2nd Edition
Last night's game was cut sadly short by fate.
Let's not allow that to happen, again, no?
Pls include religion, and don't fuck up bonus or -3 territories
2nd Edition
Last night's game was cut sadly short by fate.
Let's not allow that to happen, again, no?
Pls include religion, and don't fuck up bonus or -3 territories
Red or any
start in milano
also orthodox
Alright OP its your friendlt neighbourhood Styxhexenhammer666 here, i like to wear dark clothing so start me as that black or grey. This time i am feeling like living in dreary old england so start me in London.
Gambian Expansion Crew
fug i fugged it up
Gray and Estonia
Or just Gambia if you want to make it simple
start in Egypt
German Empire
any color
Also religion: Pagan
praise wodan
>Holy Empire
>Spain-France border
NAP or alliance?
Tatar Khanate
Start on the wheat in ukraine. If not possible, then Kiev
Any Colour
Also color dark green
We can be allies, the Holy Empire respects the Orthodox church
Mediterranean Alliance?
Alliance, my friendo?
لك الكثير ربما اعتقد هذا هو ذات الصلة. مجرد إهدار ثلاثين ثانية من حياتك.
>wops and spics are forming an alliance
Where are you going to expand in the future?
>mudslime moon runes
Allahu Akbar
Fine by me
محمد. الثناء له أن يكون لا توصف.
Kek has not chosen a religion so therefore he will have to convert for 5 points to play
1/4 turns for Islamic expansion bonus
Charles Martel, of Francia
>Dark Blue
or else some other blue
Parthia purple Zoroastrianism baghdad.
furthest south id go is belarus/poland, im willing to split russia.
focus on taking german cities and filling out germany
take torino, then monaco, then marseilles, spills to bern
Aw damn baghdad and yellow are taken ill go with orange istanbul
ملء مدينة أخرى في العراق. ثم انتقل إلى مكة المكرمة.
Advance towards Constantine and take it, then spill to Tunis
Take Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa and Sevastopol
Very well, I declare an alliance between Baltanica and the Tatar Khanate
Darius lets make an alliance
Take Riga, Expand towards saint Petersburg
Head to Madrid, after that go north for weath
My vote for Pope is for The Holy Empire, I'm the only Catholic, sadly.
If I can start controling the Crusader State move it to Switzerland
تحالف أخي بنت.
>tfw no one wants to be my ally
Ignore this
Take sarjevo, then Budapest
spill for wien
I take bucharest with my sights set on budapest
use some of it to fill in lithuania and kallinngrad
If spills, take Rostov on Don
If I can roll this turn expand towards Athens
>putting jewish filth on germanic lands
Hey germany ill be your ally
I called Istanbul
Can I join? Is it too late?
OP needs to update the map
Use >> You fucking newfag
We can have a sort of an NAP in case war brakes out between you and the othre Mediteranean states and I eventually get a chunk of Europe
so long as you help be get rid of the jewish threat
Reminder I am SPQR's and Holy Empire's allies
Oh nvm germany i forgot i allied with Darius.
religion: stick worshipers
start me off near perm
you can have more then one since this maps alliances arent binding
Start me in Ankara then..
cardiff then birmingham
How am I a traitor?
اليهود هم أسوأ تهديد من بعضها البعض. يجب علينا إبادتهم
Nvm I'm jewish now
start off near perm
كنت لا أكثر من ذلك. وضع التحالفات بك في اسمك
Oh shit i just realized my religion is not an option, i am now islamic
In den ofen Juden
the balkans are mine
t. abdul
الموت للكفار
2/4 expansion bonus Islam
Please don't speak in Arabic, I don't want to go through the trouble of translating that shit for poorly written arabic
Leeds, dublin, glasgow. Spills fills territories
Sarajevo, Budapest. Wien
Head for Tunis
defend if attacked
take monaco, marseilles
spills to firenze and san marino
Grab Ankara, spill towards grabbing Athens
Take that city in moldavia, along with Iasi. Then go for Rostov. Spills go towards Voronezh
first to Copenhagen then to frankfurt
expand towards Minsk
OP you left me out, I control istanbul not the crusaders
>الملصق الأصلي هو كافر
Fill Arabia and Iraq
Spill all the other countries.
Wew, it won't let me say duhblos, fill the land inbetween, then jew Sardegna (cagliari)
I take sofia
wew getting too close to my italian clay
Head north for weath and the go to Paris
Please check bonuses of the Crusader State and fill the rest os Switzerland,then go east for Austria
That's all I'm taking
In fact, can I change this to Sicily?
wew no rerolls and gtfo from sicily
Im sad OP gave istanbul to the crusaders, its almost a declaration of war.
Where did I roll? It's just spill.
Does say use >>
which you have barely done.
Damn, am I glad to see a risk thread
I'd like to join if possible
Nationalist European Alliance
Northern Norway and Sweden
Neon Green
sorry darius im a newfag :/