Opinions on Matt Heimbach

What's everyone's take on this guy? Is he an austist who genuinely thinks he's helping? Or is he playing a game of gaining attention in exchange for being a perfect cartoon for the SPLC/ADL?

Enoch suggested people join Heimbach's 'movement', which I think is a terrible idea.

Heimbach, if you read this: Drop the LARP, focus on supporting your family, return to your actual tradition of authentic, pre-reform Catholicism. Hit the gym and win people over with respectable charisma.

Saying kike every 14th word on top of your presentation is an ADL dream. Pic related.

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What's that flag?

looks just like a russian flag with russian eagle. It is weird, if he's going to bother putting the eagle he might as well have the gold, white and black.

it's the russian flag and the one on his chest is hezbollah.


at least matt is winning the race war.
he has a daily podcast.

>the gold, white and black.
Created by a kike from Germany
>praising Russian Federation
US/UK/France anti-white tier

Why does he have Russian flag?

I believe he's Russian Orthodox (not ethnically Russian, of course).

he is exactly like how imagine american posters on here, fat mutt praising roossiya

Not racially white either. What the fuck is wrong with these 'white' nationalist LARPers?


He's even a neckbeard

He is fat, ugly and unappealing. Any wannabe leader needs to first take care of himself.
Even if he wasn't fat, he'd still be some weird subhuman with dark hair and eyes.
Enoch said to do something? Pic related.

>not racially white
Almost Sweden-tier light features

The American Journal of Human Genetics (Volume 82, Issue 1, 10 January 2008, p. 236-250)

Yes, he's White. Is he Nordic? No.

A lot of (((anonymous))) people are trying to divide Whites so that they fight amongst themselves, whether they're Slavic, Nordic, Celtic, etc. I don't buy into that (((conspiracy))).

Matthew is White.
He's Christian.
He's not a LARPer. He lives on his own, in a little White community among fellow White Nationalists. On top of this he sticks out his neck for us. He was there in Detroit protesting against that mentally ill White boy who was terrorized by four Blacks. Is that LARPing? Is living a healthy life promoting White unity LARPing? Is speaking out against Zionism and Jewish Supremacism LARPing? Is ruining your entire career and name for the sake of telling the truth, and being GENUINE to yourself considered LARPing? He created the White Students Union, Traditionalist Youth Network, and now the Traditional Workers Party, is this LARPing?

You may disagree with him, but he's not faking it.
Or would you rather he makes anonymous posts on Sup Forums for him to be considered "A TRUE ARYAN WARRIOR"? lol.

>white nationalist
>dated jewish girl Ashley Rae Goldenberg for 2 years
Yeah he's /ourguy/

well he isnt a kike like the trs crew ... so far. Im skeptical that ghoul is/was/is kinda wonder if his vanguard thing is part of the vnn.

He is a fat piece of shit that didn't show up in California when that shit went down over the summer. So he isn't G.L. Rockwell tier.

>Enoch suggested people join Heimbach's 'movement', which I think is a terrible idea.

What he said was that if people think that it is the right org for them then they should join. He wasn't advertising it, it is just that some of their forum members said they were thinking of moving over to his LARP group.

he was coordonating the operation from his bunker.
that's how his crew won despite being outnumbered 10 to 1.

>living a healthy life

He is obese.

i forgot about her she used to post here with her khazar milkers plopped out

Romania, sigh, no, go to bed. When you grow up and act like Vlad I'll talk to you again.

he's powerlifting

Powerlifting fucking dounuts.

one does not become a militia leader and march on washington by attending an ambush.

at least he's doing something.
what have you done for the white race lately?

He's not obese. I agree he's chubby/fat.

What I mean is he doesn't do drugs, he doesn't drink excessively, he's pro-family, he's Christian, he doesn't use vile language, etc. That, to me, is a healthy form of living. And that's more than I can say about these so-called Nat Socs.

You (are you ANTIFA? SPLC, or what?) might not like him, but at least respect him for what he's doing for our people. What are YOU doing?

every political movement stratifies like this, its completely normal. I can honestly say I support everyone from PJW and Cernovitch to Hiemback and Anglin

If you are a leftoid you can join extremely cringey literal Maoist communist groups who LARP about murdering business people, or be in a shitty bernout subreddit, they are all still dragging the country generally towards communism.

we all need to work together to drag the country towards demographic stability and nationalism


> You (are you ANTIFA? SPLC, or what?)

> implying you need to be Antifa to appreciate all their god's work

Stormniggers must all fucking hang.

Supreme autist, like most alt-right white nationalist larping faggots.

i can almost guarantee he's obese, i'm near the threshold for obese (6 feet, 225lbs) and i'm way slimmer than him

More than you, you fucking gyp.

So, you admit it. Good (((boy))).

He's a fucking talking head. Anyone who gets featured in the media so prominently is suspect as fuck.

you ain't doing nothing, loser.

Funny how many of these American figureheads wouldn't even pass as Western European.
Never accept anyone as a white nationalist leader who looks closer to a semite than an Aryan. That will be an important part of our defense against infiltration.

Aww you are a gyp.


now what's the next part of your master plan?

Get out of here, you antichrist Jew.

i will make you regret every letter in that post.

Make me you fucking faggot

I don't care.


better run.
i'll take out your family, white boy.


That is some nigger level effort put into the cross and sign. I'm surprised there aren't any typos. Anyone with respect for himself and his cause would be ashamed to pose in this picture.

Ive never listened to the dude but I wouldnt knock him for that. Dating a jewess could be fun to fuck your frustrations out on, some are really hot after all the work they get done too (Im not going to post a pic and give them free propaganda)

I have no quarrels with ruining jewish women


Eat it stormnig this is now a JIDF thread

shut your whore mouth

Be nice, let him worship his turkish rape baby mongol white nationalist.

I'm not trying to sew division. I personally think Matt has good intentions.

But come on. I gave him the benefit if the doubt and looked into his group. You cannot tell me that he presents a serious face to anything.

My perspective on advancing things: Personal improvement. Being fit and financially stable are prerequisites to leading anything. And particularly in the US, you have to be attractive to exude leadership.

I believe that once you personally improve in thise ways I mentiones, you can take over the GOP at the local level. Hanging out with skinheads, many of whom are undoubtedly trouble makers and even FBI informants, is NEVER going to attract normal, middle class white families. Screaming kike, talking in buzzwords, LARPing as Orthodox (after being excommunicated from it) etc are all a priori instant turn offs.

That's my take.

Also if I misunderstood Enoch in his Rebel Yell appearance, I stand corrected.


i personally think you're a fag and i will take out your family if you keep posting bullshit.

You're not Christian though. You don't need money and extravaganza to preach the Word of God.

Unlike the bitch (((Merkel))), you are talking to a true German here, Gypsy. If ad hominem attacks are all you're good for, better kill yourself.


i will bomb the shit out your house and take out your family.
you'll regret every letter in that post.

I know it's a bummer to live with those Gypsie genes. No need to attack others.

Feeling a bit inferior, are we?

retards come in pairs

>Jesus loves you
>What he REALLY believes: Jesus only loves white people

That's why he got excommunicated by his orthoshit sect

Wrong. He's not a Christian Identist.

He got excommunicated because of his White Nationalist/separatist ("racist") beliefs. Ironically, the Orthodox Church would've agreed with him 50 to 60 years ago. Either way, atheists and other degenerate pagans love to bring this up -- but what do they care? They're not Christian! Martin Luther was excommunicated by the Catholic Church, did he stop being Christian? Nope.

I want to fuck his big furry ass and blow a load all over his beard.

México, I think there's more to it. Orthodox clergy are actually much more corrupt than ours, despite the perception. They are also significantly more liberal, in a formal and open sense.

I'd imagine the Bishop got wind of Heimbach and kicked him out before bad press set in. The irony is that our Bishops, as bad as they are, in most cases would just say 'this guy hold no Church office or affiliation', but not do any excommunication.

Heimbach despite what he claims does bash Catholicism, which is interesting considering that the Pope is the Patriarch of the West, even if we reject Papal rank. Fyi I think Francis is an Antipope.

>Ironically, the Orthodox Church would've agreed with him 50 to 60 years ago
Is that why ethnophyletism got declared a heresy in 1872?

No idea who this guy is but from the picture I am guessing he is a guy who lives in a shitty house (vinyl wood sidings) in a semi-rural area. His beard and clothing indicate autism. His wall decorations also indicate a historical affinity and autism. It is pretty obvious he is an American too (not squatting next to imperial russian flag).

I'm guessing Sup Forums likes him because he says "based" things or Sup Forums dislikes him because he has a painting of his wife's son on the wall.

bro, please. have some respect for special agent heimbach.

> doesn't know what phyletism is.

Nearly every sect understands what the Tower of Babel and Babylon (confusion by mixing) means. Since Matthew didn't believe in multiculturalism (Babylon) - he got excommunicated. It's that simple. The Orthodox Church, much like the Catholics and Protestants CHANGE with the times. Does it make it right? No. Did he get excommunicated because of ethno phyletism? No. Did he get excommunicated because of his "racist" beliefs? Yes. Again, the Russian Orthodox Church would've agreed with his anti Babel/Babylonian views 50 to 60 years ago. As a matter of fact, most Christians sects would agree as well! Which is why todays world is compared to Babylon, EVEN in the Book of Revelation! Because we're CONFUSED (by intermixing)!

Leaf, address the fact that the Catholic bishops, as odious as they are, would not actually deny someone Communion on the pretense that the Orthodox bishop did. Makes you wonder how 'based' they really are.

I won't defend either Orthodoxy or Catholicism, because they're both just as corrupt as any other sect (I myself am Presbyterian). Every single Church out there is teaching evil, vile, blasphemous things. The Catholic and Protestant churches here have gay flags hanging out there congregations. We need a massive revival. We need to PRAY for each other.

He's extremely autistic with a nasally voice and a huge neckbeard. No, Matt, America isn't going to become some autistic fascist Orthodox theocracy ethnostate.

That being said, the guy has balls.

He needs to lose weight. I like his speeches, desu, they're rather uplifting. I cringe when he starts mentioning the Jews, which he isn't wrong on, but it just seems out of place and too forward. His Traditional Workers Party isn't going anywhere unfortunately. I think he's a bit of a clown but at the same time I admire him to a degree.

I honestly think the TWP isn't very successful is because they're trying to appeal to more pagan/atheistic/National Socialist-leaning Whites. He's broadening a bit too much, and unfortunately (in my opinion) gathering the wrong crowd. Whereas Trad Youth was more Christ centred. It was much more uplifting, and positive. My opinion.

jesus was literally a dirt-poor carpenter you dumb cuck.

jesus was a kike on a stick

you're going to need some facts for that assertion

Omg Jeff Schoep, holy shit it's been years

it's not gonna happen

>What's everyone's take on this guy?

My honest opinion and I swear I'm not trolling: I don't even consider him white.


Fascists like Matthew Heimbach and you will be slaughtered by socialists for calling for genocide of all people who are different to you.

But I do respect Matthew for showing his face unlike you anonymous losers. Matthew and his ilk will be the first to go down during the revolution.

just.. fat

>Ashley Rae Goldberg

he's a strongman

Need to shave, work out, and start wearing suits if he wants to ruin a respectable political movement

> He literally said NOTHING about slaughter or causing violence to other peoples
> I literally said NOTHING about slaughter or violence to other peoples
> We literally said NOTHING about slaughter or violence to other peoples

Nice ad-hominem attack you ANTIFA faggot.

He's a big goy.

Hey Aussi, I have shown my face, but stopped once it became clear that the 'movement' was being led by highly questionable people (ehem, Mr Richard 'let's bring the Atlantic into a speech laced with LARPy NatSoc imagery' Spencer). I also had better sense than to say KIKE NIGGER every few seconds, bash Christianity, or come off as a cringe flake.

Again, I think matt means well. But be honest: Do you really think we are going anywhere with his presentation and skinhead friends?

Honestly, give me one citation. Please. Give me one. Just one! Or are you talking out of your ass and fear-mongering as you (((people))) normally do?

Hey I have an idea, lets prove we're the most hardcore right by tearing down anybody that's putting themselves out there promoting our ideas. Let's call them Jews and shills and LARPers and agents and say they aren't actually white. That will really grow the movement and cause others to step forward to lead.

Is it just me or does that sound fucking retarded.

Does wearing a Hezbollah shirt and saying Inchallah on a podcast sound like a non-retarded idea?

It does sound retarded. Most of these comments are made by ANTIFA/SPLC trolls. The truth to the matter is, Matthew has a lot of supporters. He was in Chicago with other White Nationalists protesting about the mentally ill White boy that was tortured by four Africans. They wanted justice.

Anyone associated with Enoch is a jew.

Francis is an Antipope, but that doesn't make "Orthodox" less heretics.

And I know. A living proof is Mons. Richard Williamson. He openly denies the Holocaust.

>Mike "make love, not war with kikes" Enoch suggested it
Gee, I wonder why it sounds like a retarded idea.

Is there YouTube? I'm glad to take a look and keep an open mind. I hope that his presentation in street demos has improved.

They have't improved in my opinion, because (as I've said earlier) in the Traditionalist Youth Network he was more centred towards Christ. Nowadays he's gaining favour with other White Nationalist groups (some really dicey ones).

Here's his YT channel: youtube.com/watch?v=ehtiIWsM1Jc

In any case, I wish him the best.

Heimbach is loved by the media precisely because he's unimpressive.

I think his heart is in the right place. Physically, he's no Richard Spencer.

Not fucking Jews or praising Muslims and don't look like a neckbeard. This is a really fucking small list of requirements, yet you fags can't seem to stick by it.

Right, and I actually trust that Heimbach has a more sincere heart than Spencer, in all honesty. Spencer is pro-homo, anti-Church, and promotes 'will to power.' He is also in favor of a pan-European enterprise, which is ridiculous for two reasons. First, the notion that ethnic lines are unimportant is absurd. Second, it's doubly embarrassing for an American to dictate terms to Europe.

He's an Eastern Orthodox LARPing faggot.

>muh beard makes me manly
>muh eagles holding swords
>muh "folk"
>muh death to America
>muh let's call ourselves Avalonians

Pathetic fat faggot. I'd be surprised if he wasn't an ADL shill.