I am so sick and tired of these pedophile shitheads defending loli trash.
You are sick in the head if you think about children in any sort of sexual manner.
>it's 2D, doesnt hurt any real kids!
What a moral and righteous individual you are. Whatever way you spin it, it is still a drawn/made artwork that depicts the defilement of children and/or children in a sexual manner. Made for sick fucks like you, for sexual stimulation.
>complaining about anime, on an anime website? XD
So now the statement is invalid because of the art form used? Just like any art form, it can be used to create something great or something vile. I like anime as well when its used for quality things, not debauched and depraved things that pedoshits create and consume.
>you're from tumblr/reddit/are soccer mom!
Been on Sup Forums since 2006, both tumblr and reddit are shit sites that have/still host both loli and even cp. I have always hated "lolicons XD" and I always will.
I advise those that consume lolishit to really rethink your life choices and block out such evil. Seek electroshock therapy, seek the Lord, anything to get you away from that sickness. If not then find the nearest suicide method as soon as possible, there is no remorse for your kind in this life or in the next.
I am so sick and tired of these pedophile shitheads defending loli trash
Other urls found in this thread:
ye just get the real deal
End yourself.
You end me.
>It was not what you meant
I'm targeting the pedoshits on here that specifically consume loli content. You advocating for horrid things to happen with real kids is abhorrent. Kill yourself.
>If not then find the nearest suicide method as soon as possible, there is no remorse for your kind in this life or in the next.
You are correct.
Also, there are people, RIGHT NOW, on this board who unironically believe that that drawn/animated woman are better than real woman.
If it's old enough to bleed it's old enough to breed
I have thousands of years of human history on my side, you have 20th century christcuckery on yours.
spoken like a wise man
If they can distinguish fantasy from reality, they take a pass from me. And of course to keep it to themselves.
You mean thousands of years of debauchery and violation?
I think what you mean is, spoken like someone who shares my sick delusion.
Tolerating and ignoring the problem doesnt make it go away.
live and let live
you should get some real purpose in your life and stop caring about the little things
Loli is a phase. Sometimes it'll take longer to grow out of it.
One way is to do something else than just read loli H manga from the panda.
>He doesn't know this typically came out of necessity
>He doesn't know most people were wed before age 17
>Women literally married off to adolescent boys as young as possible for dowry purposes
They still coveted voluptuous features on women, they didn't actually desire the traits of pre-pubescence.
30 year old need virgin wizards fapping to 2d Japanese Loli porn was not as intended.
>yeah dude stop caring about pedophiles
>little things
You are caught in a sick delusion, take to my advice or kill yourself. There is nothing okay about you or your statement.
no there is nothing ok with you or your antipedo shitposting :3
No it's not, I found Sup Forums and loli by proxy when I was young and I never once got into it because I knew it was wrong.
Stop replying to me pedoshit, kill yourself.
Stay mad then because this isn't a hugbox we aren't going anywhere.
Well that's good for you for not wasting time, I got into it then got out of it in 3 months. It's self destructive and if you look at it at a different angle, it's autistic.
Though I don't mind the character designs and show characters. I'm talking about obsessing loli H.
As expected. Fuck off back to hell.
>This D&C thread again
You have to go back.
If youre gonna be a pedophile, do 2d cartoons
But if youre not gonna kill yourself, don't be a pedophile at all
I fail to see how any of this is a reason why it (2D loli) ought to be against the law, or why anyone should care that you don't like it. I work, pay taxes, and just want to be left alone.
I just masturbated to some, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Kek speaks. Redditfags get out.
Real proud of you.
Kek isnt real, memetics are though.
You think God is proud of you? Attempting to police what other people masturbate to, people that aren't hurting anyone? Mate God and I know that you're doing this purely for yourself, to get high on self-righteousness. Don't kid yourself
>Kek isn't real
Back to your shed.
I don't do it because, "wow I feel so superior" I speak against it because it is a major problem that I absolutely cannot stand, makes me pissed beyond anything on this Earth. Children our precious and innocent, they are our young and must be protected and taught righteously. Also I'm sure the Lord would never be okay with your sickness, I know it saddens him to see his children would produce, consume, and do this sort of shit.
Do not worship false idols.
It doesn't work unless I open it, retard, and Sup Forums doesn't have spoilers. You lose again.
Either way you can still read what's inside the image, pedoshit.
Your position is predicated on the assumption that fapping to 2d loli leads to pursuing 3d loli. There is no such link. You're on the same level as the guy who campaigned against violent video games because he thought they caused violence. No such link there either.
If your position isn't predicated on that point but rather on the basis of obscenity or something then take a cue from the libertarians and maybe don't worry about people who aren't "initiating force" on anyone else.
This, I bet he is so new to this research that thinks child molestors are the same as pedos.
Here's a pro tip, most child "molestors" are mostly homosexual and/or sexual deviants or enthusiasts anyway that want to screw anyone.
Pedos on the other hand are people that are on thin ice and verge of losing seld control because they know what they're thinking is wrong but can't help it yet they are cuck enough to not go get the undeveloped p0ssy because they probably know what will happen.
But there are these autists that take it far enough and actually do it. Look at OP for instance, probably molested hence why she's all pissy and will probably carry the disease on. This happens because thr victim will become the predator in the future thus the cycle continues.
Christcuck huh?
True. Pedophiles deserved to be killed
Barely, because blue on red and yellow is not as easy to see.
BTW, I just did it again. Oyster is a god.
Gets and idols arent the same thing.
>trying to d&c meme magic
A competitive video-game isnt the same thing as jacking it to children or depictions of children, pedoshit. Try again.
Never been diddled in my life. I have however seen the affects of pedoshits in real life on people I've known. They end up having lots of sex, drinking a ton, and doing hard drugs. Either way, even the idea of ruining a child's life is unacceptable.
Hebo is fine tho, right?
It's the exact same thing m8. Idealized fantasy =/= reality. Just like how a ton of men and women have rape fantasies but don't actually want to rape/be raped.
Turn the other cheek was a lesson taught by Christ to fight smartly, not head on. Also the kikes killed Christ.
Fucking shoot yourself.
Reminder that no one is born with pedophilia, and there is no evidence that suggests they are.
Pedophilia isn't somehow diffferent from other fetishes. You pick it up from porn overuse and reinforcement through fantasy.
You can "cure" pedophilia by giving up porn, stop fantasizing about that sick shit, and letting your sexual tastes return to normal.
Just like people can cure being attracted to traps, or cure being into scat.
Just give up the sick porn, for fucks sake.
Accursed leftists keep trying to push the idea that pedophilia is a natural orientation so they can say "look, you are on the wrong side of history. All you anti pedos are going to be looked back on like anti-homos are today"
But its not working. Everyone can see through their bullshit
In all seriousness, I don't really think that. They're not better, but they make more sense for some of us.
There is literally nothing wrong with being attracted to girls past/at puberty.
Enjoy being cucked by Christianity or whatever you are getting this from.
That isnt true, got to any sort of hentai forum and you will quickly find users ranting and raving about hot something is, and how they wish they were in that situation. Thats just one example, there are many others, another being lgbt fag forums.
End your life.
Yes that's the point of loli though in a way. If a person CAN control themselves, they won't actually go and seek kids to have sex with. Plus you have the 3DPD mentality forced in addition, no time to leave the house to those who obsess it anyway.
If they go to school, they won't have time to obsess it and it won't affect them that much anyway. I'm speaking through experience. I've seen the prolong exposure of loli H and I know how to avoid it and fix it if possible.
And yes, I know how it can ruin people's lives if someone takes advantage of a child because the fact that kids remember everything and I'm all agains that.
Was there a time you weren't attracted to children? Most likely there was, because most pedos today aren't true pedophiles. They're porn addicts. Just like faggots who love cuck porn and tranny porn, addicts become desensitized to ordinary porn, they seek ever increasing novelty to satisfy their need for a dopamine rush. Eventually many of you find yourselves fapping to young teens dancing to beyonce on youtube. You feel ashamed after, but it was such a rush indulging in something so taboo. Eventually you go further and further, until you're busted by the feds for having videos of russian toddlers being gangbanged by a herd of BBCs. You have to get a grip on your life. Look at what you've become. Don't you wish to be a man worthy of respect?
>Turn the other cheek was a lesson taught by Christ to fight smartly, not head on
So it was a lesson in kikery.
>Also the kikes killed Christ
Jews killing their own, more news at 11
the most staunch opponents of a thing are usually trying to relieve some inner struggle, do you want to lewd a sweet loli, user?
>30 year old pedophile thinks its okay to diddle little girls just cause they hit 13
Enjoy hell.
Jews hate Christianity, go back to r/Atheism.
I do not, you are using a literal fag argument. Kill yourself.
Kek, a stressed guy like you is probably going to die at 60 of heart failure but I'm going to live to 80+ fapping to loli all the way. Feels good man
>Americans not realizing they got cucked by a retarded branch of Protestantism
>muh Jews are pushing pedophilia
>Been on Sup Forums since 2006
No you havent
At least in hell there's rock and roll and ain't no Jesus Christ
You are correct partially, but most people are not attracted to children in the slightest. If you're a teen it is obvious you would be attracted to someone of your same age group, that is natural. Doesnt mean minors should be having sex and especially not pedos didding or parading such an idea as okay.
Nothing cool about hell. Enjoy your future suffering.
Pedos are pretty fuckin degenerate but I couldn't care less about lolishit. I find it kind of humorous rather than attractive or disgusting.
>implying hedonist atheists are the only ones who can oppose cuckoldry
Nice strawman, faggot.
>peace man, fuck kids!
God's gonna cut you down.
They don't. Most athiests are liberals, and most liberals are cuckolds.
They're kinda trying to force it these days with a sexual way though, look at most TV programming starring kids which targets kids.
All you get is a kidz bop rendition of "you shook me all night long" on eternal repeat and you will be surrounded by Mormons.
I know, and it is terrible.
Video heavily related for you werb pedoshits.
Got anything better?
K. Maybe I'll be a cute little girl in the next life and get to seduce handsome onii-sans.
I love that guy lmao
That's what I'm saying. Hence why you calling me an atheist is makes no sense. You simply resorted to strawmanning.
>surrounded by anyone who has ever been a member of the Mormon tabernacle choir all singing AC/DC.
Sounds like hell to me
My comment was just a shitty reference to a song. I was only pretending to be retarded my dude.
Moot and Snacks fought a lot, Sup Forums was at it's pinnacle, I think Fox ran that report on Sup Forums with the exploding van, caturday, so ronery, Anime Central, and lots of OC. Internet Hate Machine, and lots of others.
>Reincarnation with God around
That's not how it works.
These are stuff easy to find out user, I mean, I don't really care when you started browsing but one way to prove is a screeny of the date of your first pic saved unless you have formatted your computer or something.
Lots of my old stuff is long gone on forgotten or dead hard drives. Wish I still had them though, lots of relics.
There were actually mentions of reincarnation in ancient christian texts, do you seriuosly believe that the Bible has not lost things in translation/editing? Even if it were originally verbatim the word of God it's not anymore. Look at the "in the beginning there was the Word and the Word was God" passage for example. The original "Logos" has a lot more meaning than just "Word".
I know that feel user ;_; they were good days.
For sure.
> he can look up history of memes on the google
if you've been here that long you'd know not to make shit threads like this
They were simpler times, now it kinda feels like everyone's become really jaded
>unironically defending thoughtcrime because "muh children!"
you're such a fag dude
I've said before and I'll say it again, pedos need to be slaughtered. I was never banned for posting such a thread either.
>unironically defending pedophiles because muh cummies!
Neck yourself.
We live in a time when fun and jokes are irony and "the next dank meme" because of the normals getting their hands on it and spreading it around. That and in general, society has gotten shittier.
serious question. i used to crush and want to fuck clarissa from tv show clarissa explains it all.. also blossom. sexy fashionable older women.
however i looked back on yt for the nostelgia and thought 'fuck their young' realising who young i was in the 90's (35 now). i got uncomfortable because i remembers the lusty feelings i had as a child but now see them as young girls. obviously i don't want to in anyway want to fuck childern... that's for neckbeards, sickos and fags but is it normal to feel uncomfortable this way?
don't shoot up another public place pls.
i mean does anyone here remember sabrina the teenage witch, the talking cat and even the movie spinoffs? pwoorrrrrh. her aunts were pure milf.