What are Sup Forumss opinion on r/The_Donald?
Are they fully redpilled?
Do any of you contribute to the shitposting?
What are Sup Forumss opinion on r/The_Donald?
Are they fully redpilled?
Do any of you contribute to the shitposting?
Other urls found in this thread:
>having a reddit account
go back faggot
some members are, but I understand their decision to not talk about it, or else the subreddit could be axed, not to mention the negative press, it would be a feast for the cucks
>bunch of 15 year olds reposting the same memes over and over
about as redpilled as 4/pol/ i guess.
TD is an even bigger hugbox than Sup Forums. super insane mods and a massive echo chamber. stay the fuck away
reddit trash and now about 50% of posters.
They're newfags.
They refuse to lurk.
They don't even tits and timestamp.
And they constantly spam "AMAs" and respond to these shit threads.
Fuck reddit.
sounds familiar...
What are they bitching about today? Did they get hacked or something?
Trump shitposts there from time to time, so it's good to lurk. He did an AMA there once.
>inb4 t. redditor
like the rest of that shithole a huge circlejerk.
>muh upvotes
They're not redpilled.
But they're a fantastic entry point into the path of redpilling. Ignore all the faggots here saying:
>kek, reddit
>you have to go back
The truth is none goes from normie to Hitler in a second. It takes time to digest new information and it happens step by step. As a redpilled former disgusting leftist cuck before Sup Forums I have spent quite a lot of time on t_d as well as consuming other cuckservative/anti-sjw/anti-pc stuff like Steven "Gas the Kikes" Crowder, Rebel Media, etc.
It's just the way it is. Don't punch right, you idiots.
a threads vote count got reset after it made it to the top of r/all
responded by spamming the same image to plaster the front page
Not redpilled in the slightest. They support Israel and don't believe in the JQ.
The only good thing about The_Donald is that they spam r/all sometimes.
Unlike most of Reddit, I don't think users of T_D fancy their upboat orgy subreddit as an actual place for discussion. They just like to have fun and troll leftists. As long as that's the case, they're all right in my book.
My first shitpost x) please upvote!
Wonderful sub to troll libcucks. The energy there could power multiple nuclear reactors
They are cucks. They can see the problems that face the world and just suck Trumps ass and just hope he will do everything right and go back to their bluepilled reality. At least most bluepilled people are too stupid to see what's going on. They know the problems that face us and take the easy way out clinging to the first straw that is dangled in front of them. Not saying Trump is bad but they are as deluded as the Reagan supporters if they think we are done yet.
Long time poster here, I only joined reddit when T_D started to become popular. It's a normie version of Sup Forums but they're decently redpilled.
They don't have as much content due to the system of reddit, since it promotes old content, and extreme ideas are usually downvoted or never get traction to make it to the top
Hard not to punch right when the subreddit's mods are convinced that the Altright is to the left.
I wish I was kidding.
Sup Forums is slightly better because, while this place is fanatical trump cock-suckers, at least you can sometimes criticize him or the right here.
on t_d you'll just instantly get permabanned for not following the sheep
Who gives a shit about what they think or want? Actions have consequences that go beyond what said actions were intended to do, and what they're doing (making fun of libtards, feminists, sjws, pc culture, etc) has the unintended consequence of pushing people, especially disillusioned former leftists, to the (real) far right. And these people make the most fanatic right wing supporters you could ask for. Case in point, you are talking to one right now.
>"The useful idiots, the leftists, [...] when they get disillusioned they become the worst enemies."
I got banned for saying "Is it me or is there an echo in here?" in a thread about Israel.
They're useful, but they're not us.
They served their purpose
They are not redpilled
They are basically liberals slightly more right than other liberals
Fuck that
TD is being shit on by cuckolds aka reddit mods.
Theyr Posts are being hid 247 since cuckolds aka reddit mods cant face le trutherino that Trump might invade their safespace.
P.S' haven posted here in a while, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CAPTCHAAAAAAA
I got permabanned for basically no reason at all. Don't even know what I did. It said ''sending harassing pms'' while the only PM I send was to some cucklord who messaged me in the first place.
T_D mods are probably brain damaged retards.
They are cucked