that 25%? Get out of women's studies and become a surgeon or a king crab fisher. If you are a woman and you're not pursuing a high wage career, you are literally causing the wage gap, and would have to be a massive hyppocrite to complain about it.
4. They don't actually give a shit about equality.
Imagine a world where feminism didn't exist. Instead, there was meninism. It was mostly popular with men, and they all claimed to be about equality. You care about equality, so you join them. After going to a few of their meetings, you realize that although they care about equality, they focus disproportionately on men's issues. Hardly surprising, they're mostly men after all, so they're more familiar with men's issues. You feel like your issues aren't being adressed enough, so you say "you guys are doing a good job, but I'm more interested in focusing on the issues that affect me as a woman, so I'm going to go start my own thing called feminism where we can focus more on women's issues." Then imagine the meninists showed up at your school protesting, petitioned the government to get you shut down, saying "you aren't allowed to fight for your rights! Only WE are allowed to fight for your rights!" And then the government listens, and shuts you down. Would you be a fan of meninism after that ? This is exactly how feminists treat mens rights activists.
>ITT: mansplaining
Fuck off misogynistic pig
5. More of a religion than an ideology.
Ideologies are created by people. People are fallible, and often wrong. Therefore all ideologies must be subject to heavy criticism. If you attempt to heavily criticize feminism, you are labeled a bigot and dismissed. Absolute adherence to a doctrine with no place for criticism is a cult, not an ideology.
6. No meaningful way to define a true feminist.
Millions of people call themselves feminists, and yet disagree with each other on endless issues. If you talk to a feminist about someone else who calls themself a feminist, and you mention that their ideologies are actually not compatible with each other, they will likely say "that person is not a true feminist". It seems that to most self-proclaimed feminists, the only true feminists are the ones who think the same way they do.
Dude stop. You look like a fool
Dont continue your virgin autist ramble nobody gives a fuck
Really. Stop
7. Utter disregard for simple human bias.
You expect me to believe that people who have vaginas can be expected to unbiasedely pursue agendas designed to elevate the status of people who have vaginas? Ooooookay.
8. Equity is not equality.
If you force all companies to hire at least half women, you create a system in which women only need to compete with other women, rather than all of society, since men can't take their jobs. This puts less pressure on women, and reduces their need to compete. Nobody who cares about women or equality would support a system that results in lower expectations for women.
Nobody is reading this
Stop. Youre hurting yourself
9. No definable endgame.
This one's simple. There is simply no version of reality where feminists call it a day, pack up, and return to normal lives. In a world with perfect equality, feminists would still find something to get angry about. Men could vanish from the earth and feminists would complain about being oppressed by their ghosts. There is no conclusion to feminism. They will want more, more, more, in perpetuity.
10. Disregard for science, abuse of the term "Social construct".
Feminists argue that gender is a social construct. In reality, if you have a Y chromosome, you are scientifically a male. "Clearly you dont understand the difference between sex and gender" ,I hear you say. Actually, there never was a difference in definition for these words, until feminists decided to hijack the word gender, and redefine it to mean "Whatever someone decides they are." This is a meaningless definition, and serves no qualitative purpose. If someone can just choose their gender, or invent a new one to describe themselves, then there are an infinite amount of permutations of gender, making the term indistinguishable from personality. This is evidenced by the now ludicrously long and still growing list of genders that some feminists consider to be scientific, when in fact it is nothing more than people wanting to feel special and unique through the use of differentiated labels. Feminists paradoxically believe that there is no "female" way of acting, but that if you act like a female, you should be considered one.
Stop it man. Nobody cares. Nobody is going to read this and reply, and if they do its just two losers in an echo chamber
Stop you're hurting yourself
Stop. Shut up. Fuck off. Really
>Cow detected
Step away from the keyboard
Go back to your safe space
Pretty good examples, m8. Keep it up.
Thanks m8. I think I'm done, could post more examples but then
this sad fuck might have a heart attack and my taxes will pay for their medical needs so I'll leave it the way it is.
Saved. Thanks, leaf.
Np friend. Keep fighting the good fight down there. My country is already beyond saving.
Don't you have some women's studies homework you should be working on?
A blog you should be ranting on?
Some disney princesses you should be re-drawing as obese transsexuals?
You virgin loser neckbeard
>anyone who criticizes my feeble ideology cant possibly have sex or shaved neck
go be poor and lazy somewhere else
>BTFOing feminism
Hold it bud, That is sexism.
Pretty good breakdown OP, have a bump
Stop being losers
Sup Forums isn't for you then. Go to reddit if you want a place accommodating for you?
>Uninronically and repeatedly bumping a post you dont like
Average feminist logic
Stop being a loser
So you basically just described any radical ideology, and you are only calling out radical feminists with this rant.
>Incapable of meaningful conversation outside of telling people to stop talking
>Calling someone else a loser
Dont engage him
Enough. Holy fuck man. Stop
There are multiple references I make that pertain specifically to feminism and not other ideologies. Also this is directed at mainstream feminism, not radical feminism. As usual, a feminist who doesn't agree with what another feminist says attempts to label them as something other than a true feminist i.e. "radical" in an attempt to preserve the idea of the ideologies' merit.
This thread is so Canadian...
Saging for everyone's sake
Delete your account
>checks flag
What the fuck? GOOD posts by a leaf?!
Dont worry, the other leaf in this thread restored the balance by being an absolute twat.
Cheers for the screenshots lad.
Make sure to paint a swastika on your door to be spared on the day of the rake, hate to see a half-decent leaf die with all degenerates.
Virgin loser. Stop
Just suck his dick already faggot
I think the tits in the bottom left are of the woman right underneath the glock on the right.
Look at their m's
>bumping a thread they dont like this many times
A good leaf should understand that if you attack me I win.
See, your buddy in the thread made me think that maybe leafs aren't the worst, and you came along. I like the non-retarded one who actually says something beyond 'shut up'
Stop. This thread is done. Its being ignored and is only up because Im bumping it to tell you you're a loser
Shut up
>thinking I will stop triggering you when your tears are a renewable source of bumps
If you noticed, the majority of the people who responded other than you're retarded ass were quite receptive of my criticisms.
Someone should really post a single picture with the redpill in one side and the triggering on the other.
dont fucking correct me
doing it
Loser virgins agree on an anime board. Wow
Good stuff OP.
Are you fucking five? kys, we have enough fucking retard leafs on here without you acting like an actual retard.
You are a loser. Stop being a loser
"Shut up." That's how grown-ups respond to talk they don't like. Kek
Leave your extra chromosomes at home next time, 'kay?
Dude fucking bump. You brought up some really amazing points that i need to bring up in debate. Good job man.
Shut up loser
Who debates this stuff in real life. Loser
t.internet cow with no friends irl
Shutup loser
Are you me?
That is one autistic roastie. Thanks for yet another cap from this thread user.
Are you also a bitter loser?
yaas queen (100)(laughcry)(praise)(100)
Let's maple like a leaf and get tree fuck out.
>30 posts in, still hasn't made a argument besides shut up gay loser
Bump so hopefully more people can see this autistic screeching
Sexism is a feminist concept. I'm not a feminist.
Women don't know what an argument is.
This gives me hope.
>the roastie thinks that an unironic 'delete this!' is an argument
updated with finale
Why do women wear makeup and perfume? Because they're ugly and they smell bad.
I went to school with her growing up, and im not even lying.
Wow that is tragic. Im so sorry.
Ill bet she was really good at math and science
Can anyone actually be this new?
What's tragic is she used to have long beautiful blonde hair.
Actually been here quite a long time. You may just be picking up on my despicable flag. Honest mistake.
Do you know what happened that made her this way?
Checked. Gj leaf. Not being shit for once.
chek'd n saved
>this thread